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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


343 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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leaked version-

110,000 is more than thirty of the weeks in this calender year.

2015 is a year where 20,000 makes the Top 10, and as few as a thousand gets into the top 100 albums.

And Drake is considered the #1 male artist in the USA with the added bonus of all of Future's fans on top of that and his rudely dropping an album interfering with someone else that had been planned.


When people steal music (as some here keep wanting to do, it leads to people getting it for free and not supporting the artists they claim.


Why would you call a #2 album a flop? At the heigh of her career, in an age where albums sold millions and millions, Tori Amos highest was #2.

This is Lana's third that was either 1 or 2.


But then every single post is bathed in negativity leaked version.

I think I know now who posts those anonymous comments on every single article about her, and every single youtube.


just my 2 cents worth.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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hbhbhb- every single post leaked version makes is a negative


instead of one saying it's great that Lana  had

115,000 sold in the USA #2 on the charts and was on course for #1 until the mixtape came out


it is a hit and run negative post so often seen here just to bring people down. Just like the articles online with a comments section where there always seemed to be one person

who rushed to say some crap negative, and same on youtube videos.


It really is not right. All it does is bring people down. I will no longer remain silent about this and seethe inside.


Congratulations to Lana on having the #2 album in America and please keep doing so.

Don't let the bastards get you down as the old slogan goes.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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hbhbhb- every single post leaked version makes is a negative


instead of one saying it's great that Lana  had

115,000 sold in the USA #2 on the charts and was on course for #1 until the mixtape came out


it is a hit and run negative post so often seen here just to bring people down. Just like the articles online with a comments section where there always seemed to be one person

who rushed to say some crap negative, and same on youtube videos.


It really is not right. All it does is bring people down. I will no longer remain silent about this and seethe inside.


Congratulations to Lana on having the #2 album in America and please keep doing so.

Don't let the bastards get you down as t

he old slogan goes.


just like who he stans for 



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I honestly think it's awesome that Lana is hitting #2 and #3 on charts in US and Europe. Like, I was thrilled to find that out. She's still popular. People are still interested. 


And I think what the fanbase needs to realize is that even though we obviously want her to be the best and do amazingly, she probably wanted that in the past and had serious perfectionism and it ended up depressing her when critics took things too far and she didn't always achieve her goals. Now she has clearly stated that she makes music for herself and doesn't care that much about critics (although she still looks at reviews) and we should be celebrating the sort of achievements that she herself now celebrates. It's hard to hold yourself on an impossible pedestal all the time, and we shouldn't be encouraging that. 

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I honestly think it's awesome that Lana is hitting #2 and #3 on charts in US and Europe. Like, I was thrilled to find that out. She's still popular. People are still interested. 


And I think what the fanbase needs to realize is that even though we obviously want her to be the best and do amazingly, she probably wanted that in the past and had serious perfectionism and it ended up depressing her when critics took things too far and she didn't always achieve her goals. Now she has clearly stated that she makes music for herself and doesn't care that much about critics (although she still looks at reviews) and we should be celebrating the sort of achievements that she herself now celebrates. It's hard to hold yourself on an impossible pedestal all the time, and we shouldn't be encouraging that. 


true dat. considering what has happened during the UV era (literally nothing but a US tour and an iPhone video)

hope this will remind our goddess to do more promote ;)

would definitely love to see her perform on TV shows in HD.


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those with enquiring minds don't immediately insult someone when they are too intellectually lazy to  go and have a look-see

google is your friend

Or maaaybeee I know what you are talking about and still don't think of it as an obvious connection.

Just because you are smart or sophisticated, that doesn't mean you have to puke out random references whenever you post just to prove how sophisticated you are. Most of yor essays are so far fatched it hurts. Starting with the Edith Piaf comparison in your sig :toofunny:

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I'm actually happy for this because it means Lana is still wanted and her fanbase is still here. Lana was supposed to be #1 if it wasn't for Drake, it's not like Lana is ANY bigger than Drake so I actually consider this a hit for her. The album was received well too, she has being doing things with it and we have a (hopefully great) music video on the way! Great era so far.




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In the UK she's officially a niche artist: Born To Die sold 116,745, UV 48,028, HM 28,391

The numbers are bad (and not only in the UK) because she's a front-loaded seller, after this week she'll drop like a rock on the charts. Her streaming numbers are weak except maybe the video of HBTB. She has no hits and no radio play and there is nothing yet to sustain HM on a longer term.


