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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:


don't get me wrong red balloons's horrible but it's almost therapeutic to listen to because it's comically horrible... like so bad it's good


explode is just total mediocrity

I think explode is cute-it is overproduced and messy but it’s a cute electronic disco track 

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1 minute ago, evalionisameme said:

I think explode is cute-it is overproduced and messy but it’s a cute electronic disco track 

i kinda forgot about it until last month and its honestly not a bad track at all its just... yeah a lil overproduced 


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1 minute ago, godsmonster said:

it’s wild to me that this topic has 9.2 MILLION views

i wonder if Lana knows that the most viewed thread on this site is the Charli XCX thread :true:

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1 minute ago, the ocean said:

no one is talking about lightning produced by ARIEL FUCKING RECHTSHAID renowned producer of her best album TRUE ROMANCE

cuz it’s not out yet bitch! the girls here will be talking about that song, and its demos lbr, until 2043, dw.

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I’m so confused by her greatest hits show tickets, it has the options like “CD + 1 ticket” “LP + 1 Ticket” or just 1 Ticket but it says

“Item: this is limited to 4 per customer
Ticket: these are limited to 1 per customer”


So you can just buy one ticket at a time?:wtfney:


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2 minutes ago, COLORINGBOOKS said:


The Number 1 Angel /Charli / HIFN erasure on this poster....

My perfect set list would be: 

1.Vroom Vroom 

2. What I like 

3. Roll with Me 

4.Take My hand 

5. Breaking Up 

6.Body of my own 

7. You’re the one 

8. Forever 

9. February 2017 

10. Track 10 

11. Need Ur Luv 

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7 minutes ago, COLORINGBOOKS said:


The Number 1 Angel / Charli / HIFN erasure on this poster.... 


it’s a cute poster - i kinda wanna make a greatest hits cover based on this but obvs with the additional representation :true:

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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1 hour ago, evalionisameme said:

Red balloon is horrid-her worst song, the out of key scream singing-the horrible tuned Disney instrumental 

Truly the worst thing Charles gave us 

i want you to take accountability and apologize to the red balloon community. this is problematic

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