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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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Hey everyone, this may have been mentioned already, sorry if it was. Just some coincidences I though't I'd mention.


There are many references to Axl Rose in Bel air: The "Roses, Bel air" part of course directly references the name,

he even drives a Chevy Bel air and as we know, Lana has a thing for cars. She's also liked Axl since she was at least a teenager, evident in that Gramma video. Also, the "lead me to war with your brilliant direction" line, Axl's stage name is William Axl Rose, and he used to sign his name as WAR. Plus the whole iconic sould, sweet child o' mine.


As for Cola, at first I thought it might be about Bradley S. with the whole wife thing, but considering she says Harvey's in the sky with diamonds I'm thinking it might be about Harvey Weinstein. Apparently he sleeps around despite being married and his wife tends to look the other way.

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She said in one interview that Video Games was an homage to violent love.. I wonder who that's about...


I like 'em tough and mean,

Jim is the worst that I've ever seen.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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She said in one interview that Video Games was an homage to violent love.. I wonder who that's about...


I said hey Jimmy Gnecco I like the way your name echo :woot:


This has actually kind of been bothering me. I hope Lana's relationship was fucked up on its own merits and not the fact that he hit her. That any of them hit her.



I have a Cola theory, if you will indulge me (you oughta, after all this time):


Lana has said that her two "identities" aren't different people in her mind, and that she'd like an escape ever now and then to Lana Del Rey, badass confident performer. What if Cola is her identifying with another persona? Demure Lizzy versus slutty Lana? Lizzy being the wife in this equation, and Lana being the mistress. I don't know. I just don't know. This song is so confusing.



Do we think that Jimmy Gnecco sold cocaine? The tattoo lyrics in "You & Me" seem to indicate him, but then there's the selling yay line--we've pretty well established that we think K was a drug-dealer.

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This has actually kind of been bothering me. I hope Lana's relationship was fucked up on its own merits and not the fact that he hit her. That any of them hit her.

I like 'em tough and mean,

Jim is the worst that I've ever seen.




Do we think that Jimmy Gnecco sold cocaine? The tattoo lyrics in "You & Me" seem to indicate him, but then there's the selling yay line--we've pretty well established that we think K was a drug-dealer.


I think he was an addict and may have sold some on the side to make money...even though that's against the dealer code...




I like the snake on your tattoo


I think I've read something about that being about Jimmy but his tattoo looks more like a dragon...


Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I'm aware of all the lyrics talking about abuse (hit me, my darling, tonight / I don't know why, but I like it), but I just hope she was being somewhat...figurative.


Jimmy's tattoo is definitely a dragon, but honestly that's close enough to a snake for me :P Don't know if you've read the OP, lola (no fault if you haven't), but she definitely posted the song on his Facebook. Yayo and Jimmy Gnecco are probably the only songs we can totally, definitively attribute to one guy.


I guess he wasn't drowning in money, but to think he was a drug dealer in addition to being a ~rockstar~ is strange.


Some things to suggest "You & Me" isn't about Jimmy:

- Blue water from the sea, hands all over me vs. Kill Kill's (or rather, The Ocean's) I'm in love lying in the sand--a K song. And Dark Paradise is sometimes considered a sequel to Kill Kill, so...ocean shit = K?

- Jimmy isn't the only man on earth with tattoos.

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I'm aware of all the lyrics talking about abuse (hit me, my darling, tonight / I don't know why, but I like it), but I just hope she was being somewhat...figurative.


Jimmy's tattoo is definitely a dragon, but honestly that's close enough to a snake for me :P Don't know if you've read the OP, lola (no fault if you haven't), but she definitely posted the song on his Facebook. Yayo and Jimmy Gnecco are probably the only songs we can totally, definitively attribute to one guy.


I guess he wasn't drowning in money, but to think he was a drug dealer in addition to being a ~rockstar~ is strange.


Some things to suggest "You & Me" isn't about Jimmy:

- Blue water from the sea, hands all over me vs. Kill Kill's (or rather, The Ocean's) I'm in love lying in the sand--a K song. And Dark Paradise is sometimes considered a sequel to Kill Kill, so...ocean shit = K?

