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Boston Marathon Explosion

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I'm not from the us, what excactly happened? Were someone there, heard it, saw it?

Someone set off a bomb at a marathon in Boston. I think only a few people died. From what I'm hearing there's supposedly bombs placed across the city, and threats in NYC. 


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So annoying how people are blaming N. Korea for this.. it was a relatively small explosive, seems like it was done to make a statement rather than to cause mass killings (plus it wasn't done to a building like World Trade/ Pentagon , etc.) Boston Marathon would be VERY random for international terrorists and they would use much more damaging explosives.  Very sad, especially since one of the people who lost their lives was an 8 year old girl

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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So annoying how people are blaming N. Korea for this.. it was a relatively small explosive, seems like it was done to make a statement rather than to cause mass killings (plus it wasn't done to a building like World Trade/ Pentagon , etc.) Boston Marathon would be VERY random for international terrorists and they would use much more damaging explosives.  Very sad, especially since one of the people who lost their lives was an 8 year old girl


Looks more like a domestic incident doesn't it? One of those loonies that got 10 plus level of cuckoo 's nest in the morning and decided to bomb a marathon. :facepalm:


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I am sad for everyone injured, and i do pray for them.

But, this is happening all across Palestine and nobody knows about it because the Israel army refuses to let any reporters see what is going on. Hundreds die. Children get killed. Shrapnel bombs burn into people's skin, their pain must be unbearable.

I know it is horrible about Boston, but remember to keep the Palestinians in your prayers too. They did nothing to deserve what they're getting. <3


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As someone born and raised in the western side of the world and being a girl I naturaly feel culturaly and life style wise closer to US than North Korea or any other radical Middle East country. Radicalism is very far from my Brazilian free life style where the law is one thing and religion is another and I can do basically whatever I want with my life. I do respect all cultures and (most) religions but is inevitable to feel more close to US and Americans or even reconize US like a place closer to "home". I feel so sorry for those who were injured, died or even have to go through this horrible event in Boston.


That said in a not too distant past JAPAN was targeted with two atomic bombs,  VIETNAM was attacked with the AGENT ORANGE, IRAQ was destroyed by the ATTACKS of the AMERICAN ARMY ... this also could not be considered TERRORISM? Every action causes a reaction, I reject violence from any side, and I think U.S. should revise its concepts of respect for other countries.


Over 80.000 civilians were murder by US army in the Middle East ( a call that mass murder but you can calll it "war"if you wish) in a smoke and mirrors war over power and oil.  The imperialists practices that USA does until today are leaving the whole Western world in fear. It's a chain reaction, a timming clock bomb making a inevitable tick tack. It's only getting worse specialy for Europeans. Look at several countries in Europe: France, England, Belgium they are getting the worse part of the war between US and the Middle East. They get most of the refugees they are the ones really screwd.

US needs to change their international political policy asap otherwise everyone on the western side of the planet not only US will suffer even more. All this over natural resources and political issues to create even more power to the US military/ country/nation.


Everyone looses the only one winning is USA government in this stupid imperialist game they are playing. Obama's administraction handed more funds to the army than Bush second administration. It's absurd. And when I say everyone looses that includes Americans, ordinary people that are feed up with terrible news reports by CNN taht mascared the truth. I feel so sorry for all those people in Boston, Iraq, Palestine, Israel they had nothing to do with the mess that governments impose over their lifes. Power like US has is a hard thing to handle and they clearly are using it in the wrong way.



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Go to any article on the story and just briefly scan through the comments and you're guaranteed to come across some jackass spewing anti-Muslim garbage. It's staggering the conclusions that some people allow themselves to draw. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Jesus, did you hear how the second suspect was found? 



Tsarnaev was cornered late Friday as he was hiding on a boat in a backyard of Watertown, a suburb of Boston.
Police were alerted to his whereabouts by a man who went outside after authorities lifted an order for residents to stay inside during the manhunt. The resident saw blood on a boat in the backyard, Davis said. He then lifted up the tarp covering the boat and "saw a man covered with blood," he said.
Can you imagine? How fucking scary. I would NOT have lifted the tarp and instead ran back in the house and shit myself. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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What I found even more disturbing than the bomb itself is the fact that they put inside the pot BB and nails so they could actually not only hurt as many people as possible but also cause members amputations.


Over 15 people had at least one member aputated. One of the poor guy's who was just watching a marathon got both his legs amputated on the knees high. A couple who was running got their foots amputated. A 9 year old girl lost her leg. It's so insane creating something that would harm someone in such ways so disturbing and sick.


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