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What Do You Think of ANTM?

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I love reality TV and fashion, so itโ€™s entertaining to me. The older episodes are pretty ruthless though ย :um3:




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The only good thing that ever came out of antm Is Allison Harvard. It was an extremely predatory and abusive show though. A lot of women got basically traumatized being on it and Tyra would purposefully humiliate a lot of them for absolutely no reasonย 

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Ashamed to admit I finished a full rewatch of the series with my bf recentlyย :toofloppy:ย I was obsessed as a preteen, kept notebooks with my own callout order + commentary as I watched the cycles (which I bet would be hilarious to read now!!!).ย 


Itโ€™s definitely a show that declined the longer it went on, but cycles 1-8 or so are must-see, imo, even with their share of problems. Tyra is so much more self-obsessed and insane than I remembered, which stays entertaining even when the showโ€™s at its worst lmfao


Also, canโ€™t recommend the recap/discussion podcast Pod Ledom enough! They embrace ANTMโ€™s insanity and are hilarious but also unpack a lot of the dated/downright awful aspects of the show. Itโ€™s become kind of an essential companion piece for me!



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I used to binge watch the Australian one as a preteen-early teenager. No idea why because I'm not even Australian. I haven't watched any version since those days (which was a long time ago). In retrospect the American one specificallyย is so toxicย 

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I remember watching these (different country versions)ย when I was a kid. I was so happy when my favorite ones won. I also loved the fashion and make-up discourse there. To be honest, peak reality TV was in the late 2000s and early 2010s for me. Different generations all coming together just toย live for random stranger people who were not celebrities, I miss those simpler times.


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It's iconic and some of the best reality TV ever. I still watch it sometimes. It definitely has its share of problems and dated narratives, but that is mostly a reflection of where society was at the time. So with that in mind, and not taking the show so seriously, it's still enjoyable.


And I do think the show had impact on shedding light on different types of beauty than what some people were used to. Tyra casted girls from all walks of life, racially and culturally, even casting girls with disabilities and transgender models.ย 

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