- Jimmy isn't the only man on earth with tattoos.


I don't think they're figurative (there's not much room for interpretation in hit me, my darling, tonight / I don't know why, but I like it), domestic violence rates are sadly very high.


I have read the OP but I don't understand why Lana would sing about a snake if it's a dragon. Maybe it was a snake when they were in a relationship or something.


He didn't make music for quite some time after his then-girlfriend died. Maybe they were in a relationship during that time. If he really was an addict and wasn't making money through his music, he may have been desperate for money.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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This has actually kind of been bothering me. I hope Lana's relationship was fucked up on its own merits and not the fact that he hit her. That any of them hit her.

Me too.



I have a Cola theory, if you will indulge me (you oughta, after all this time):


Lana has said that her two "identities" aren't different people in her mind, and that she'd like an escape ever now and then to Lana Del Rey, badass confident performer. What if Cola is her identifying with another persona? Demure Lizzy versus slutty Lana? Lizzy being the wife in this equation, and Lana being the mistress. I don't know. I just don't know. This song is so confusing.

I really like this theory.


Do we think that Jimmy Gnecco sold cocaine? The tattoo lyrics in "You & Me" seem to indicate him, but then there's the selling yay line--we've pretty well established that we think K was a drug-dealer.

She combines different relationships in the same song so often, I don't think we need to attribute that line to Gnecco.


I'm aware of all the lyrics talking about abuse (hit me, my darling, tonight / I don't know why, but I like it), but I just hope she was being somewhat...figurative.

Yeah. I was watching her old videos yesterday, and it almost seemed to me that she used to be more prone to social commentary. Pawn Shop Blues is the most obvious example of that, like almost hitting you over the head with it (the plight of small-time farmers and their families). But the ones like Diet Mtn Dew, Hey Lolita Hey, and Put Me in a Movie... I don't know, maybe she's just being really really naughty. But I'm definitely getting the vibe that she's still using the opportunity for social commentary... just not as obviously. Like she's learned to approach topics (domestic violence, sexual exploitation) obliquely, rather than head-on. (I could be reading into it. But I'm finding it very thought-provoking.)


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the "hit me, my darling, tonight / i don't know why but i like it" i always thought was a metaphor for rough sex, not domestic violence...i mean, britney's "hit me baby one more time" i'd like to imagine wasn't about her asking for a punch in the face! :horror: "push me down" references this kink (?) as well, with the hair pulling bit and other not-gentle things she clearly craves and enjoys. anyway, i think jimmy gnecco's mean-ness was more like a moody, inconstant, artiste thing (i will never forget he didn't even "like" her post of "yayo" on his FB! :aheh: )

also, as an ours fan for over 10 years, i don't think jimmy was a drug dealer...consumed, possibly maybe. the band had some troubles with labels and shit, but they were relatively successful. at least i hope he didn't sell :defeated:

regarding the tattoo, lizzy could've first thought it was a snake and though then realized it was a dragon, she just preferred how it sounded (the fact that he's covered in blue ink reinforces it's about his tattoos, and not one of the other billion tattooed guys on the planet). "i like the draaagon on your taaaatoo" doesn't "roll off the tongue" so much ;)


EDIT: i was just re-listening to "push me down" and i think it's about jimmy, too. first, he's her "rock n'roll king" (though arthur and reeve carney rocked out a bit, they don't qualify that much as kings of rock n'roll - remember J was "on another level" ;)). also, and this is probably far-reaching on my part, but this line - "in the dark you can do whatever you want to" - reminds me of "lolita"'s "kiss me in the d.a.r.k. dark tonight" (which some of us had previously spectulated was about JG as well - even if she isn't a lolita in the "dolores haze" sense, she felt that way - J's 12 years older than her, and she was, like, 19 at the time and was his "baby doll") - and it connects with her lyrics on "jimmy gnecco": "jimmy, jimmy, jimmy, take me to the park - buy me a hot dog, kiss me in the dark". i'm guessing theirs was more of a night-time relationship :shh:.

