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Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir

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The more I think about this, the worse it looks for Kim. Unless it turns out that the guy Lana had her multi year relationship with was Thurston (KG's ex-husband and bandmate), it looks like an insanely personal and vindictive attack on someone she doesn't have any real connection to. IOW, the culmination of social media bullshit, put into print and given the imprimatur of a musical 'legend'.



And yet it seems no one (other than Lana's admirably aggressive twitter legion) has really called Kim out for this yet. Advising another woman that you've never met to kill themselves, especially in such a vitriolic and heartless fashion, is a much worse immpression to be putting out to our youth than a lonely woman admitting her own depression. The fact that Lana has made her anxieties clear to the world actually makes what Kim said even more, well, downright evil.


And yet if Lana were to respond in even the most reserved of manners, she'd be the one accused of trying to ignite a spat.

Let's hope she has enough common sense to realise that this woman is way out of place, it seriously wouldn't be good for her mental state if she took any of what was said to heart. Which is very likely considering who said it.

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I always feel bad for Lana from that interview where said she wished she was already dead. I feel like she blurted this out in the heat of the interview and then once it was said she had to continue speaking about it. I don't believe she truly thinks dying young is cool as she did wish Bobbi-Kristina to recover.

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I don't know this Kim Gordon woman but if she is a highly acclaimed artist shouldn't it ever pass her mind that some things are escapism? And why does so many people assume that everything LDR do in her Ride video is what she does everyday ? 

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If there's one comment I hate to see thrown about it's that 'they should kill themselves'. It might be meant as a throwaway comment, but it may be just the right antidote to push an already despondent person over the edge.

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If there's one comment I hate to see thrown about it's that 'they should kill themselves'. It might be meant as a throwaway comment, but it may be just the right antidote to push an already despondent person over the edge.

Some of you overreact a bit. Kim is an asshole and a bitter bitch. I am sure Lana knows that

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This article seems to cite *significant* modifications to the initial quote about Lana Del Rey. It also seems to be saying the context for Lana Del Rey quote in Kim's autobiography was in her saying LDR was some kind of logical outgrowth from Madonna's take on feminism: 



This article seems to be doing damage control on behalf of Kim:

Of course, misogyny accusations and ignorance accusations (about the importance of specific artists and their specific work) cuts both ways.


I guess my final feelings can be summed up in a joke:


Did you hear the one about the Ride youtube comment that got lost and found its way into Kim Gordon's autobiography? No wait a minute; it's not a joke; it actually happened. 


The quote modifications take a bit of the bite out of the joke, though.

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She's right! Lana is SATAN! Ever since I started listening to her I want to get hit by someone!




Oh but really poor Lana. Always getting bashed even if she's not doing anything atm

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This article seems to cite *significant* modifications to the initial quote about Lana Del Rey. It also seems to be saying the context for Lana Del Rey quote in Kim's autobiography was in her saying LDR was some kind of logical outgrowth from Madonna's take on feminism: 
This article seems to be doing damage control on behalf of Kim:
Of course, misogyny accusations and ignorance accusations (about the importance of specific artists and their specific work) cuts both ways.
I guess my final feelings can be summed up in a joke:
Did you hear the one about the Ride youtube comment that got lost and found its way into Kim Gordon's autobiography? No wait a minute; it's not a joke; it actually happened. 
The quote modifications take a bit of the bite out of the joke, though.



If she put the harsher version in an earlier edition, she still needs to take responsibility for it. But I'm glad for the modifications. I just don't understand the need to tear down anyone with a different focus in life. One person, even one group, can't do it all. That's why we have multiple people and multiple groups in the world. I mean, it seems so obvious.


Come on, Kim, let Lana do Lana and you do you. You might even appreciate Madonna more if you like, you know, talked TO her... :P


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Kim should still take responsibility for the early draft of the quote. It got online, Lana Del Rey definetly has seen it or heard about it by this point, Kim needs to be an adult and apologise.


At least in the modified paragraph we can take her arguments seriously. I still disagree though. What troubles me is that Kim perpetuates the mentality that everything Del Rey says and does is an act, belittling her pain and experiences. Of course there's no denying that she incorporates her fantasies into her writing, but it's dangerous to assume that Lana keeps this "persona" on 24/7 and ignore her genuine moments of hardship as if she's putting it on in keeping with her image. I've seen poolside, she's not that great an actress.

Kim also tries to convince us Lana doesn't understand feminism. Lana never said she wasn't a feminist, the most she said was that she wasn't interested in discussing the subject and she even described her own feminist ideals. But these days that's all it takes to anger the public, who exaggerate her words to make her seem like some pathetic idiot who doesn't care about her own rights, which was the exact opposite of what Lana said.


I'm not saying Lana Del Rey is suicidal, but she's clearly unhappy, or at least was at the time of the Guardian interview. Can you imagine how frustrating it must be for people to constantly misconstrue everything you say or do as a planned publicity stunt to fit your gimick? For moments of genuine passion or desperation to be scrutinised so harshly and calculatingly by the media? Kim's been in the limelight for a long time, she should be more mature and understanding than that. She should be supporting Lana, not trying to depict Lana as a bad feminist. Kim may have removed the harshest bite from her words, but she's still slut shaming Lana for the lifestyle she depicts in her art, most importantly the ride video, which makes no sense as men have lived this way for decades. Maybe it's not the right lifestyle for for some women but if others choose to live that way then why would she care? Lana Del Rey proves that women can be romantic without being airheads who desperately depend on a man. She gives a voice to important feminist issues that aren't being discussed by anyone else (domestic abuse, the media's discrimination against women) and that's exactly the point. There are more important issues in feminism than Lana Del Rey. It's insulting, it's inexcusable, and above all it's upsetting that today trashing women who make different lifestyle choices is considered feminism.

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Frances Cobain and Anton Newcombe being shady on Twitter :toofunny:




Throwback to this:



He called her a "dumb bitch" here:



He also used to obsess over her on Twitter in 2012, constantly calling her names and posting links to stories about her. :lel:

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Frances Cobain and Anton Newcombe being shady on Twitter :toofunny:




Throwback to this:



He called her a "dumb bitch" here:



He also used to obsess over her on Twitter in 2012, constantly calling her names and posting links to stories about her. :lel:

Hew is this irrelevant person?

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