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Your favorite leaks/releases (so far) this year

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1. Black Beauty

2. TV In Black & White

3. Angela Forever, Forever Angels

4. Motel 6

5. Summer Wine

6. Your Band Is All The Rage

7. Chelsea Hotel No 2

8. Starry Eyed

9. Tired Of Singing The Blues

10. Young and Beautiful (only because of the instrumental versions we recently got)


that was impossible & if you asked me tomorrow it would probably be different tbh


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1. Black Beauty :sadcore:

2. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 :crying4:

3. Your Band is All the Rage :heart:

4. Let My Hair Down/Dance Man :hair:

5. Daytona Meth :whine:

6. Stoplight De-Lite :yesnod:

7. Golden Grill :slayty:

8. Angels Forever, Forever Angels :justride2:

9. St. Tropez :dance:

10. Catch and Release :illumilana:


Scrap this.


  1. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  2. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  3. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  4. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  5. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  6. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  7. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  8. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  9. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  10. Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)

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FYI. For those wanting a ranking of [ALL] songs, I did that last year at the end of 2012 and got pretty interesting results. A year has passed and we've gained more members than ever so I plan on doing one at the start of November of this year. This one is solely for 2013 leaks!

Great, I was hoping you'd do that again! As you said, this is for 2013 only so I'm not trying to steal your job here :)

So, I'm kind of cheating here, but you'll see mmk.


5. Playground/Heartshaped Chevrolet [i made a remix to this song where I plugged in parts of HSC into the blanks of Playground and I'm kind of obsessed with it] :dance:

I counted this as 12 pts for Playground and 0 for HSC, is that ok?

1. Hollywood

2. Serial Killer

3. Queen Of Disaster

4. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

5. Playground

6. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

7. TV in Black and White

8. Black Beauty

9. St. Tropez

10. Summer Wine

Serial Killer isn't a 2013 leak, so if you want your list to be added to the results you'll need to replace that one :)

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I counted this as 12 pts for Playground and 0 for HSC, is that ok?

I suppose so, but you might want to add half, so 6, for HSC, but you're the OP, so it's your decision :smile2:


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL


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1) Tired of Singing the Blues

2) Queen of Disaster

3) JFK

4) Black Beauty

5) Golden Grill

6) Catch & Release

7) Maha Maha

8) True Love On The Side

9) Television Heaven

10) Hawaiian Tropic


tough choice 

let the light in, it's a cruel world

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White Pontiac Heaven is on this list? :smokes3:


1) Bollywood Hawaii (or I guess Maha Maha, but I prefer BH in terms of vocals)

2) Catch & Release

3) Hollywood

4) Daytona Meth

5) Stoplight De-Lite

6) Hot Hot Hot

7) Dance Man

8) Heartshaped Chevrolet


10) Scarface



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This was easier than i thought .. I LOVE ALL LEAKS, BUT THESE ONES :kiss:


1. Black Beauty .. hands down, it's so fucking beautiful.

2. Tired of Singing the Blues .. i love Lana when she is sad and angry at the same time omfg. PERFECT

3. TV in Black and White .. it's so sad :crying4:

4. Queen of Disaster .. i remember first getting this song, i went into TC and someone leaked it for us and then the rest of the community .. perfect

5. Hawaiian Tropic .. i originally didn't think i'd like this, but it's so sad and cute and .. i love it

6. Behind Closed Doors / True Love on the Side .. i put these two together because i love the lyrics in them both and yeah, just great.

7. Your Band Is All the Rage .. need i say more.

8. St. Tropez .. omfg it just reminds me of my intense vodka dreaming, which is still now but yolo

9. Television Heaven .. it's cute and i love it. fuck

10. Hollywood .. i've really got into this lately, especially the "i'm a supernova, i walk on water and i dance like joplin" lyric

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@ Sry to make it harder for you, but if you want your list added to the results you'll have to choose which one you like best of BCD and TLotS. :ohno:   I guess i forgot to mention that, but no tied spots are allowed.

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@ Sry to make it harder for you, but if you want your list added to the results you'll have to choose which one you like best of BCD and TLotS. :ohno:   I guess i forgot to mention that, but no tied spots are allowed.



