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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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to my dear LB sis who will be able to see Lana at the signing event, pls help us to ask the following questions:

1) where is Life Is Beautiful? :hooker:

2) will she do a (real) world tour in the near future? :troll:

3) when will MTWBT MV get released?  (as well as dark paradise, cola, and pretty when i cry) :creepna2:

4) will she do some TV/radio interviews? will she participate in any music festivals in the near future? :defeated:

5) is she already planning on the next project?  :creep:

6) when will the Live at Hollywood Cemetery get released? :fabcat:


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Tbh if you want to ask stuff make a list I'll do everything I can to ask!!!!! but I probably won't have much time there's loads of people and like 2h of signing

Pleasee ask if she has plans to play any festivals this summer. Dying to see her play at Bonnaroo!

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Tbh if you want to ask stuff make a list I'll do everything I can to ask!!!!! but I probably won't have much time there's loads of people and like 2h of signing

As long as you ask about LIB the rest doesn't matter. The MTWBT will eventually get released, asking her about promo won't change anything, she's def already thinking about another record so yeah.


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It's not like being team-less would be much different from what her team is doing :troll:

at least they can manage to do a Apple Music premier.  :troll:


what if our team-less Lana will only tease us 12 hours before after the release on instagram  :troll:


i can't let this happen.


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Do you live too far away from the store? cause theres still wristbands in-store

omg I'm only seeing this now but b l e s s your beautiful soul for saying this bc it's exactly what happened I LIVE 5MINS AWAY


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Jami hasn't been on in 13 mins, what if he bought the album and is on his way home? dsiajfuewfduehwauidjwqidjkeiw


one can dream

Did he ever go back to target? I've been asleep, what have I missed with Operation Honeymoon?

All I wanna do is get high by the beach

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to my dear LB sis who will be able to see Lana at the signing event, pls help us to ask the following questions:

1) where is Life Is Beautiful? :hooker:

2) will she do a (real) world tour in the near future? :troll:

3) when will MTWBT MV get released?  (as well as dark paradise, cola, and pretty when i cry) :creepna2:

4) will she do some TV/radio interviews? will she participate in any music festivals in the near future? :defeated:

5) is she already planning on the next project?  :creep:

6) when will the Live at Hollywood Cemetery get released? :fabcat:


Seriously, someone needs to ask her these things, especially LIB and the live dvd/blu-ray from hollywood forever


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Even if the reddit guy wanted to leak the album, could he? I know Vinyl's can be ripped somehow, but I personally wouldn't know how to go about it if I had the album super early....I would sit here begging all of you to explain it to me :icant:

i'm also going to the singing. 

i hope she lets us take selfies :)

Congrats! Have fun and tell us how it went!

And if you don't have a meltdown over seeing god, ask about Life is beautiful maybe?

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