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Azealia Banks

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just to revive this dead thread and say that I saw this witch live last night in manchester and the talent this fucking bitch has.. I hate her, she's too fucking talented for her own good if she wasn't such a donkey she'd be one of the greatest like Lana said. I'm still trying to process things but she utterly gagged the girls! Call me delusional but this was the best live gig I've ever been to and I've seen alot pop/indie girls live the vocals/the fucking way she spit bars out so fast without losing breath?? She even made escapades sound good live and that song is fucking trainwreck. I have decided to stan forever even tho she is a lost cause I even copped a miss camaraderie soap with her autograph on it asiujdbnedned;lk 


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thanks sis! but I wasn't specific at all... I want a 320 know download link to them

In Town was never officially released anywhere but SoundCloud and a download of the file was never an option. There’s only ripped versions.

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do yall even believe her......................................... 

like she'll scrap it in april and drag ariana grande on twitter 

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