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Stoned Mary in the Garden

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  1. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Dark City in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Meet me in the pale moonlight is the best BTD outtake, and Starry Eyed is the best Paradise Outtake !!!
  2. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Pink Champagne does not suit COTCC at all, Let Me Love You suits COTCC perfectly. PC is Ultraviolence all over, it wouldn't have suited the folksy soundscape of COTCC
    Although while I love PC more, I still love the warmth of LMLYLAW.
    I consider PC and LMLYLAW two different songs because the difference is like 180 degrees.
    And people like to blame Jack for the change while I totally feel it was Lana behind the change because well...it was so Lana, the way she promoted that song as putting it as the lead single with a performance at Jimmy Fallon's show.
  3. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I get this is unpopular lana opinions… but this is just a sick, sick take 
  4. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    unpopular for a reason 
  5. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Eugene in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    because is AKA Lizzy Grant...
  6. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by EstelsDream in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    NFR isn't her best album  (fight me idc)
  7. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by HeyBlueBaby in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I know we all love Pink Champagne - but I can't disregard the final. I think the fact that she reworked it to be a more lighthearted and somewhat romantic song versus this brooding and agonizing song speaks to her personal growth and change as a person and an artist.
    And it's so amazing to witness.
    People blaming Jack for Lana's style nowadays is totally misguided anger. This was always the direction Lana was heading - more folky and stripped back I mean hell, leaks from 15 years ago are in the vein of this. "Pop" or BTD was always a detour or means to an end.
  8. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by HeyBlueBaby in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Blue Banisters is a quality record.
    Some people want to act superior and like the album is above their taste level of not "Lana's best" or whatever, but the gripes I've seen people hold about it are petty. It's her most direct, transparent, blunt record to date (before DYK).
    The album quite literally spells out Lana's heartache. It tells a full story, maybe parts of that are distorted, but nonetheless, you feel Lana's pain, agony and remorse.
    She can't make a bad album!
    I feel similarly about Chemtrails. Clearly, Lana is over LA but more than that, she's over the game (that's dark) and just wants to be loved (like a woman). But seriously, reflecting on life before fame, her spirituality, her sins, her detachment from her ego/persona/celebrity. It's such a rich album. 
    She's a genius.
  9. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by motel six in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i personally think shorter song titles would look better/ i prefer them as oppose to the long song names
    you can hate me i knoooow they’re iconic 
    also NAWWAL would’ve been so much better as wanderlust / grandfather as three white butterflies 🦋 
  10. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Elle in A note about the recent drama   
    Thank you!! It’s from the best day of my life aka back in May when I partied with Lana at V12 club in Atlanta  I was hesitant to change it because tbh I don’t like how I look in the picture considering I sloppily did my makeup in the car on the way there skfnsk but it’s such a beautiful reminder of my happiest moment (on what actually began as a terrible day) so I wanted to finally make the change ♥️
    Skfndks sorry, I made the post on my laptop so it looked better there, but I wanted to have a larger font to really get the point across. I also keep LanaBoards at 75% on my mobile browser (I use Safari) which tbh I recommend you all do, the site as a whole looks so much better at a lesser zoom once you get used to it x
    Love you too babe - and all of you, seriously. Even our troublemakers, I have so much love for you all. This community is so special to me and it’s all because you all make it what it is. Even though it can be really stressful at times to be the owner, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s always my honour to continue hosting this place for everyone and I don’t take it for granted x
    Unfortunately, I don’t see this as an option, but I’ll reach out to the forum software company we use to see if this can be implemented. I’ve actually been preparing for a pretty big site update that will introduce some new features. I was originally planning to do this back in May, but we kept running into issues with our hosting server provider, so I postponed it. I still haven’t been able to find another host that’s suitable for us but I still really want to do the update, so I may attempt next month. I’ll make a proper announcement when I get closer to doing this as I’ll have to take the site offline for some hours while I make the updates x
    I want to reiterate this - this post was definitely influenced after cumulating events rather than one single isolated event. The mod team has been discussing this for awhile. Things weren’t dying down and drama was still sparking all across the boards, so this post was necessary. However, I am happy to see some members taking accountability for their actions. To members involved in recent drama, don’t be afraid to ~work it out on the remix~ and perhaps DM some apologies to members you feel you may have upset. I really do hope things will calm down from this point forward as I would love nothing more than to see LanaBoards go back to the safe, fun, and kind community that I know we are and have been over the years x
  11. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by how the light shines in in A note about the recent drama   
    seconding this, I would love to opt out from having some middle eastern conflict and presidential assassination mixed in with my Lana Del Rey leaks
  12. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in A note about the recent drama   
    Do i need to say sorry for saying tiktok is shit? I am an old millennial i can’t help it  
  13. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in A note about the recent drama   
    lets all take a trip to indeed.com !!
  14. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in A note about the recent drama   
    The way I have never read a single rule about this website, I’ve just been raw-dogging it this whole time and have manage to not get a warning point
  15. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in A note about the recent drama   
    there has been a noticeable shift in the amount of petty arguments and personal attacks on users, spam posts & trolling recently and it’s made the site unenjoyable for some and difficult to moderate at times. we just want a fun atmosphere with *sensible* disagreement if there is any 
  16. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in A note about the recent drama   
    So basically we just need the Lasso lead single and pre order to save us
    It has been so dry around here despite us getting a new song and video 16 days ago but that is what happens when Lana goes completely silent lmao…Lana Boards gets crazy and suddenly we are all political correspondents
  17. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in A note about the recent drama   
    can i get an amen.. now let the music play! 

