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Here's an interview of Dolan about his work with Adele, for those who are interested:




He's gonna work with Lana one day, I'm 100% sure :w8ing:


If Lana think she's a poor actress, it's because she hasn't met him yet:



How was the experience of directing Adele?
I had always harbored the hope that she would be a natural. I see her interviews, see her laughing: there’s no way this woman, who is so complete emotionally and psychologically, there’s no way she’s not a good actor.

Did you give her much direction?
When she approached me, I said, “You’ll be acting in this.” And she was very reluctant to that. She was adamant that she was a bad actor and she hated acting. We started to shoot and I progressively asked more and more from her. I talked to her constantly, told her what to say, what do to, look out through the wind, scratch your chin, swallow, blink – the smallest details. She was such a good sport. She was very physical and emotional. She did everything so generously. We watched takes together, and I think secretly she thought, “I’m not a sh—- actor after all!” Everyone saw that she was just a natural.

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Idk where to post this but since Adele explicitly expressed loving Lana, I was wondering if her copying Lana's tattoo could be a tribute? Also Hello kills me. My sister is big fan and I've 21 on repeat numerous times so I'm really excited about this new record, the art is very beautiful and powerful imo


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"Hello", makes me feel things I didn't know I could feel. I'm so love into it. I have it on replay. I love it so much. I'mma be honest I've never been that big a fan of Adele, but I'll so be buying this album. (As long as it doesnt have a song like, "Rumor Has It").

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It's strange to read how people react to Hello, when it sounds like a reject from her last album to me (and not even a very exciting one). Nice, but just the usual Adele stuff, nothing original or groundbreaking for me.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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It's strange to read how people react to Hello, when it sounds like a reject from her last album to me (and not even a very exciting one). Nice, but just the usual Adele stuff, nothing original or groundbreaking for me.


pls stop

fair enough if you don't like it but if you're going to throw statements, at least know what the words mean since 'Hello' is as original to her sound as possible, you obviously mean to say nothing 'new' or 'different'

and even so, she writes and sings the music she wants to, that's one of the countless reasons she's popular


  1. 1.
    present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest.
    "the original owner of the house"
    synonyms: indigenousnativeaboriginalMore
  2. 2.
    created personally by a particular artist, writer, musician, etc.; not a copy.


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pls stop

fair enough if you don't like it but if you're going to throw statements, at least know what the words mean since 'Hello' is as original to her sound as possible, you obviously mean to say nothing 'new' or 'different'

and even so, she writes and sings the music she wants to, that's one of the countless reasons she's popular



You do feel very clever, right? But since you're not the new Supreme or anything, don't act like one. It was clear what I wanted to say. It's nothing ORIGINAL because it's not something new she came up with or anything. It sounds exactly like everything she's done before.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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