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Charli XCX

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'XCX World', or whatever she would have called it, was fresh at the time it was created and she would have been behind of the PC Music craze and do a pop album that was very avant garde IF she would've released it at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, but it would've tanked if she would've released it once we were begging for it and started leaking her stuff! The release of Boys was the beginning of the end.


I don't think we would've gotten Pop2, but she should've still released that AND if she had kept Issues then she would be a very big pop star once she started on Charli. Then she could release mediocre albums like Crash and be very relevant, just like artists like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande do, but she would've had a huge following!


Vroom Vroom came out of nowhere and it was amazing. :diva:


And that's my very hot take!


Taylor Swift knew XCX World was going to be a threat, that's why she put her on the tour!

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Ok but when are Charlie XCX and Lana Del Rey going to collaborate? They've both been in the shadow of Taylor Swift? Charlie XCX has a hit thread on Lanaboards? Caroline Polachek can hook them up through Tap Management and Caroline has been hanging out at her LA mansion? I bet Lana lives a stone throws distance from there?????

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6 hours ago, soccermom4life said:

Once again asking who’s sneaking a field recorder into the boiler room set to record. We need a brave angel. Can we call the avenger that record SOPHIE’s Coachella Set?

Linkkkkkkk I can only find short clips online and I need to relive that moment


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53 minutes ago, twitter said:

Linkkkkkkk I can only find short clips online and I need to relive that moment



Sorry I don't have a copy saved. The hard drive I had it on went to the tech shop in the sky without notice and I lost the file. When I tried looking for the drive (google) link I could only find the text file outlining the recorders recording specs. https://we.tl/t-RIMtdZcSHU


That man is my hero. Need him at Boiler Room tonight

He used modded SP-CMC-8 mics to record into a Sony PCM-M10 before transferring to his computer to do some post processing.

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