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Tropico Premiere on Vevo

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it is fukcing EPIC! 


Body Electric i its full, the end scene, the beginning of G&M where they were all standing there its so epic, the purity of Bel Air!


the thing thats way more epic is that it wasn't like anything we predicted, I was expecting BE to be like showing each character she names on the screen etc.


but gosh its SO SO SO amazing, I applaud her for this, she just keeps outdoing herself, no other pop girl could EVER!!!

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"Body Electric", "Gods and Monsters", "Bel Air", and Lana as beautiful as a thousand movie stars.  I really liked it.  It would have been much better if Barrie played the male lead, IMO.


She says L.A. is the land of gods and monsters and the door to The Underworld, yet she bought a house there anyway.  It does sound better than a trailer in New Jersey, though.  :P

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Missed the LB folks :w8ing:


LMAO at the Azealia drags in this thread yet I ran at her shaking after the premiere bc I knew my chances with Lana were slim. My girl :angie:


But what are y'all missing in the storyline...

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It's 6:30 a.m. why the hell am I still awake  :deadbanana:

Anyway, my verdict is that I don't know what to think yet. And it's not a "I didn't like it" kind of "I don't know",  I genuinely DON'T KNOW. I really liked it on an emotional level, but my brain hasn't made up its mind yet. I sort of felt that way after watching Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" for the first time, only to realize a few days later that it was by far the greatest movie I had ever seen. Not expecting that to happen with Tropico, but you get the point..


What I  do know:


While I watched it, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed listening to G&M and Bel Air, and that's a good sign I guess. Body Electric is, has always been and will always be a hopeless case for me.


I didn't like Shaun Ross at all  :ohno:


Good night  :noir:


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It's like..., what were people expecting? A John Waters film?


I think people are expecting early 2012 Lana-- that's what I used to expect from her during The Paradise Tour, before I realized most of that was just an image-- gorgeous gowns, perfectly styled hair, flawless make-up. Even though I'm sure she enjoyed getting dolled up and looking like that, I do believe most of that was also an image. I think most of us were expecting a Woodkid-esque video like Born To Die and Blue Jeans, but this is Anthony Mandler. I think throughout 2013 and the Paradise tour Lana sort of realized what the public wanted to see from her and went 'Meh' and decided to just do what she wanted to do, wear what she wanted to wear, and I think this bothered a lot of people because her toned down look wasn't her 'Gorgeous, distant, and cold~' look people thought of her as.


 (I have no idea what I'm saying, I just woke up from a nap and I can't articulate my thoughts, whoops.)


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I didn't like Shaun Ross at all  :ohno:


I get why they casted him as like, an ~exotic alien Adam~ or whatever, but his abilities as an actor isn't great, not that Lana's is, but even though I enjoyed him in the rest of the film, he was dancing extremely awkwardly in Body Electric and it was way too stiff for me. It was too choreographed on his part and I could sort of tell there weren't many shots of him they could use that he looked good and moved well in-- and also he was really awkward when he bit the apple and collapsed. But besides that, I think he was great.


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I sort of don't get, where were the UFO's in the story?

There were weird sounds but that's all..

By the way, the score during the end credits SO BEAUTIFUL!!! :crying:

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I sort of don't get, where were the UFO's in the story?

There were weird sounds but that's all..

By the way, the score during the end credits SO BEAUTIFUL!!! :crying:


Literally like 5 of them in the sky during the end of Bel Air, take another look. They're levitating Lana and Shaun up lol.


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I sort of don't get, where were the UFO's in the story?

There were weird sounds but that's all..

By the way, the score during the end credits SO BEAUTIFUL!!! :crying:

There are no UFOs, they are clouds lol, do not listen to some people here honestly they have no clue, which is odd because the film is so straight forward.

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i don't think its straightforward in intent, only in story. like yea, big bang, garden of eden, stripping, robbing, garden of evil, redemption, etc you'd have to be retarded not to see the *main* points but what i don't understand yet is her voiceover, the john wayne monologue(s), etc. i understand the footage but i haven't gotten the underlying message yet


like how do those particular excerpts from howl connect with the various scenes? what is she trying to say? is she saying anything at all? i haven't really had an opportunity to sit down and connect the dots (if there are even any to connect) since i just got back from LA but i mean, i guess thats ~art 


is it simple or is it more complicated than it seems? people w/ a more simplistic outlook will find it simple, others maybe not so much. but whatever i need sleep 


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The intent is open to interpretation, so is the style of the film, but the story however is as easy to follow as a childrens bedtime book.


Adam/Eve live in purity, they eat the apple of sin, are damned to hell where they lose themselves (aka- L.A) and then find redemption in their Gods again, are baptized and go to heaven. There's the story, A, B, fucking C, congrats to me for having brain cells.

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No, an established narrative structure makes a story, which it had. Shame you didnt understand it, oh well 4 u. Maybe you can go watch Friends or Gossip Girl instead x.



that's pretty fucking rude.


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I really liked it,I think is beautiful and sjkisfjksfd idk. The Body Electric part was a little weird  :eek: but dude, she looks so pretty  :flutter:

Gods and Monster was amazing!, I think it's my fav  :creep:

Bel Air was so simple but beautiful :)






(goodbye shaunt gross)

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