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Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors

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lmao she literally has a song called 'ghetto baby' and you're all only just clocking her for using it in a song... it's problematic but you all never commented on it before


Context. The reason they commented on it is bc people are assuming it's about AB because of the "ghetto" line. x_x


I doubt the song is at all about her, but if it was about her and she was calling her ghetto, that would be fucked up.


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to those who still think this is racism:

Definition 1: an ​area of a ​city, ​especially a very ​poor ​area, where ​people of a ​particular ​race or ​religion ​live ​closely together and ​apart from other ​people:

Definition 2: in the past, an area of a city where Jews were made to live

Definition 3: a ​part of ​society or ​group that is in some way ​divided from the ​main ​part


and here, the meaning of "You're so ghetto" is probably similar to "You're an outcast, a misfit, who is tragically unfitting in your group/society"





plus, Elvis has a song called "In the Ghetto" addressing social mobility and poverty issues.

and how come we have this RACE talk again 


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to those who still think this is racism:

Definition 1: an ​area of a ​city, ​especially a very ​poor ​area, where ​people of a ​particular ​race or ​religion ​live ​closely together and ​apart from other ​people:

Definition 2: in the past, an area of a city where Jews were made to live

Definition 3: a ​part of ​society or ​group that is in some way ​divided from the ​main ​part


and here, the meaning of "You're so ghetto" is probably similar to "You're an outcast, a misfit, who is tragically unfitting in your group/society"





plus, Elvis has a song called "In the Ghetto" addressing social mobility and poverty issues.

and how come we have this RACE talk again 


Totally agree! think Lana used "ghetto" by the third definition. I don't understand he whole problem with racism etc.

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or people can stop seeing the differences between eachother and realize that incorporating other cultures in art/everyday life is truly stating ones passion for difference. It's getting real fucking old with the "ur white u can't wear this" or "ur black u can't wear that" um last time I checked we were all going forward as human beings and not closing ourselves off to little groups that reserve specific things? I mean the way you differentiate people like that makes you the racist for wanting to keep the "we'll never be the same" mindset alive. tsk tsk :azealia:

For items of cultural significance such as war bonnets some white bitch prancing around because of her aesthetic is OFFENSIVE. And Lana deserved to get her ass handed to her for that.


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sorry but no.. cultural appropriation and saying the word ghetto are two very different things... plus what if the person was literally from a ghetto? what if they described themselves as ghetto to her? like u don't know


ALSO .. for cultural appropriation to be a thing.. i really feel like it should be when a culture as a whole says its okay for them to use another race/ethnicity's culture but then oppress the people


BUT if you're going to be calling a person specifically out for cultural appropriation.. they have to have taken a minorities culture and actually oppress that minority... as far as i know lana del rey actually fucking worked/did some kind of service on indian reservations.. so how is she oppressing the people whilst embracing the cultural headress ...if she's not actually oppressing any? JUST CURIOUS .. i get it .. its kinda fuking rude to just nab someones sacred garment for ur music video but.. she wasn't really oppressing anyone...

If you think Lana did all of that community outreach in Native American reservations yet can't provide sufficient proof of them existing, you're totally wrong. And yes each feather of the war bonnet is given to the warrior for a heroic deed within their community, Lana didn't earn anything by fighting in a war, being an elder or anything like that...lol.


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I would have sworn it was about her friend Stefani

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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If you think Lana did all of that community outreach in Native American reservations yet can't provide sufficient proof of them existing, you're totally wrong. And yes each feather of the war bonnet is given to the warrior for a heroic deed within their community, Lana didn't earn anything by fighting in a war, being an elder or anything like that...lol.

Still to say Lana is oppressing EVERY or even Any Native American ...? That's all I'm really arguing with. You're totally right it was offensive and rude for her to wear it. I've said it to many people. I've imagined it myself being part of a culture where I had to earn that, and then to just see some random white chick wearing it for no real reason in a music video would piss me off.

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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Still to say Lana is oppressing EVERY or even Any Native American ...? That's all I'm really arguing with. You're totally right it was offensive and rude for her to wear it. I've said it to many people. I've imagined it myself being part of a culture where I had to earn that, and then to just see some random white chick wearing it for no real reason in a music video would piss me off.

Oppression doesn't have to be targeting at anyone specifically but the people of that culture were clearly not having it whatsoever.


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For items of cultural significance such as war bonnets some white bitch prancing around because of her aesthetic is OFFENSIVE. And Lana deserved to get her ass handed to her for that.

um she represented it at a symbol of freedom in the video? You make it sound like she threw it on the ground, stomped it, set it on fire and then threw it in a lake. Their culture is based upon equality and love. I'm not so sure they'd be mad about some white girl giving her respect towards them.

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Oppression doesn't have to be targeting at anyone specifically but the people of that culture were clearly not having it whatsoever.

well.. i mean this is pointless because this already happened anyways nothing any of us can do to change it.. hopefully lana learned from the situation. 


but i feel like i partly agree with you, what she did was thoughtless asf. 

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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Is the "you're so ghetto" line problematic? I think it's really hard to say without knowing who it's about. But I think the evidence that it's about Azealia Banks is really thin so far.


Maybe "questionable" is a better description when (otherwise) reasonable people may disagree about whether it is problematic?


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