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Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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21 minutes ago, jaesana said:

i think that we're a pretty spoiled fanbase.

the longest we have waited for a lana album was between lust for life and nfr - which was only 2 years.

ocean blvd came out a year and a half ago. i just really don't understand the complaints for this delay... girl just got married. like we need to relax. :bebe:



she’s a human not a machine! Plus, every single era since NFR she has said she’s burnt out/lacking inspiration and then proceeds to release a full album. I think she deserves to take a break for once, and she isn’t even taking that much of a break, we just got a brand new single/video 3 months ago. Most artists 10+ years in the game are releasing their 4th or 5th album, she’s already on her 10th album so I don’t care if she’s not in a rush to release. It’ll come when it comes. 

"Don’t forget me"

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22 minutes ago, jaesana said:

i think that we're a pretty spoiled fanbase.

the longest we have waited for a lana album was between lust for life and nfr - which was only 2 years.

ocean blvd came out a year and a half ago. i just really don't understand the complaints for this delay... girl just got married. like we need to relax. :bebe:

it’s because she gave us false hope:thumb:like im sure lasso will be coming out in 2025 but why announce it a year before with deadlines that won’t be reached - like september it was never gonna be done by then 

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8 minutes ago, dexter said:

it’s because she gave us false hope:thumb:like im sure lasso will be coming out in 2025 but why announce it a year before with deadlines that won’t be reached - like september it was never gonna be done by then 

as a veteran lana fan… you just have to get used to that :smokes:


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17 minutes ago, dexter said:

it’s because she gave us false hope:thumb:like im sure lasso will be coming out in 2025 but why announce it a year before with deadlines that won’t be reached - like september it was never gonna be done by then 


I really feel like the deadlines were achievable when she said it but something shifted when the crowd didn't react the way she wanted them to and then she got preoccupied with her relationship :rollin:

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46 minutes ago, jaesana said:

i think that we're a pretty spoiled fanbase.

the longest we have waited for a lana album was between lust for life and nfr - which was only 2 years.

ocean blvd came out a year and a half ago. i just really don't understand the complaints for this delay... girl just got married. like we need to relax. :bebe:

the annoyance doesn't come from the waits as such for me, as OB still sounds as fresh as ever and it is more than enough to tide me over, but instead from the flip-flopping and lies about release dates. i have been around long enough to know she has been doing it since the UV days, so it’s not a shock, but it is frustrating to be told something and then not hear a peep until the date comes and goes. even a 'sorry it’s not coming' would suffice and we could all move on with our lives 

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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3 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

even a 'sorry it’s not coming' would suffice

à la chemtrails livestream or BB album cover post on july 4th

the earth shattered, the sky opened


that rain was fire, but we were wooden

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37 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

the annoyance isn't the wait itself for me, because OB still seems so fresh and that's more than enough to keep me going, but rather the flip-flopping and lying about release dates. i've been around long enough to know she's been doing it since the UV days, so it's not a shock, but it's frustrating to be told something and not hear a word until the date comes and goes. even a "sorry, it's not happening" would suffice and we could all move on with our lives 

I would trust a TAP secretary more today than Lana for details on upcoming releases; in fact, she doesn't care about the timing of the releases, she doesn't  need to know because  in any case for 5 years she hasn't accompanied these single and album releases with any promotion.

for the last single she had taken the trouble to repost Quavo but on reflection she thought it was still too much so she removed the post


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7 hours ago, Embach said:

To be honest this era hasn't even started yet. For me an era starts with a lead single. NFR started when MAC dropped, COTCC started when Let Me Love You dropped, Banisters started when those three singles dropped and Ocean Blvd started when the title track dropped. But the thought when are we getting something is lowkey scaring me :bebe: This time it feels so different somehow, like we've got like no idea at all, the hints are not hinting at all, that Jack interview was kind of the one which killed my hope. In February he said that it's going to be amazing and said a lot of hype stuff but like a week ago he said it's a story for another day which he can't talk about :adele:

Me too. It's getting too exhausting to invest so much energy in what amounts to disinformation, release information we know is foolish to place any stock in, and then silence.


That's why I increasingly feel all the 'tease the Stans' BS is so 2010. It's outlived its usefulness and playfulness, if it was ever useful. For me, it's better not to care at all until the album drops and I can listen. 

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1 hour ago, jaesana said:

i think that we're a pretty spoiled fanbase.

the longest we have waited for a lana album was between lust for life and nfr - which was only 2 years.

ocean blvd came out a year and a half ago. i just really don't understand the complaints for this delay... girl just got married. like we need to relax. :bebe:

We are incredibly lucky indeed. Lady Gaga will release her 7th album next year and she’s been around longer than Lana. I do get the complaints about her false dates and vague statements, they are valid, but in the end, I have to remind myself that we do get albums very often, compared to other fanbases (I think it’s only the Swifties who get more releases than we do, honestly). 

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It's not the wait between albums, it's being fed consistently wrong information by Lana and her team. It's not a good sign when a person, artist, or team never learns from the past--and in this case, the recent and continuous past--though of course I realize her managers can't and don't muzzle her or control her in any way.


I wouldn't care if it were 3-4 years between albums, which is what we may be looking at due to her marriage and the potential children that may arise from it.  


That is, if she decides to remain in the business at all, which I suspect she will if she does have kids. 



