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13 minutes ago, Coney Island King said:


Utopia at 2 and Debut at 6 is disgraceful.

You’re lucky your 1 is good because your account would be deleted now. 

Utopia is one of her best projects overall, meanwhile Debut’s got a few duds

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The hair looks like it's bubble wrap but other than that :defeated:Also I'm confused bc some record stores had Sept 30th and some have Nov 25th so what is the truth... if it's the latter I hope she's giving us two singles :crossed: that said where is Atopos

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The tracklist from the website of her label :crying4:


1.  Atopos

2. Ovule

3. Mycelia

4. Sorrowful Soil

5. Ancestress

6. Fagurt Er í Fjörðum

7. Victimhood

8. Allow

9. Fungal City

10. Trölla-Gabba

11. Freefall

12. Fossora

13. Her Mother’s House


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These should be the lyrics of Fagurt er í Fjörðum, which is a poem by Látra-Björg: 


Fagurt er í Fjörðum
þá frelsarinn gefur veðrið blítt,
hey er grænt í görðum,
grös og heilagfiskið nýtt.
En þá veturinn að þeim tekur sveigja
veit eg enga verri sveit
um veraldar reit. —
Menn og dýr þá deyja.


I don't know Icelandic but I'm so excited for this one


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I remember not being fond of Utopia's cover when it was revealed but it grew on me fast. 


Fossora's really has an interesting concept. A fungal cave (Fungal City hah!), she's dug herself deep into the ground. It's like Utopia is air and Fossora is earth. There's mycelium as her wig and all around her too


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Utopia is her best cover :true:

i get not liking the album to an extent but why is everyone hating on the cover??? (i dont exactly mean here, that other forum) the colors are so beautiful


Fossora cover grew on me over the course of today but i think it looks better cropped actually




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13 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

I absolutely love the Fossora cover :oprah: kinda gives me Biophilia vibes so :flutter: 

I hope some songs will somehow echo the most beautiful moments of Biophilia, like Moon or Virus :rock:

Edited by Furor Poeticus
Fun fact: Biophilia was the very first Björk CD I've ever bought. I remember the captivating aesthetic of the music videos


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Bjork is a fantastic, incredible artist. I appreciate her career because she hasn't released easy-to-access, mainstream projects. I would not have been surprised if the public would not have followed but it is, and people understand how much there is a huge job beyond each album. :flutter:


I didn't like Bjork for a long time because I didn't understand her success, and why she was coming back so much in the rankings among the best artists in the world. I did not understand his universe. I dug and then I dropped before giving a chance to Biophilia that I downloaded (its cover intrigued me).


It's a bit unpopular but Biophilia remains her most fascinating album. When it came out (I discovered Bjork at that time), I was impressed by the whole concept behind it: the applications, the instruments created for the occasion, the costumes, the museums, and the reworked and revised nature in a melodic way. I often listened to it when I was stressed and felt closer to nature than ever. It was a very interesting concept. And then I discovered the rest which really impressed me. Isobel, So broken, Bachelorette, Charlene, Stronemilker, and then Pagan Poetry... The B-sides are also magnificent. :worship:


She has made such advanced albums, she herself becomes her own music in aesthetics. So much to say about her. Utopia was a good album, but I was a little less attentive to that, I didn't really like the visuals. 


The next one is going to be very interesting for sure.


There are no 2 Bjork, and it's so cool to see so many people loving and respecting her (especially this forum) :flutter:

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9 hours ago, Moloko Plus said:

Album cover




love a queen who keeps putting pussy on her album covers!


my bjork album ranking, as someone who has kind of fallen off since volta (but was obsessed w lionsong). imo her first four albums are a perfect, iconic run of records. one of the coolest voices i've EVER heard, it must feel like being a god to be able to sing like that.


1. post/telegram (one of the best remix albums of all time)

2. debut 

3. homogenic (2 & 3 could change spots on any given day)

4. vespertine

5. volta

6. medulla

7. biophilia


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  1. Vespertine
  2. Homogenic
  3. Post
  4. Vulnicura

Her best albums yup, even tho I never fully got into her other albums lol I do like some of Debut and Biophilia tho. Tried to get into Medulla was not feeling her. Volta's cover's too ugly for me to get into idk. I'd probs like Utopia if I listened to it more. Very much so a casual listener but Vespertine's one of the best albums ever created it has something special to it. 


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Ranking Björk albums? Hold up :lel: 

  1. Homogenic
  2. Vespertine
  3. Vulnicura
  4. Biophilia
  5. Post
  6. Debut
  7. Volta
  8. Utopia

Medúlla is the only album I haven't listened in full yet, but if I had to place it judging by what I've heard I'd probably put it below Post. I also haven't listened to Drawing Restraint 9 or Selmasongs.

That said, Utopia is at the very bottom but I do really like The Gate, Loss, Utopia, Features Creatures, Arisen My Senses and Future Forever, even Body Memory at an extent. With a little... er... less noisy production or bad mixing, I'd probably love the album without a doubt.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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