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Liz Taylor Blues

Who are you and what are you doing in the LanaVerse?

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I had this idea a few weeks (months? idk i work retail time is strange.) ago based off the twitter meme about what people would be doing on a commune after The Revolution. Most of the answers are silly but it got me thinking and I was drinking Kava and Kratom with my friend K (yes that K from my peoms its complicated mkay) and I remembered the Lana Village website thing and I thought: You know how we all talk about how lana's songwriting creates rich vivid shared worlds..... Let's call that the Lana Verse.  And that begs the question who are you and what do you do in The Lana Verse? Answers can be as silly or serious as you want.



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My name in the Lana Verse is Ricardo Buick. I dress like James Dean but I croon like The Rat Pack. I travel restlessly but Las Vegas and Los Angeles hold a special place for me as does Key West and New Mexico. I smoke American Spirits and live on the kindness of strangers. I'm spiritual not religious and I have an american flag tattoo. I stay up watching the stars as I ride my harley davidson. That's why I like deserts. Its quiet. I can think of God and Elvis. And I can see the stars. I'm hoping to find a soulmate along the way. But at the end of the day freedom is my raison d'etre and i want a companion not gatekeeper. My job in the Lana Verse is to Ask God Why....and then right poems and songs about the answer but confusingly. I'm fucking crazy but I'm free


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it's 2007 and i'm browsing the web on my macbook in my trailer on neptune avenue near the mermaid motel and coney island while there's a gorgeous, purple sunset outside of my window, beautiful music is playing, my rainbow christmas lights are hung up, i'm eating sweets, life is good


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I'm a chicken,

running bare feet,

so sweet, young & in love,

acting like fucking mr.Brightside...


I'm like a quiet waiter blue forever, serving cherry coke.


They call me Jimmy, but my hits don't feel like a kiss.


I'm gonna take mine with them with me, repeating the words on & on & on again:"They don't understand me! I'm a poet!"


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I’m a tastemaker and location scout for her music videos/ projects while pretending to act like Scarlet Johansson’s Black Widow bc it’d just be a fun vibe to play out

Lana, I think this is beautiful, look at it, it’d fit into your artistry bc _______, ________ , ________ .

Mood and aesthetic boards for days and days <3 


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I think I'd be an heir/ess to a multi million dollar designer brand that specializes in sunhats and sunglasses set in the Californian beach which also has severe depression after the loss of a lover :diva:

(My interpretation of Honeymoon)

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I'd be an academic at LDRU. I recently completed my PhD in Honeymoonology and am currently teaching the following courses:


Young and Beautiful: The Obsession with Youth in Popular Culture" – A philosophical and sociological examination of how youth and beauty are idealised, focusing on Lana’s reflection on these themes. With a specific look into The Virgin Suicides and The Picture of Dorian Gray.


- Blue Jeans and White Lies: The Construction of 21st Century American Iconography" – Exploring how fashion, symbols, and cultural references create a modern mythology in her lyrics. With a specific look into Bonnie and Clyde and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.


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In Lanaverse, I’d be working at two part time jobs, like I am currently in real life too. To take inspiration from reality, one of those jobs would be at a shady, neon-lit bar with only regulars. It stays open til late. They love me there, the work is simple but not very exciting.

I’d obviously be in love with a loser. My sisters (friends) tell me to break up with him but he’s my sun, he makes me shine. :hooker: We don’t have much but we’re free. Or at least, we think we are. On the weekends, we go to the beach in his vintage car.

When I’m not hanging with my loser or sisters, I explore the city on my own. I love coming across outdoor jazz festivals.

I’ll keep my hair color - dark brown - but it’ll be longer and decorated with flowers. If Lana’s trademark is a red or white dress, mine is yellow. I’d smell like citrus and sea water.

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2 hours ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

I’m the guy who cut a key for a young couple working on their pickup truck.

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Then all the hippies in their cars started floating to outer space!

I swear Officer Brown I’ve not been Drinkin’ or smoking that devil’s lettuce…


I thought you were a self driving delorean that became sentient once Summertime Sadness played for the 666th time. You now roam the LA metro area in existential angst playing The Cure. 


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