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AKA Lizzy Grant


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Just to wrap this up I actually just finished the “album” and it’s fucking TRASH. It’s just noises. Literally noises. How do you all actually hear this shit without going deaf? Ponyboy almost took out my ears it was so awful. Don’t ever try to say Sophie has any commercial viability outside of this weird shit. You’re the stereotypical gay thinking anything different is good. It’s not.

It takes a certain level of intelligence which clearly you lack otherwise you would have copped that hair transplant already 

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ok so like clownery of the last few pages aside considering she's playing coachella, do we think she's actually going to release the songs she's gonna play in time for it or is she just gonna keep teasing the same songs for the rest of time


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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Yall’re a fucking mess, this behavior is childish and unacceptable. Unless yall’re a bunch of 8 heat olds I see no reason this is happening. I hope being warned/put on the mod queue will teach y’all a lesson. People need to learn that stupidity is not an attractive quality

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Just to wrap this up I actually just finished the “album” and it’s fucking TRASH. It’s just noises. Literally noises. How do you all actually hear this shit without going deaf? Ponyboy almost took out my ears it was so awful. Don’t ever try to say Sophie has any commercial viability outside of this weird shit. You’re the stereotypical gay thinking anything different is good. It’s not.

Just to wrap this up I actually just finished "Don't Hate Me" and it's fucking TRASH. It's just noises. Literally noises. How do you (and only you) hear this shit without going deaf? Rollercoaster almost took out my ears it was so awful. Don't ever try to say Jackson Novem has any commercial viability outside of your (Jackson Novem's) closet. You're the stereotypical gay thinking that you can actually sing and have a career living inside of your closet making low-rent garage band music on your macbook you bought from ebay. It's not... gonna happen.


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We need @salvatore up in here to cast a spell to cleanse this thread

i deliver only spells of peace, tidings, and good fortune for my spiritual children through this new year


seeing as that jack can choke on slow burn for all i care i am of no assistance thank u praise yosemite

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