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Lady Gaga

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when TF is she announcing dates and if the tour is even 10 percent as good as the halftime show she has my money

tomorrow morning

karma drawn up in lines / baby it's a freebie you sure look deprived

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I wonder why she didn't perform anything from artpop...Does she hate it or somthing? She did the same with the carpool kareoke


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Can we ban the trolls in here? Literally no other artist has jumped into a stadium off its :) roof before and people are calling it lazy, uninspired and low energy?


The :)ers on ATRL can eat a :)


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I was in a freaking awe during the performance. Was speechless for the whole time. If this is lazy and low energy tbh idk what you expect from something not lazy. Blow up the whole planet? Burn the stadium? Haters can go eat shït

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Wow!!! Just watched the performance it's honestly breathtaking! 


I know that some of y'all are disappointed that she neglected Artpop but tbh, I think she did choose a good assortment of songs. After all, this isn't like one of her own concerts where she can just sing whatever she wants because the fans there will know a lot of her material... this is a MASSIVE event and I'm sure that not everyone would know her other stuff, so of course she had to perform her bigger hits. (Plus, she has so many good and popular hits to choose from so there was no way she'd be able to do everything in 13 minutes)


The choreography and dancing was fantastic, and I personally loved the subtle political undertones, especially considering Mike Pence was apparently there in the audience. Imagine this man who advocates to electroshock therapy for gay people, seeing an entire performance of BTW supporting LGBT rights and people of different ethnicities. It's fantastic, because she didn't do anything explicitly political but I think the message of that song speaks for itself, and I'm sure she picked that song and sung it very clearly and loudly to certainly make a message.


Regardless that was a fantastic performance and I'm excited to see the dates for her world tour! :D 

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Anyway, I think the dates are out



Lol... World Tour she says?? A WORLD tour that is like 99% America and ignores pretty much all of Asia and a bunch of massive countries with heaps of fans like New Zealand and Australia?? lol


I'm guessing that maybe she will announce a second leg later on as she normally does. Oh well, at least she is getting out and touring at all (unlike another singer we all love who only seems to go on the occasional festival lmao)

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she ditched Norway (and Finland, poor thing) on her world  tour. :crying: wtf, Gaga? WHAT HAPPENED TO 


I'm American, I'm gypsy

I'm Bangkok, Australian, Malaysia

Sweden, Finland, Norway

Be my home just for the day

I'm a gypsy, gypsy, gypsy



this bítch has me screaming rn :defeated:


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I loved the performance. I think Gaga and Beyoncé are honestly those artists that you can rely on to deliver a powerful live performance. I think Jessie J would be in the same league, but I'm afraid she doesn't have enough hits (but that girl has some pipes and some stamina ! incredible.. ANYWAY back to Stefani). 


I think the intro was almost the best part. Simple, powerful, with a message behind it... The rest was pure fun. I guess what people are underwhelmed about is the lack of grandiose stunts, costumes etc... There were, obviously, but I think the public has a very distinct representaiton of Gaga and they expect nothing less. 


The setlist was good, imo, good hits (Oh, the "Dance in the Dark" elements, at the start... ). I think in terms of visuals, it lacked a teeny something. The light bars were cute but not as iconic as, say, a Beyonce profile in flames. By the way, kuddos to these girls who didn't jump on Gaga, I'm not the biggest monster out there but I would have been starstruck (baby cause you blow my heart up...). 

And most importantly, her vocals were strong. Impressive gal, really.


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You guys realize she didnt ACTUALLY jump off a roof right? The "jump" was pre-recorded, she was simply lowered from midway in the air. Not knocking it, but she didnt jump off anything and Pink has been doing more impressive wire work in her concert shows for years.

Maybe thats why some people are "meh" about it, since youre all so hung up on "the jump".

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You guys realize she didnt ACTUALLY jump off a roof right? The "jump" was pre-recorded, she was simply lowered from midway in the air. Not knocking it, but she didnt jump off anything and Pink has been doing more impressive wire work in her concert shows for years.

Maybe thats why some people are "meh" about it, since youre all so hung up on "the jump".

This. I don't think there's any singer that does acrobatics better than Pink.


But yeah, great performance! I liked the setlist and her vocals were really good. It also once again reminded me how good The Fame (Monster) is.  :flutter:


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I feel like the same performance would have been 1000 times better if she had a different wig and better costumes, i like the one she had during bad romance but the first one kinda looked like a space version of the beyonce vma medley 2014. the wig was tragic 


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