That's alright! I completely forgot this was for a contest thingy! Sorry :runs: 




1. Black Beauty .. hands down, it's so fucking beautiful.

2. Tired of Singing the Blues .. i love Lana when she is sad and angry at the same time omfg. PERFECT

3. TV in Black and White .. it's so sad  :crying4:

4. Queen of Disaster .. i remember first getting this song, i went into TC and someone leaked it for us and then the rest of the community .. perfect

5. Hawaiian Tropic .. i originally didn't think i'd like this, but it's so sad and cute and .. i love it

6. Behind Closed Doors .. i put these two together because i love the lyrics in them both and yeah, just great.

7. True Love on the Side .. ^^

8. St. Tropez .. omfg it just reminds me of my intense vodka dreaming, which is still now but yolo

9. Television Heaven .. it's cute and i love it. fuck

10. Hollywood .. i've really got into this lately, especially the "i'm a supernova, i walk on water and i dance like joplin" lyric


okay fixed :3 i just removed "Your Band Is All the Rage" so yeah, SORRY FOR THAT!

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Omg so many leaks this year, it's almost like a new album xD


My top 10:


1 - Black Beauty

2 - Tired of Singing the Blues
3 -  Hawaiian Tropic
4 -  Starry Eyed
5 - Motel 6
6 -  Queen of Disaster
7 -  Angels Forever
8 -  Daytona Meth
9 -  Hollywood
10 - Your Band Is All the Rage

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Ah, Serial Killer just kind of jumped in their by accident.....in that case I would like to revise it to....

1. Hollywood
2. Queen Of Disaster
3. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

4. Playground

5. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

6. TV in Black and White

7. Black Beauty

8. St. Tropez

9. Summer Wine

10. JFK

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Results after 15 votes:



Rank Score Times listed Nr. 1 spots   1. Black Beauty 172 11 4   2. Angels Forever, Forever Angels 124 9 2   3. Tired of Singing the Blues 118 8 1   4. Hollywood 102 7 1   5. TV In Black & White 96 7 1   6. Your Band Is All the Rage 94 7 0   7. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 74 7 0   8. Catch and Release 72 7 2   9. Daytona Meth 66 8 0   10. Queen of Disaster 62 6 0   T11. Starry Eyed 54 4 1   T11. Golden Grill 54 4 1   T13. Television Heaven 52 6 0   T13. Young and Beautiful 52 4 1   T13. Hawaiian Tropic 52 6 0   16. Motel 6 46 4 0   T17. JFK 44 4 0   T17. St. Tropez 44 6 0   19. Let My Hair Down/Dance Man 42 3 0   20. Summer Wine 40 5 0   T21. Stoplight De-Lite 30 2 1   T21. Playground 30 3 0   23. True Love On the Side 22 3 0   24. So Legit 20 3 0   T25. Behind Closed Doors 18 2 0   T25. Breaking My Heart 18 1 0   27. Maha Maha 14 2 0   T28. Big Bad Wolf (Instrumental)  8 1 0   T28. Hit It and Run (2nd version) 8 2 0   T30. Hot Hot Hot 6 1 0   T30. Midnite Dancer Girlfriend 6 1 0   T32. Heartshaped Chevrolet 4 1 0   T32. Scarface 4 1 0   T32. Strange Love 4 2 0   T35. Beautiful Player 2 1 0   T35. I Was In a Bad Way 2 1 0   T37. C U L8r Alligator 0 0 0   T37. Crooked Cop 0 0 0[/table]



Conclusions so far:


  • We are crazy about the songs that were/are meant for the next album.
  • Catch and Release seems to be a case of love or hate (well, indifference at least).
  • "Everybody" likes Daytona Meth, but no one seems to really love it..?
  • Only a few seems to have gotten into Let My Hair Down/Dance Man, one of the most recent leaks, but those who have appears to have fallen hard for it.
  • I am the only one who appreciates the magnificence of the Big Bad Wolf Instrumental :icant:




  • Will Crooked Cop ever go beyond 0 points? :excited:


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This is so HARD!

1.- Black Beauty

2.- Young and Beautiful

3.- Your Band Is All the Rage

4.- Summer Wine

5.- Starry Eyed

6.- Hawaiian Tropic
7.- So Legit

8.- Chelsea Hotel No. 2
9.- Queen of Disaster
10.- St. Tropez



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1. Catch and Release

2. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

3. Summer Wine

4. Black Beauty

5. Tired of singing the blues

6. Stoplite De-Lite

7. Hollywood

8. Maha Maha

9. Golden Grill

10. Daytona Meth

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Well, here goes nothing  :sadcore2:

  1. Tired of Singing the Blues
  2. True Love on the Side
  3. Stoplight De-Lite
  4. Motel 6
  5. Queen of Disaster
  6. Television Heaven
  7. Golden Grill
  8. Hollywood
  9. Young and Beautiful
  10. Summer Wine

And there you have it  :whatever:

Maybe not completely accurate - my mind will probably change by next week but after I chucked out all the acapellas and acoustics (even that was hard tbh), it was really close.


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