additional speculation (this is LANALYSIS, ain't it?): even though the highs & the lows in their relationship - i suppose - made her suffer somewhat, jimmy, who is certainly intense and creative, excited her and inspired her to be free, to let go and express herself as an artist, beyond labels like "guitar-slinging acoustic folkie babe" à la the "sirens" and WLSC era. i think this little "push me down" line is relevant: "you’re my mr. rock n’ roll king / make me wanna sing, sing for them all". remember that on "you're gonna love me", she sang "jim, imma dedicate this whole album to you / you told me to get my way and that's exactly what i'm gonna do". this might be a reason.

to finish my rant, these verses on "raise me up" tie in nicely with abandoning the image-conscious, high society pressure to be a pretty "little lady" (which she rebelled against as soon as she became a teenager, and is related perhaps to why she and her momma didn't "get along"), as well ignoring the limiting indie cred "demand" of being "original" and allowing herself, as a person and as a musician, to be as eclectic and politcally incorrect as she wanted to:

Just like you said, It's all been done before

I don't have to talk pretty for them no more.

I can talk what I want, how I wanna

I don't have to talk tastefully for you, mama

No, no


i may be pushing it with this last part, but, well, i feel like i can do that here :oprah:

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ednafrau, it's so cool that you're actually a fan of Jimmy Gnecco, even prior to being a fan of Lana :flutter:


I'm in love with all those theories! Particularly the part about Jimmy inspiring her, because I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of them and want her to have some happy memories. I think that relationship was undoubtedly tainted by some shitty circumstances, though, which is a shame. I feel semi-confident that she was in rehab and gogo dancing at the time she dated him, based only on context clues.


Do we think she left Jimmy? Because he couldn't give up drugs?

And did she leave Mike because of the "Afraid" scenario? Her bitterness at him having a wife (American Dream, She's Not Me) seems to suggest it may have been the other way around, but we're not in the business of justifying her volatile emotions here.

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so lana herself is supposedly somewhere on this fourm according to our new 'highinthemind' girl/boy


apparently, the :quote: first and second page. :quote:

Edited by foxgrl


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so lana herself is supposedly somewhere on this fourm according to our new 'highinthemind' girl/boy


apparently, the :quote: first and second page. :quote:


My impact like a meteor :smokes:


Stop looking at my trainwreck life

And start listening to the way I sing the blues





The irony of the environment it leaked in.

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Guys, I'm new around here and I was just reading everything until now (lol, hi)

But I've been thinking about this connection that could be interesting.

Listening to "Every Man Gets His Wish" I noticed this part I didn't pay attention before: "you said I'd never make it out of here alive"

what leads me to "This Is What Makes Us Girls", "TEACHERS said we'd never make it out alive"

Anyone noticed that already?

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Guys, I'm new around here and I was just reading everything until now (lol, hi)

But I've been thinking about this connection that could be interesting.

Listening to "Every Man Gets His Wish" I noticed this part I didn't pay attention before: "you said I'd never make it out of here alive"

what leads me to "This Is What Makes Us Girls", "TEACHERS said we'd never make it out alive"

Anyone noticed that already?


Mr. Campbell!

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Guys, I'm new around here and I was just reading everything until now (lol, hi)

But I've been thinking about this connection that could be interesting.

Listening to "Every Man Gets His Wish" I noticed this part I didn't pay attention before: "you said I'd never make it out of here alive"

what leads me to "This Is What Makes Us Girls", "TEACHERS said we'd never make it out alive"

Anyone noticed that already?

Good call! :)

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Guys, I'm new around here and I was just reading everything until now (lol, hi)

But I've been thinking about this connection that could be interesting.

Listening to "Every Man Gets His Wish" I noticed this part I didn't pay attention before: "you said I'd never make it out of here alive"

what leads me to "This Is What Makes Us Girls", "TEACHERS said we'd never make it out alive"

Anyone noticed that already?


Didn't notice that~ thanks! I said back in the thread I think or on PM to someone, not sure which, that Mr Campbell has a 1967 Red Chevy so it fits!

one time, lana del rey told me that I made her day~ it was awesome

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