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It's work bitch :3


I'm kinda in love with the idea but if anyone else did this it would be corny and pandering :crey:


Godney tho, I'll buy it if only to outsell Dark Horse :hottie:

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Sebastian Ingrosso it's from Swedish House Mafia




- will.i.am

- Britney Spears 

Sebastian Ingrosso

Otto Knows 

- Ruth-Anne Cunningham 

- Anthony Preston 


6 people for those few words?  :biblio:





Meh... some people say is the promo cover


hate the "Work Bitch" font it's so damn overused


Jane Krakowski is that you?


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what is this  :defeated: i was hoping britney would do something great but this song is so embarrassing. and what's w the accent, is she madonna now

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I cannot fathom how awful this is. I don't understand how this was actually chosen not only to even be considered to be recorded, but that people actually sat down at a table, listened to this and thought "you know what, this would be a really great first single!" 

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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I'm really smashing it, it's great, it tells those lessors to work for what she got. It doesn't sound nothing like Alexandra Stan. But wtvr everyone can have their awful taste 


@@butterflies there are listed people who work on the music and not the lyrics, Sebastian Ingrosso for example said that him gave some beats to will, but he can¿t take credits, but Godney is giving him the credits he deserve.




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O M F H G I'm just... stuffed. It sounds like nothing out there. It sounds so fucking good. :bodyisready: :bodyisready: :bodyisready: :bodyisready:  I love the low pitch voiced Britney. And she's doing it again!


:gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:


Wait for my non delusional review  :makeup:



Woke up today and saw that a low quality version of Work Bitch had leaked  


The radio #WORKBxxCHPremiere is now happening TODAY at 3pm ET- tune in to your local station, iHeartRadio,or Radio.com to hear the REAL THING!


will.i.amOtto Knows, and I worked SOOO hard on this song! Can't wait for you all to hear it like you're supposed to... #WORKBxxCHPremiere


So it looks like the other 3 people listed as writers/producers had a very little part of the song  :hdu:




they are so f*cking smart




@keith_caulfield: The early premiere of @BritneySpears' #WORKBxxCH could enable a debut on @Billboard's Pop Songs chart tomorrow (Monday).


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