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The Rock/Punk/Metal Heads Thread

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5 hours ago, Semafori said:


ive been trying to get into the french sonic sphere for forever and this might just be it

Glad to be of help!

There's a Technical Death Metal band from France named Exocrine that I really love too



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21 hours ago, The Siren said:

Glad to be of help!

There's a Technical Death Metal band from France named Exocrine that I really love too



Thanks for recommending this. I checked them out and really enjoyed their music. I can take or leave the vocals, but it might just be a matter of getting used to them. (Death vocals are either my favourite or least favourite thing, depending on how they're done).


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29 minutes ago, longtimeman said:

Thanks for recommending this. I checked them out and really enjoyed their music. I can take or leave the vocals, but it might just be a matter of getting used to them. (Death vocals are either my favourite or least favourite thing, depending on how they're done).

honestly same, i have to be in a specific mood to listen to a lot of screaming/unclean vocals for any given amount of time, much less a full album's worth lol

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heres another Death Metal album i love. i also bought the Japan bonus track version of this album, its got two demo versions as bonus tracks



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rlly loving to see this thread gain some traction again..

i’ve recently been obsessed with black flag and rollins band, both awesome and have the same vocalist. check them out if u haven’t already!!

also been listening to a lot of older hardcore punk bands.. remind me of growing up listening to my dads music for sure:D

also wanna promote some of my music if u wanna check it out: “Hayden Snyder” on youtube and soundcloud. i have a few songs, experimenting with some different styles, especially punk. anyways that’s enough ranting lmao

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21 minutes ago, hayden del rey said:

rlly loving to see this thread gain some traction again..

i’ve recently been obsessed with black flag and rollins band, both awesome and have the same vocalist. check them out if u haven’t already!!

also been listening to a lot of older hardcore punk bands.. remind me of growing up listening to my dads music for sure:D

also wanna promote some of my music if u wanna check it out: “Hayden Snyder” on youtube and soundcloud. i have a few songs, experimenting with some different styles, especially punk. anyways that’s enough ranting lmao

Oh wow - Black Flag are definitely my energy. I never saw them, but did see the Rollins Band on the Get Some and Come Again tour (which was amazing), and have gone to one of his spoken word shows. I love how supportive he is of female punk.

Aside from that, the records Black Flag made before Rollins joined are the pinnacle of loud-short-fast music as far as I'm concerned

Which other hardcore bands have you been listening to?


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a couple months ago i found an original copy of this album in pretty good condition and for a good price too. its prolly my favorite or second favorite kinks album next to lola. not punk or metal, but english rock is always good too



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1 hour ago, longtimeman said:

Oh wow - Black Flag are definitely my energy. I never saw them, but did see the Rollins Band on the Get Some and Come Again tour (which was amazing), and have gone to one of his spoken word shows. I love how supportive he is of female punk.

Aside from that, the records Black Flag made before Rollins joined are the pinnacle of loud-short-fast music as far as I'm concerned

Which other hardcore bands have you been listening to?

Black Flag is great. My fav hardcore bands of all time are MDC and F-Minus

MDC had a song on the GTA 5 soundtrack, which is what they’re most known for. But their whole discography is great, and they’re still active today. Their first album is their best and a classic in my opinion


Also F-Minus is a hardcore band thats most known for having members of another popular band Leftover Crack. They have three albums and a split all of which are very good.



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how do we feel about post punk like tubeway army (gary numan also got a bit experimental synth at some point) or experimental/art rock like zappa or brian eno?


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11 minutes ago, American Whore said:

how do we feel about post punk like tubeway army (gary numan also got a bit experimental synth at some point)

I love a lot of it. There are whole scenes that came out of lesser known (for music) cities all over the world that never even released vinyl records, mostly only coming out on Cassette. It's not the only golden age of underground music, but it's one of them.


or experimental/art rock like zappa or brian eno?

I'm not much into Eno, but I have a big Zappa collection. When I was still buying CDs, I amassed about forty of his releases, and by most Zappa fans' standards, I'm a beginner lol. Captain Beefheart's even better, in my opinion, even though a bunch of dorks on Youtube have turned him into a meme and think they're being funny by crapping on his music.

A couple of the bands who somehow blended Zappa/Beefheart with Punk/post-punk.

The Birthday Party - Fears of Gun

Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds over Tokyo



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5 minutes ago, longtimeman said:

I love a lot of it. There are whole scenes that came out of lesser known (for music) cities all over the world that never even released vinyl records, mostly only coming out on Cassette. It's not the only golden age of underground music, but it's one of them.

I'm not much into Eno, but I have a big Zappa collection. When I was still buying CDs, I amassed about forty of his releases, and by most Zappa fans' standards, I'm a beginner lol. Captain Beefheart's even better, in my opinion, even though a bunch of dorks on Youtube have turned him into a meme and think they're being funny by crapping on his music.

A couple of the bands who somehow blended Zappa/Beefheart with Punk/post-punk.

The Birthday Party - Fears of Gun

Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds over Tokyo


I'll have to check these out! My bf has a playlist of a lot of synth/art rock/psych/experimental/post punk stuff that he really likes (it's like 8 days long, he's been adding it up for me for 5 years... and tons of prog rock too) and I always randomly go into that playlist, find something, and listen and decide if I like it. that's how i found eno's music and zappa and numan. we were talking about seeing gary numan live about a year or two back but then his wife got sick or something and i could've sworn it got cancelled but i guess not, now that i'm looking into it. idk, missed opportunity though


Here's a couple I really like from Eno if you have some time to listen. Baby's On Fire has a really good solo from Robert Fripp (from King Crimson, the legend he is at times) and John Wetton (Roxy Music, Uriah Heap, etc...)



if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 hour ago, American Whore said:

I'll have to check these out! My bf has a playlist of a lot of synth/art rock/psych/experimental/post punk stuff that he really likes (it's like 8 days long, he's been adding it up for me for 5 years... and tons of prog rock too) and I always randomly go into that playlist, find something, and listen and decide if I like it. that's how i found eno's music and zappa and numan. we were talking about seeing gary numan live about a year or two back but then his wife got sick or something and i could've sworn it got cancelled but i guess not, now that i'm looking into it. idk, missed opportunity though

It sounds like you've got  enough music to catch up on then :) That branch of music really is an endless well to dive into, so it's hard to know even where to start, but if you have someone who knows your tastes recommending them, that's probably the best way to go.

Baby's on Fire is my favourite Eno song, actually, and was coincidentally covered by the guitarist of Pere Ubu, who I recommended above! It's a cassette recording from the mid 1970s, so it's pretty rough, but putting it here for fun.



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Also this isn't metal/punk, more 70s art rock I'd consider it art rock due to its storytelling but i love this album, it's like florence welch in the 70s for me




if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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