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overrated LDR songs that I never liked and everyone is obsessed with:


Gods and Monsters, West Coast, The Blackest Day, Heroin


sorry not sorry :azealia:


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overrated LDR songs that I never liked and everyone is obsessed with:


Gods and Monsters, West Coast, The Blackest Day, Heroin


sorry not sorry :azealia:



devi andare in chiesa e chiedere perdono per i tuoi peccati, grazie  :notamused: 


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overrated LDR songs that I never liked and everyone is obsessed with:


Gods and Monsters, West Coast, The Blackest Day, Heroin


sorry not sorry :azealia:

 You need some serious help  :wtf:

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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overrated LDR songs that I never liked and everyone is obsessed with:


Gods and Monsters, West Coast, The Blackest Day, Heroin


sorry not sorry :azealia:

Same, except Heroin that's one of my favorites. I always skip west coast unless I'm listening to ultra on vinyl.

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@@Roctab bish if people still think i have bad taste then i best be getting a damn award for it

God&Monsters and Heroin is overrated though tbh



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I really love Heroin & Cherry but they are the most overrated songs on the album (Not saying they are bad, and yes, I said they are the best, but I really think are overrated) and also there's another songs on the album that are masterpieces like WTW, 13 Beaches, TNC (For You), BPBP, Love, Change, etc.


@@Roctab better u going to say a good quote

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Honeymoon praise has been increasing the last few months and frankly I don't know why. It's a pretty album and very atmospheric, and it's nice that it gets praise after two years of slander but it's still  N O T  her best for me


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I know we all (including me) make fun of how Lana dresses, but at the same time I think it makes her seem less contrived. I think this is going to sound snotty, but hear me out! I was thinking about how much I hate Halsey and Melanie Martinez ( :creep: I know). It's 90% their look, and I think they (mainly Halsey) have really juvenile lyrics, but that's beside the point. Everything they do feels so contrived and planned. While Lana on the other feels much more genuine. Seeing Lana in her TJ Maxxx street style getting coffee makes her whole persona seem real. I think a lot of my own personal basis are coming out right now. I really don't like modern fashion, I'm not big on unnatural hair colors(no issue with dying your hair ofc), ect. so maybe when I see someone who looks like that I automatically roll my eyes and think it's contrived. i have a feeling a lot of this is going to be taken wrong, but it is what it is. 


TL;DR I think most popstars are contrived and boring, and I think Lana's goofy soccer mom look makes her feel less contrived. I sound like that one r/relationship post were that guy's girlfriend only listened to Lana Del Rey, Georgian Chants, and Russian Folk Music. :creep:

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Everytime someone says LFL has political songs I cringe hard. Those superficial songs with the depth of a tumblr blog are not something I'd proudly promote as "woke" tracks ... That her insta-girlie and flower crown-fag fans fall for that does not suprise me. But even critics refer to LfL as "political".

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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