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I'm actually shocked by how boring this song is. Literally every single song in her discography is better than this. It sounds like a Charlie XCX reject. 


The cover is extremely beautiful tho.


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It will get alot of buzz. It will get a lot of airplay. All the people with generic taste will say it's "such a cool different track" and she'll have success just cause her name is on it. Adele style.


However, the production is forgetable, underwhelming and really just a basic pop track, not even a very innovativ one.

I expected MUCH more from her.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I've waited three years for this :|


I hope the album is better.


Or I hope this is a trick, and the rest of the album is Björk-esque and she delivers some weirdly beautiful experimental songs and puts her finger up to mainstream by shading 'Green light'.


Yeah probably not on that last theory!!

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I like the song okay, not really loving the lyrics but they're not bad exactly, just I don't love them? I don't feel anything towards the lyrics in the way I did with Pure Heroine?


love the video though omg, I'm a slut for neon lighting 100% haha! I love her dancing in the bathroom, I love her weird moves so much, and when she's dancing on roof of the car I love that bit too! Overall, the colours and lighting in the video are really cool, and as always I love her weird dancing!


So I'm loving the visuals, I like the song well enough, but I'm hoping there'll be tracks on the rest of the album that I love the way I love Pure Heroine (not asking for a 2.0 just wanting that same kind of connection to the music?) But yeah, I was expecting more? I don't know... I guess I'll just wait for the album to see how I really feel about this era


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i feel a little heartbroken. i loved pure heroine because it was so beautiful and her lyrics really came through. this just feels...so disappointing. lorde has been one of my favorite artists and i feel like i got slapped in the face because i waited 4 years for this. i'm not giving up complete hope until i hear the album. but this song just feels generic, like i've heard it before a hundred times. i don't even have the desire to listen to it a second time :/


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Her new single reminds me Bjork times


When Bjork releases a new album, that is TOTALLY different from the last, critics always come up for her.

I remember when Post was promoted, everyone was shocked because Army Of Me was such an intense visual and everyone thought Bjork was this pixie quirky girl from Iceland, very shy and stuff. The first album also talked about things like Bjork experiencing first love, her home-town boats and human questions but the second was about sex, screaming, fighting back. It was also a different sound because Debut was very clean, classical, jazzy and house but Post was messy, highly electronic, noisy, exaggerated with a classical touch...

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