She's fading globally commercially harder than I expected and I don't see a way for her to come back. She doesn't have the desire and the ability to do that tbh. This is partly the consequence of her attitude in the UV era: no performances, BS interviews, canceling events, new artists emerge and people are moving on. Some are blaming the sound of UV for flopping but I think that not performing your music is just a way to kill your career. The second reason of HM flopping commercially is that, despite the fact that she already did more promo than in the entire UV era, Honeymoon had a poor promotion starting with the awful choice for singles and the lack of performances. I guess that half of the potential buyers don't even know that her album it's out yet. Plus, she has piss poor management, Interscope did for her just 10% of the promo they did for the flop Jepsen album and for the soon to be flop Gomez album. She has no good videos for sometime now which obviously doesn't help to spark the interest in her music.


But because she doesn’t care of these things neither should we. The only question for me as a fan is if she can stabilize her fanbase enough on a long term that will assure her career going forward. I'm really impressed with HM and I'm here for more.

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In the UK she's officially a niche artist: Born To Die sold 116,745, UV 48,028, HM 28,391

The numbers are bad (and not only in the UK) because she's a front-loaded seller, after this week she'll drop like a rock on the charts. Her streaming numbers are weak except maybe the video of HBTB. She has no hits and no radio play and there is nothing yet to sustain HM on a longer term.


She's fading globally commercially harder than I expected and I don't see a way for her to come back. She doesn't have the desire and the ability to do that tbh. This is partly the consequence of her attitude in the UV era: no performances, BS interviews, canceling events, new artists emerge and people are moving on. Some are blaming the sound of UV for flopping but I think that not performing your music is just a way to kill your career. The second reason of HM flopping commercially is that, despite the fact that she already did more promo than in the entire UV era, Honeymoon had a poor promotion starting with the awful choice for singles and the lack of performances. I guess that half of the potential buyers don't even know that her album it's out yet. Plus, she has piss poor management, Interscope did for her just 10% of the promo they did for the flop Jepsen album and for the soon to be flop Gomez album. She has no good videos for sometime now which obviously doesn't help to spark the interest in her music.


But because she doesn’t care of these things neither should we. The only question for me as a fan is if she can stabilize her fanbase enough on a long term that will assure her career going forward. I'm really impressed with HM and I'm here for more.

As if we needed a stupid ass forum member to make obvious comments about the current state of her career.

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In the UK she's officially a niche artist: Born To Die sold 116,745, UV 48,028, HM 28,391

The numbers are bad (and not only in the UK) because she's a front-loaded seller, after this week she'll drop like a rock on the charts. Her streaming numbers are weak except maybe the video of HBTB. She has no hits and no radio play and there is nothing yet to sustain HM on a longer term.


She's fading globally commercially harder than I expected and I don't see a way for her to come back. She doesn't have the desire and the ability to do that tbh. This is partly the consequence of her attitude in the UV era: no performances, BS interviews, canceling events, new artists emerge and people are moving on. Some are blaming the sound of UV for flopping but I think that not performing your music is just a way to kill your career. The second reason of HM flopping commercially is that, despite the fact that she already did more promo than in the entire UV era, Honeymoon had a poor promotion starting with the awful choice for singles and the lack of performances. I guess that half of the potential buyers don't even know that her album it's out yet. Plus, she has piss poor management, Interscope did for her just 10% of the promo they did for the flop Jepsen album and for the soon to be flop Gomez album. She has no good videos for sometime now which obviously doesn't help to spark the interest in her music.


But because she doesn’t care of these things neither should we. The only question for me as a fan is if she can stabilize her fanbase enough on a long term that will assure her career going forward. I'm really impressed with HM and I'm here for more.

lmao negative ass 

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Lana does not want to be those 24/7/365 all going for the hit record do anything the media asks artists.

She is an A act that people know, but on her own terms. When I keep comparing her to the acts she is like, same people hate my answer but she is like those acts, not like the flavor of the week that next month will be someone else.


She will tour when she wants to, if she wants to.

If she wants to stay in the studio and release stuff just on her own private youtube she will do just that


Sheesh, you know how many millions of people would die to have a number 2 album in America after having had a Number one album?

Every single person that stands in line for the Voice or X Factor or Idol or plays some club on Karaoke night would die to be what Lana is.


and yet some here want her to be something she is not?


I just want to enjoy the ride. And hope the ride lasts forever.


I sincerely congratulate Lana on her #2 album and there is nobody else that would have beaten Drake this week. Face it.

and I also congratulate Ryan Adams for his 1989 album.  And Father John Misty for his quickly removed take off on it.

It's a tribute to Lana in the first place that Taylor made 1989 even if she won't admit it or give Lana a writing credit.


and congratulations to Lana on her duet with Weeknd which she co-wrote and if Weeknd decides to release it as an official single, being that he is so hot now, it will be a #1 song

in spite of it all. (and congratulaitions to Lana on hitting #16 on the R&B/HipHop chart, the only white singer on that chart two weeks ago.


Don't let the bastards get you down ever Lana.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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btw- in Quebec City hotel room last week, watching their tv, out of knowwhere all of sudden they played High by the beach. Totally unexpected. So the video is getting played.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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