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honey dew

Match Lana songs to the four elements

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Pick four Lana songs that best represent the meaning and symbolism of each element and tell me why you think what you think! Obviously it’s hard to pick just one song each but I think this could be a fun discussion. I had the idea listening to Gods and Monsters thinking wow this is such a hot song. So my list is:


Earth: "Blue Banisters"

The whole album is pretty earthy to me, but BB is very much Lana lamenting about the loss of love, stability and a potential home, to build on, fix up and decorate with paint and babies. This is a very elemental song actually referencing a lot of weather phenomena all coming to crash down upon the house she’s left to try and salvage alone. 


Air: “Fingertips"

This is ultimate air to me…words streaming from her mind with total clarity, no filtration, completely honest. And it also really showcases her amazing intellect, making metaphors on the fly and indulging her vocabulary. The song is formless like air too, it just swells and recedes and transforms along with the words.


Fire: "Gods and Monsters"

It’s a very fiery song about yearning for a kind of power plus destruction, transformation, raw energy. Burning away innocence to achieve the burning desire of the ego, in a highly volatile place.


Water: “Mariners Apartment Complex"

She is like an ocean - sadness, darkness, deepness. Emotional tides, crashing waves. She’s both in command of it all but essentially one with it too. It’s all about fluctuation, of character and circumstance. And there is such a purity to this song, even with the cover art she’s so bare-faced and beautiful, I remember thinking that it was like a rebirth after LFL.



I actually asked chatgpt what it thought and it said: 


Earth: "American"

"American" embodies the essence of the earth element through its thematic focus on nostalgia, Americana imagery, and rootedness. The song evokes a sense of place and belonging, celebrating the landscapes, traditions, and myths of America. Its references to nature, small towns, and highways evoke a connection to the earth and its enduring presence in the American psyche.


Air: "High by the Beach"

"High by the Beach" captures the airy quality of the element through its dreamy atmosphere, ethereal vocals, and evocative lyrics. The song's imagery of vast horizons, ocean breezes, and soaring melodies evoke a sense of freedom, escapism, and weightlessness. It reflects the ephemeral nature of air and the desire for transcendence and liberation.


Fire: "Burning Desire"

"Burning Desire" embodies the fiery energy and passion associated with the element through its sultry vocals, intense beats, and seductive lyrics. The song's themes of desire, lust, and longing ignite a sense of urgency and intensity, mirroring the transformative power of fire. It evokes the heat of passion and the drive to embrace life's pleasures and risks.


Water: "Dark Paradise"

"Dark Paradise" represents the element of water through its haunting melodies, melancholic undertones, and introspective lyrics. The song's imagery of turbulent seas, drowning emotions, and submerged desires evoke a sense of depth, fluidity, and emotional turmoil. It reflects the profound and mysterious aspects of water, symbolizing the depths of the human psyche and the currents of love and loss.

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going to do this slightly diff but I love this topic :) 



  • songs: wildflower wildfire (also kinda fire), cherry blossom, when the world was at war, Yosemite
  • albums: blue banisters, chemtrails


  • songs: Terrence loves you, happiness is a butterfly, say yes to heaven, bel air, honeymoon, get free
  • albums: honeymoon, lust for life



  • songs: burning desire, Florida kilos, Tulsa Jesus freak
  • albums: ultraviolence, BTD


  • songs: fishtail, grandfather please stand, lost at sea, shades of cool, west coast, fingertips, MAC
  • albums: Ocean Blvd, NFR


⁺.⊹ ˖  𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 ₊˚.༄

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Earth: If You Lie Down With Me … it just has an earthy kind of feel to me like i can see her laying in the grass in my head every time i listen


AirWhite Dress … i’m kind of thinking of the music video where she’s roller skating on the road and imagining the wind blowing on her


Fire: Gods & Monsters … i feel like i don’t really have to explain this one, it’s just a song that feels like a burning construction site


Water13 Beaches … this one i also feel like doesn’t really need explaining but yeah 

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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Is it cheating to say "Last Girl On Earth" for Earth? because that was my first thought 

𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞, 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 

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1 hour ago, rancidgirl said:

Earth: If You Lie Down With Me … it just has an earthy kind of feel to me like i can see her laying in the grass in my head every time i listen


I thought this too!! Except more like she’s rolling around in mud and rocking in a rocking chair outside an old timey saloon

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On a serious note, and only off the top of my head.

Fire: Lolita. The most well known demo and the final version fit fire well imo. They're fast paced, even a little unpredictable.

Water: Old Money. I just think of slow running water, waves, or sunset over the water.

Earth: Born To Die. I think the verses are earthy, or they're like lana asking to be grounded.

Air: Brooklyn Baby. It has an airy atmosphere?

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