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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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Am I the only one who waits until September 18th?


Leaks suck...

I've only heard them once but to be honest I can't remember a single new melody, all I remember is the kind of vibe each song gives off, but nothing I couldn't have imagined based off of people's descriptions of the songs. I'm not necessarily waiting until September 18th though, I'm just waiting until we get them all in HQ, as I want my first Honeymoon listening experience to be super special! 


I'm still obsessed with Music To Watch Boys To, so I've been listening to that, which has stopped me from being so thirsty to listen to the crappy recordings again.

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Am I the only one who waits until September 18th?


Leaks suck...


It's not technically a leak though... It's promo and originated by Lana apparently. I'm very grateful some people recorded it because the UO in Europe didn't did it. And you're definitely not the only one, but I certainly didn't waited, especially since the quality of some of these recordings is really decent


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Definitely agree that 24 has the Bond theme vibe! It's very suave and I can so imagine like silhouttes of men in suits and guns and dancing women while the song plays!


And also, definitely feel like Art Deco is a continuation in some way of Carmen, someone else mentioned this before but I can't remember who, but I really feel echoes of Carmen in Art Deco (as in the character not the sound)


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I think this was a good strategy, it gave some promo to the album and the fans got to hear it early too. They knew that people would record and post them online. It was a nice way for people to hear the songs, get a good idea about the quality/sound of the album so those who like it and the ones who couldn't decide if they wanted to buy or not now will probably feel more like purchasing the album to get the full experience in HQ.

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