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Pretty sure we can confirm Body of My Own, as it was registered with Breaking Up and I Need Your Love?


It was already registered though...? Or was it registered again? Anyway that's good bc punk rawk

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i like btr and i like true romance. btr is a catchy/fun party song, even though the lyrical content is not up to par with some of her other material. who knows, maybe it was the first single because of what it is: a catchy/fun party song to keep her name out there after boom clap's success. maybe they thought it would be successful on top 40 radio because thats what the radio plays- catchy/fun party songs. they wouldn't release some full on punk song or a song that has her signature deep, thought provoking lyrics. we'll just have to play the guessing game and wait 'til the whole album's out to see if maybe there are more artistic songs (lyrically) on the album. either way, i'm excited for sucker, even if it is full of 'break the rules' type songs.  :P 


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It was already registered though...? Or was it registered again? Anyway that's good bc punk rawk

It was registered a while ago on Harry Fox, but ASCAP registered Breaking Up, I Need Your Love and Body of My Own at the same time, so I guess?????? 

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Are these live renditions in chronological order? Also am I missing any?



Gravity (March 20th 2010)

Atomic (April 8th 2011)

Mess (April 13th 2012)

Wires (Daytrotter Sessions Version) (May 2nd 2012)

The Killing Moon (Sept. 2nd 2012)

I Want It That Way (August 2013)

London Queen / Breaking Up (March 2014)

I Want Candy (it was performed earlier but this performance is recent) (August 2014)

Stay With Me (Sept. 2014)

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The one where she's in the tiny disco room, serving Marina and the Diamonds.  :hooker:


idk how I feel about the pink clouds photoshoot.... Not her best. Not really digging her style in it tbh. The second photoshoot is flawless though. I love the compositions and photo editing. Great design and talent on the part of the people who designed the whole complex interview layout and took the pictures.

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