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I’m a thousand years late but I just need to say this


for awhile, I was hesitant about listening to bjork. I heavily respected her from afar, but I felt scared to listen to her music bcus of the possibility of not liking it. yeah stupid I know, but that me, your local dumb bitch. anyways, I decided to continue listening to her first album past human behavior, and then I came across Venus as a boy and I........obviously since you are all bjork fans you probably already have expressed your love for this track, but I just needed to add my two cents bcus of course it’s so beautiful. Listening to it, I could here all the artists should would soon go on to influence, and I respected her even more.

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Karvel is her best song.

And that's that on that.



the amount of disrespect i see this hidden gem get is Too High


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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Arca ruined Utopia.


How could she if the album was crafted by both artists at all times? It's not like miss B had the project and then called Arca to co-produce it.

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Arca ruined Utopia.


She was way too involved.. Vulnicura had the right amount of edge thanks to Arca’s touches here & there... but Utopia was way too drawn out, lacking solid melodies, not many memorable tracks for me... the only ones I even still remember are Loss & Future Forever.


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She was way too involved.. Vulnicura had the right amount of edge thanks to Arca’s touches here & there... but Utopia was way too drawn out, lacking solid melodies, not many memorable tracks for me... the only ones I even still remember are Loss & Future Forever.


I mean, I totally accept the reasons you don't like it, but that was the idea of Utopia -- it's not a regular Björk album, damn even the physical CD has a sticker with "by Björk and Arca" on it. It's definitely a collaborative project. She's not the main focus.


I, for once, absolutely adore it and it's one of my 5 Björk albums. It inspired me so much, and until this day it's still a reference for when I need influence.

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Imagine if Björk did an album with Rabit though, I would sell my kidney for more Loss kind of bangers


and yes I've said this a hundred times before but I'm still bitter we didn't get a Loss remix EP, such a wasted opportunity

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arisen my senses/blissing me are one of bjork’s very best songs.


yes, and also one of her best 1-2 punch :defeated:

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I think people are way too quick to blame Arca for the "messy" sounds of Utopia, when I'm sure the one that's more responsible is Björk herself.


Of course it depends exactly on what things bother you, for example for me the exotic bird sounds really test me sometimes (which I believe was a detail that Björk wanted to experiment with) and Björk harmonies are all over the place (Features Creatures). So yeah, leak the birdless Utopia version pls.


Even Arca helped co-produced the Utopia fan favorite aka the single that never was, Losss.


Although I love their work together I really hope in her next project she works with someone else or alone, just for the sake of new sounds.


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I think people are way too quick to blame Arca for the "messy" sounds of Utopia, when I'm sure the one that's more responsible is Björk herself.


Of course it depends exactly on what things bother you, for example for me the exotic bird sounds really test me sometimes (which I believe was a detail that Björk wanted to experiment with) and Björk harmonies are all over the place (Features Creatures). So yeah, leak the birdless Utopia version pls.


Even Arca helped co-produced the Utopia fan favorite aka the single that never was, Losss.


Although I love their work together I really hope in her next project she works with someone else or alone, just for the sake of new sounds.


it's confirmed they're working together again though  :teehee:

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it's confirmed they're working together again though  :teehee:


Great then! Can't wait, Afterwards was really good

arisen my senses/blissing me are one of bjork’s very best songs.


yes, and also one of her best 1-2 punch :defeated:




And it wouldn't have happened without Arca's involvement, two queens :legend: 


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Army of Me was released exactly 25 years ago! A timeless masterpiece. It's what got me into her and I'm so happy to have found the CDS (with the Astro-Björk cover) in brand new condition four years ago  :defeated:

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someone please get haxan cloak to work on her next project again i need another history of touches level masterpiece


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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i think the situation was like... you know when 2 bestfriends do a school project together for the first time and they have their creativity blasting out and no one censors the other one because they're having their time.... but it ends up messy for this reason? that was it to me.


someone please get haxan cloak to work on her next project again i need another history of touches level masterpiece



haxan cloak fucking nailed it on the Midsommar soundtrack.... this track made me transcend in the movie theater

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