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16 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

We are so lucky. Lady Gaga is releasing her 7th album next year and she has been around longer than Lana. I understand the complaints about her fake dates and vague statements, they are valid, but at the end of the day I have to remind myself that we release albums very often, compared to other fans (I think it's only Swifties who release albums more than us, honestly). 

I already have 8 albums (5  solos : the fame, born this way, art pop, joanne, chromatica plus 2 with tony bennett) 2  complete soundtracks  (star his born, Harlequin ) and an ep (the fame monster)  for gaga

for lana currently marketed there are only 8 albums and one ep; in comparison we are missing 2  soundtracks

These are objective elements (in very bad faith because aka has already been marketed and many mother monsters albums have little or no original works )

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1 hour ago, ultrabanisters said:

the annoyance doesn't come from the waits as such for me, as OB still sounds as fresh as ever and it is more than enough to tide me over, but instead from the flip-flopping and lies about release dates. i have been around long enough to know she has been doing it since the UV days, so it’s not a shock, but it is frustrating to be told something and then not hear a peep until the date comes and goes. even a 'sorry it’s not coming' would suffice and we could all move on with our lives 

This is what I mean!!!


If she wouldn’t have said anything about Lasso, I wouldn’t care! But it’s annoying how we always get false hope. I’m seated and I’m ready for her to release it when she wants, people are right she isn’t a robot she’s got a lot going on atm, BUT… instead of leaving us hanging she just needs to release a quick lil statement or insta update to tell us wtf is going on 😭😭

28 minutes ago, JDaniel said:

I already have 8 albums (5  solos : the fame, born this way, art pop, joanne, chromatica plus 2 with tony bennett) 2  complete soundtracks  (star his born, Harlequin ) and an ep (the fame monster)  for gaga

for lana currently marketed there are only 8 albums and one ep; in comparison we are missing 2  soundtracks

These are objective elements (in very bad faith because aka has already been marketed and many mother monsters albums have little or no original works )

+ films & tv shows 


I forget how much I love Gaga sometimes she’s such a qween 

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Yeah the complete silence on her socials don’t help. I miss the days of her private insta where she’d give little glimpses in to how her mind is currently working 


I mean she met somebody and married him and nobody even had the slightest inclination because she’s been such a closed book this year 

like a dream, you glide on the water 


and like a star, I shine from the shore 

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2 hours ago, Vertimus said:

It's not the wait between albums, it's being fed consistently wrong information by Lana and her team. It's not a good sign when a person, artist, or team never learns from the past--and in this case, the recent and continuous past--though of course I realize her managers can't and don't muzzle her or control her in any way.



I don't think they do that on purpose. There are usually real causes and difficulties behind this, such as delays in vinyl production or changes in trends. That's probably why they're giving out less information now. The first single release might already come with the exact date for the album, and they want to wait until they're sure. 


But it could also be a tactic to keep the competition in the dark.

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As an older fan, I’m used to the delays. I learned to accept and expect it at this point, so i don’t really care anymore. it will come when it comes. The only reason I initially thought it might not take as long this time, is because she’s been working on this for almost 5 years now. I’m really not bothered though because girly has a life and has been pumping out albums consistently for over a decade now. I don’t mind her taking a little break if it means the album will be better and she’s more proud of her work. We really are pretty spoiled so I respect her decisions. I do kinda wish she didn’t even mention lasso back in February and held off until she was more ready



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I don't mind waiting, I just really hope she doesn't let outside influence get to her too much. She's been working on this album for years and Jack called it brilliant, and I believe that it will be. She's never been one to follow trends so she shouldn't let a lacklustre reaction to the album announcement change that. This seems to be unpopular, but I really was/am looking forward to her take on country.

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Yeah, as people were saying before, the waiting is not the problem. There has been much music from different artists to appease me. But what bugs me is the lack of silence. Usually, if artists announce an album, within the pre-release period they drop singles, they drop tiny teasers, do interviews. But Lana has not done none of that. Besides a few interviews, but even in those interviews she seems confused and unsure what Lasso is going to be. It's like she's feeding us things to get her off her back until she finds out what works for her. And that's completely fine! Billie Eilish did that same thing with her 2024 album. People had to wait three whole years without any news of an album. The difference though was, Billie was feeding us with content. Singles, unidentified features on songs, soundtracks. She did interviews and remain connected with her fans. But with Lana, she hasn't really done that with this era. Granted, she did Coachella earlier in the year, she gave a few small interviews like with Vogue, she got awards as well. Heck-- she even dropped a single with Quavo. So, it's not like she has completely left us off in the deep end. But there has been no real promo for Lasso.

Sure, Lana is going to perform at Stagecoach, but what's to say she doesn't cancel like she's been doing a lot this year. And sure, we got Henry, Come On snippet, but who's to say that will even be on the album. Especially with all the rumors going on that it's not going to be on the final album, or no acknowledgement from Lana about that snippet since. with her married, I don't consider that a problem because many artists get marry or even have a baby and still do an album rollout, but it's just the lack of activeness with her community, with her music, and with her fans as of these past months. And this is not me trying to be ungrateful for what Lana has done this year. Because yes, she dropped Tough, I still jam to that time from time, and yes, she ended her tour two months ago, we've gotten content from that. But I would really like for her to reevaluate how she does things, IN TERMS OF, promotion and canceling things the last minute.

All this to say, this is geared to Lasso specifically and not what else she is doing in terms of music. So don't come at my head too much lol LEAD SINGLE COMING NEXT WEEK YALL :thumb:

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