  18. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in A note about the recent drama   
    We need to stay together. United we're stronger!

  19. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Embach in A note about the recent drama   
    Yes! Peace! Let's make love not war!
  20. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Elle in A note about the recent drama   
    Hi all,
    I wanted to check in with you all about the recent rise in drama that the mod team and I have noticed over the past couple of weeks. It appears that drama on the site among members is at a peak, so I wanted to pop in and remind you all that LanaBoards won't tolerate certain types of behaviour.
    It seems that the drama is especially high in other artists' threads and in world news threads, especially when it comes to hot-topic debates. While LanaBoards welcomes opinions and discussions of different viewpoints, it is important that these opinions are shared and discussed in a respectful manner. As stated in our rules, LanaBoards will not tolerate any posts that are meant to be purposely inflammatory (flaimbaiting to intentionally start an argument) rude, hateful, insulting, or otherwise crossing a line, and members violating this rule will be warned and given restrictions at our discretion. This is something the moderator team is going to be taking very seriously as it is our mission to have LanaBoards be a safe and welcoming space for all.
    Something we've especially been noticing a rise in is personal attacks towards other members and people including other artists, which is something we won't tolerate. Let this serve as a reminder that behind the usernames and profile pictures, we are all real people with real feelings. There's no need to make things personal. Please be mindful and respectful of this when communicating with other members. Again, we do welcome varying opinions and healthy, constructive debates, but please keep these respectful. Think before you press reply.
    Something else to keep in mind is that not all intense debates need to be made public, especially if they're veering off-topic of the thread. We encourage users to make use of our personal messaging system to have private discussions, but again, please keep these respectful.
    We understand that news is slow at the moment on the Lana front so tensions are a little high, but please don't let this translate into disrespect towards others. 
    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns - you all should feel comfortable to reach out to me or another staff member at any time about anything. We are here to help and keep this place safe and enjoyable at the end of the day.
    I hope to see things become more peaceful. I'm sending you all lots of love and I hope you all enjoy your weekend x
    Let's work it out on the remix~
  21. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    I’m reading Michelle Zauner’s “Crying in H Mart”, which is a memoir. Here, she happens to share a catch-up with Duncan, a friend of hers who is (was?) an editor at The Fader. He interviewed Lana, and it’s shortly described in the book.

  22. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    Role Model used Lana’s merch on his Jimmy Kimmel performance! He is a new artist and his songs are kinda countryish, if Lana sees this I am sure he will be invited as a guest on one of her shows! 
  23. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    I agree
    I don't believe in the conspiracy theories but it's crazy that they didn't secure nearby rooftops, though
    If you were given the job of securing that rally then I feel like that'd be top of the list for any hinged person
    Clearly the rooftops were thought about cos they had snipers on one, so wtf 
    Honestly bizarre
  24. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by grandpas glass in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    now I don't think it was political, because he had a more conservative view
    firstly, he probably wanted to commit suicide because he must have known that he would be killed afterwards
    secondly, since he had nothing left to lose, he wanted to become something of a shooting legend by taking on the ultimate challenge and outsmarting all the security forces
  25. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by grandpas glass in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    a full article about lana fan reactions
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