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Omg bitch



Mixed feelings because I love the ~vintage (?)~ aesthetic but that thing on her face... is it actually make up or what but it just doesn't work for me.


The snippet sound great, reminds me of Lorde's liability reprise with that voocoder even thought there's nothing like and I'm just craving new music.


Exciting times!!!

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Glam is really that type of song that would just explode if it was released in 2012. Electropop at it's finest. Gays would probably go crazy.

In other news can someone leak focus already, craving it 


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Omg bitch

why does she have bjork's utopia cheek thing going on here.



honestly i know unsolved was messy but i appreciate her giving us all the extra songs,, lowkey hope she does it, or something like it, again

i mean if she just released a handful of songs in an ep on spotify/itunes it'd be fine but like hyping them up as going on the final record with new production and then just, not doing that can be a bit frustrating


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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