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Charli XCX

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i dont wanna know is the best song on the album, reminds me of xcx3 era :defeated: :defeated:

Charli is the only artist that i find it insanely difficult keeping track of all her unreleased songs, my library is all over the place lmao.. it takes too long to make my own albums cus there's so many choices.. i think i need a fresh start and just pile them all in one huge playlist, can someone send me the most updated masterpost pls? xx



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I just know the 24 hour album was her best collection of work to date.

That’s where we got I Got It, IDWK, Party Party, Jam City collab, etc!


wait which track is the jam city song? 20 steps/in my arms/happy now/dreams/7 days/everything

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wait which track is the jam city song? 20 steps/in my arms/happy now/dreams/7 days/everything

we dont even know if the jam city was part of the 24h album

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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OK what the hell. i've never downloaded Die 4 because on first listen i didn't like it.

guess i was a clown, like a biiiiig one.  :hdu:  :hdu:


That old Sucker outtake? Oh, well, you can keep it

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the real question is?


are you a bad girl?


Just like Lucy Liu?


It's literally charli repeating this sentence on a pc beat and you know what? i love it...... can somebody fucking release it 

Since my MacBook broke and I used the money for drugs and skincare instead of fixing It, I re-downloaded that old masterpost and all the single mp3s that leaked in the meantime on my android and It's a damn mess...


girl skincare is everything

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That old Sucker outtake? Oh, well, you can keep it

No no lmao, never listened to any sucker outtake ahah. The one I die 4, yesterday after CTMP hq I wanted to complete my XCXWorld album that was missing it and now I'm soooooo addicted to it.

Btw my CD hasn't been delivered yet, fellow Italians who preordered in June, it's the same for you?

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I wanted to ask you about leaks. Obviously, quite a few of your songs have leaked online before they’ve been officially released, or never released. Do you follow what your fans are saying about them online? 

Sometimes it just sort of comes my way, but I don’t actively go and search for that shit because it actually makes me really upset. I’m aware that like leaking has become a part of my narrative, but to my knowledge nothing leaked from this album. No, actually I think “White Mercedes” might have leaked a while ago, but that was like the end of the leaking. But the whole thing is annoying. I know that some songs that have become mythical, like “Taxi”—SOPHIE and I will text about it sometimes because there are some really good videos of SOPHIE being on stage giving an emotional speech and then someone will be like, “PLAY TAXI!” and it’s just like, fuck off or whatever she says. If this song ever gets out will the hype just be over? Someone must have it. [Note: You can unfortunately very easily find this song on SoundCloud or YouTube with the right Googling and yes, it’s as good as its mythical status suggests.]

I’m not sure what people want, just for you to release it officially?

I think people just want to want it. I think if I actually released it the fun would be over.

I tend to think of your releases now as like, serious world-building in a way that I don’t think a lot of pop artists do. I know when I hear an album like Charli, I’m going to hear rising artists and producers I’ve never heard of. When did you first decide this is how you wanted to approach your records, pulling in these voices together?

It was when SOPHIE and I were working on this album that never came out. I was kind of curating, like SOPHIE working with Stargate and Blood Pop. It was just this kind of unusual combination of producers and other people coming in and out. I was like A&R-ing it myself. I just realized I’m a really good curator, and I think from that point on I just kind of got more and more confident [in asking] other artists like, “Do you want to jump on this? Do you want to jump on that?” What’s funny is when I was young and I started making music, all I really wanted was a crew of people, a group to collaborate with. I never found it. I tried so hard to find that.

This interview  :defeated: https://themuse.jezebel.com/charli-xcx-pauses-the-party-to-get-real-1838130056

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