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Ok like... I Look at how she changed and I really think of the possibility of now and beyond living off some type of water plant from the bottom of the ocean and cutting sugar and joining a cult about it or something because....Wow. I don't think any of my faves changed this lot through their process


Wonder what she's up now and only doing studio sessions... maybe CLX III is really coming. Expected some more shows to pay for the album this time around nnn

wait is allie in a cult?

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Is there a way the Body Ecology thing isn't a cult or something like that? n

Just kidding


It's just a diet that Allie herself decided to take to extremes. I actually read the book and it's a pretty reasonable plant based diet. The sugar part is not even crazy, you only cut it for like a month or two and reintroduce it slowly. Allie's just dramatic with it  :deadbanana:


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It's just a diet that Allie herself decided to take to extremes. I actually read the book and it's a pretty reasonable plant based diet. The sugar part is not even crazy, you only cut it for like a month or two and reintroduce it slowly. Allie's just dramatic with it  :deadbanana:



I love this girl so much



I want Catch 2012 demo instrumental


I'm almost sure we got this smh idk

7 months since the LEGEND 24\7 blessed us with something





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can you believe were ending this era with vintage most likely when tsu stems and casanova xplanation have never been released


WHY ARE YOU REMINDING US  :defeated:  If Allie doesn't do something special for Vintage (music video, acoustic video, something with Troye), I will never understand her decision of not saving TLIV for the last song/gif. That would've made so much sense!


EDIT: AND THE VINTAGE GIF MUST BE GOOD. TLIV gif... ugh, don't even get me started.

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allie releasing vintage as the closing single featuring troye is literally the literal worst possible way this could go.

dont even remind me that this is a way she could finish it.... like featuring troye would nbe so disgusting


gd4nxJp.gif keep him away from her

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allie releasing vintage as the closing single featuring troye is literally the literal worst possible way this could go.

dont even remind me that this is a way she could finish it.... like featuring troye would nbe so disgusting


gd4nxJp.gif keep him away from her


Honestly I don't like Troye, but we need something different to end the era. Not just a LQ acoustic video and a gif that doesn't match the overall aesthetic

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Maybe she just forgot there was another song appart from TLIV to be released



And I mean, at first "TLIV" could be because of Valentine's, yeah, but Vintage is also a really romantic song and I would say way more..."valentine's day" ok we all know she wanted to play the "anti game" with releasing the sad song 

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Anyone else feel like she's proper flopping or


And that she shouldn't be but is in part dude to really just mismanaging the era?


She seems much more invested in the next era than the current and I just hope that means that CLXIII slaps

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I'm still sad that OHDH wasn't a hit. Like, an actual hit. One that goes viral and charts everywhere etc. 

When I found it on YouTube (and subsequently became an Allie X fan), it just felt like such a big moment in pop, I was absolutely convinced it would blow up sooner or later.


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I'm still sad that OHDH wasn't a hit. Like, an actual hit. One that goes viral and charts everywhere etc. 


When I found it on YouTube (and subsequently became an Allie X fan), it just felt like such a big moment in pop, I was absolutely convinced it would blow up sooner or later.

Omg, same. Or even Too Much to Dream, or Catch. None of her new music compares hgnnn

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Omg, same. Or even Too Much to Dream, or Catch. None of her new music compares hgnnn

I never liked Catch as much as everybody else seems to, but I agree. I do love songs like Casanova, Simon Says or Downtown, but as a whole, the album lacked the kind of uniqueness that made Allie's music interesting in the first place. And the spinning. The spinning is missing, too.


But IDK, I feel like from the very beginning, the whole CollXtion II era was not very well planned (or at least executed) at all. CollXtion II: Unsolved (I don't even want to go into it), teasing/releasing songs and not putting them on the album, turning OHDH into an ugly mess, putting the album up for preorder without releasing a lead single for two months, choosing Paper Love as the lead single when it should've been Casanova, releasing Need You as the second single (???), releasing That's So Us as a kind-of single (Correct me if I'm wrong, but some radio stations played it, right? And there was supposed to be a video?), GIFs that don't match the songs... I just hope that she manages to get something right and releases a duet version of Vintage featuring Troye once his album drops. Regardless whether someone likes him or not, at least it would give her some media coverage. And after that, close this chapter and move on to CollXtion III.


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In my visions the whole CLX-II kinda went "all wrong" with different scenarios.


First of all, it was meant to be released in 2016. Period.

It was pretty clear that the original campaign was set to release Old Habits Die Hard as the lead, followed by Too Much To Dream and then All The Rage. No way she would create the whole "Unsolved" ~~mess~~ (I kinda like it but It could have been better), drop all these songs, PROMOTE THEM (Ok she really didn't perform or got radio airplay, still, she created music videos & etc). Like what's the point releasing stand alone singles for some Spotify Playlist.


I think that after Too Much To Dream (which was like, the first Unsolved song?), the decided to "try" this experiment of lowkey releasing the singles and some demos etc to pick 'em up later for the album. It was more likely she had a direction ready to go about the album.


One of the resons why I believe that the unsolved songs were the actual album singles before the album is the fact that right when she dropped OHDH and created a competition and the prize was "A snippet for a song that will be on CLX II" (I'm almost sure the winner got to hear Alexandra snippet, I might ask it someday cuz I kinda "know" (I've seen them in person, does it count? nn) the winners). She also performed Alexandra live by the end of 2015. Onde again, she knew where it was meant to be going. 



It's pretty clear she had a mindset, songs and concepts ready but somehow threw all away to produce new music. This is also what our sis Melting Days shared of his talk with 24\7 and how she had "many uncompleted demos and just went by the mainstream songs".


Remember that by the time she released  All The Rage, before the song actually came out, a "remix" (I think it was actually the one that was meant to be sent to radio ???) leaked. She not only created the official music video with Drag-Queen-Superstar Violet but also that acoustic piano version video... she really pushed the song. (Also throwback to the fact the hinted before even releasing that's so us as a Unsolved song, she would make "everything to make the song big if we helped").



Then 2017 started. February and... ah... her website.

The countdown. The Snippets.... someway the site bug and revealing the whole thing before the right time

AND THEN OUR SIS ANNOUNCES THAT THE ALBUM WOULD TAKE 5 MORE MONTHS TO COME. By the time the album came I think part of the "HYPE" following around her from the Unsolved songs or the CLXI release was already lost. But still.


I don't think CLX II is nowhere next being a failure or mistake or anything because it also gave her many good things: 2 "high budget" music videos, she was able to perform outside the Americas, the album itself caught some people's attention... it def shows way more positive points than negative ones. And of course it could have been "better" but I mean... she did so many cool interviews and some really amazing lives.



I just hope that by the next record she'll be like in a perfect set-up to put her visions on it and there won't be any "label issues" or anything (Which we saw that happened this time, once why the vinyl release etc...........) and I think she really doing it right. I really believe she'll get "bigger" than she is today, not anything like international stardoom-the-new-lady-gaga but something like "Grimes" realness, yeah.

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