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27 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

Charli wouldn't be mass-leaking her own music after she's talked in the past about how much she hates leaks 🤐

There was no mass leaks though- the last thing she gave was a nuclear seasons multitrack- the rest were songs that were being passed around off her hard drive so it was a game of beating them to the chase-


I 99% believe it is charli especially because they stated we have bounce final :toofunny: we don’t!

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2 minutes ago, Voignamir said:

i think charli has more important things to do on xmas than randomly uploading songs to dbree and then logging to lanaboards to post her own unreleased songs under an alias :toofunny:

Are we to going to pretend she didn’t search through twitter tweets to randomly drag people that didn’t even @ :blush3:

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Honestly in my fantasy Charli does a 90's eurodance inspired album, very specifically - very, very, specifically - the sound that was coming out of Germany and Belgium between like 1992-97. Acts like Culture Beat, 2 Unlimited, Kim Sanders ("Show Me" is a fucking masterpiece die if you ever hear that song and don't like it), Real McCoy, La Bouche (Rip Melanie Thornton), Masterboy - Just everything in a minor key, 130-140BPM, a bassline so meaty it's musical cock, a kick that rips you kicking and screaming (see what I did there?) through the synth... don't give me the poppy 90s dance that the Norwegians and Danes were kicking out (a la Aqua, Toybox, Daze tho I love them), skip the Italodance (for now) - give me the less kitchy more gritty synths.

I see so much 90s fashion coming back into trends, we've had our cute little 80's moment for like a decade now (@ all the indie synth bands ever - looking at every single act under "Italians Do It Better" label),  now I want that "lets do coke in the bathroom and let a pounding bassline fuck us till 4AM in a club from east germany" music to eek it's way back in.

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27 minutes ago, AtomicMess said:

Honestly in my fantasy Charli does a 90's eurodance inspired album, very specifically - very, very, specifically - the sound that was coming out of Germany and Belgium between like 1992-97. Acts like Culture Beat, 2 Unlimited, Kim Sanders ("Show Me" is a fucking masterpiece die if you ever hear that song and don't like it), Real McCoy, La Bouche (Rip Melanie Thornton), Masterboy - Just everything in a minor key, 130-140BPM, a bassline so meaty it's musical cock, a kick that rips you kicking and screaming (see what I did there?) through the synth... don't give me the poppy 90s dance that the Norwegians and Danes were kicking out (a la Aqua, Toybox, Daze tho I love them), skip the Italodance (for now) - give me the less kitchy more gritty synths.

I see so much 90s fashion coming back into trends, we've had our cute little 80's moment for like a decade now (@ all the indie synth bands ever - looking at every single act under "Italians Do It Better" label),  now I want that "lets do coke in the bathroom and let a pounding bassline fuck us till 4AM in a club from east germany" music to eek it's way back in.

I didn’t know I needed this. Vengaboys, Aqua, Alice DJ and Ace of Base as features. 

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28 minutes ago, Lukeb said:

I didn’t know I needed this. Vengaboys, Aqua, Alice DJ and Ace of Base as features. 

Me: Not NE European Sound

You: proceeds to list off precisely that


ALTHOUGH - I do love all of that, but those acts are a little....toooo poppy and up for what I had in mind. However, given that Xbox lived in hyperpop space for awhile, downshifting back into a sound reminiscent of the Sweedish/Danish/Norweigan dance acts of the 90s could be a "natural" transition, sonically.

I'd love to see features from those bands and acts though. Anything to bring that genre back into the light a bit. I grew up on it. I want to see homage and tribute paaaaaid.

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why u gotta go to sleepppp dont go to sleepeppppp dont gooo too sleeep lets go outtttttttttttttttttt

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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3 hours ago, AtomicMess said:

Omg, someone else who uses LastFM? This is a new record. There's like 11 of us now.


i listen to so much non streamable music so i want a more accurate end of year recap



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3 hours ago, AtomicMess said:

Omg, someone else who uses LastFM? This is a new record. There's like 11 of us now.

i switch streaming services every year and a half because i'm indecisive and every time i'm using apple music i'm constantly re-editing tags so i just use last.fm so everything is in one place

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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4 minutes ago, godsmonster said:


i listen to so much non streamable music so i want a more accurate end of year recap

no its true and I also edit tracklists by adding spare singles and better tagging so last.fm is good for proper year recap

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5 minutes ago, the ocean said:

i switch streaming services every year and a half because i'm indecisive and every time i'm using apple music i'm constantly re-editing tags so i just use last.fm so everything is in one place


13 minutes ago, godsmonster said:


i listen to so much non streamable music so i want a more accurate end of year recap


Yeah. I use Spotify to discover new music and decide if I like songs or artists, and from there I usually end up purchasing things outright through iTunes or other online stores. I've also got a lot of music that just straight up doesn't exist on streaming/digital as well. I have a collection of 90s and early 2000s music that was either released as a vinyl only, or are just rarer singles and songs. Last.Fm is the only place where I can be like "See! See I listened to it!"


7 minutes ago, dance4u said:

i literally have a premium last fm account in the year 2023 it does not get nerdier than that

  Reveal hidden contents

username is bikinikillme420 ;)



I'd share mine but the problem is that there's a few years gap in the mid-teens where I didn't use it/it wasn't using it so my top artists/songs are still reflecting a VERY cringe college me and I'm embarrassed about it.

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