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Say Yes to Heaven

Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th

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I wish the footage and the music fit together better. The unnecessarily long shot of her feet was especially out of sync with the music. Also I wish the 5 minute Debussy part had some other scenes incorporated into it, like the girls dancing or Lana & FJM together in heaven. All in all, the footage in the video had a lot of potential but it was just messily put together :(  I really love the scenes inside the house though, wish we could have got more of it. The scene with Lana & FJM dancing was beautiful too and I love the silence before Debussy starts playing  :) 

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I loooooooooooooooooove the video. Lana looks STUNNING in the it. She needs to bring this beauty queen back. The visuals make sense to me. She's giving this man acid and taking him on a "trip" and there he meets all these beautiful women. No, it's not literally about taking someone to California, but she's still taking him somewhere. Basically to another dimension or a fantasy.




I liked that the footage looked like it wasn't shot on a cheap iPhone app.


My interpretation is that they both die. Lana's death is this part




And his death is the last five minutes in the water. He's overdosing and it's his perspective.


With that said, I thought the water parts were too long. I was really disappointed to see that she used some of the same exact footage as she did in the MTWBT video. I thought there was a possibility she would use some of this water material she had, but I expected her to at least use different parts. It also went on for way too long. I get that he's dying, but she could have cut it down to like one minute and then ended it with the shot of his face and it would've been fine. Maybe I wouldn't have this complaint I hadn't already seen some of this stuff in her previous video, but since she didn't even bother to remove the outtakes from MTWBT, all I could think about during those five minutes was how she needs to step up her motivation game.

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My interpretation is that they both die. Lana's death is this part



But she walks literally 10 seconds after it.

Maybe they both are dead already (that can explain the fog).

But again, this video is all a delusion (except the non filter parts).


About the swimming, idk how to connect it to the video itself.


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Also I want to reemphasize how unbelievably happy I am with her new look. If her outfit was a clin d’œil to Marilyn that's just ultra cute and her new hair is giving me so much life, the way she singed and acted and looked like she just seems so happy and fulfilled I pray it reflects on the music she's currently making because it's exactly how I feel too and I'd be so glad to have new bops to slay everyone to. New avatar new description new look and I'm 99% new body this feels like a new much happier and self assured era and I'm living from it like freedom on the open road


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But she walks literally 10 seconds after it.

Maybe they both are dead already (that can explain the fog).

But again, this video is all a delusion (except the non filter parts).


About the swimming, idk how to connect it to the video itself.


It's still in the foggy setting, so I think she is dead. Right before this part there's that long shot of Lana drinking the Kool-Aid and it dripping out of her mouth. The emphasis on it makes me firmly believe that she knows about the Kool-Aid poison association. When I watched it I thought she died after drinking it and maybe he was holding her in his arms as she died and that's why he was present in that other realm? I don't know. I don't know if he would literally be able to do that when he's high and tripping himself.

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It's still in the foggy setting, so I think she is dead. Right before this part there's that long shot of Lana drinking the Kool-Aid and it dripping out of her mouth. The emphasis on it makes me firmly believe that she knows about the Kool-Aid poison association. When I watched it I thought she died after drinking it and maybe he was holding her in his arms as she died and that's why he was present in that other realm? I don't know. I don't know if he would literally be able to do that when he's high and tripping himself.

But what about the swimming girls?

The girls are not real, how come and they are swimming with them? Haha.

It's a bit weird.


Anyways, this video entirely changed my interpretation about this song.


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I think they're dead in the foggy dancing scene, it works out if you mirror it to the Shades of Cool video where many people interpreted the dancing scenes of her in the red dress as the afterlife. Following that theme it'd make sense that the dancing scene in this video is the afterlife too. It could be a reach but I think Lana portrays the afterlife as being happy and dancing with the person you love.


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But what about the swimming girls?

The girls are not real, how come and they are swimming with them? Haha.

It's a bit weird.


Anyways, this video entirely changed my interpretation about this song.


I just see it as his hallucination. It's like when you daydream and you might picture real people you know in real life (him and Lana) along with people you made up. Idk this is how I interpreted the video and I'm going with it lol.

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I think they're dead in the foggy dancing scene, it works out if you mirror it to the Shades of Cool video where many people interpreted the dancing scenes of her in the red dress as the afterlife. Following that theme it'd make sense that the dancing scene in this video is the afterlife too. It could be a reach but I think Lana portrays the afterlife as being happy and dancing with the person you love.


Oh actually this makes a lot of sense. Like maybe in the foggy place is where they're both dying and entering this afterlife, which is why they walk off together.




And then maybe the water is when they're already in the afterlife?

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Oh actually this makes a lot of sense. Like maybe in the foggy place is where they're both dying and entering this afterlife, which is why they walk off together.




And then maybe the water is when they're already in the afterlife?


Yas that's plausible.. The foggy scene could be a type of purgatory/half-way step to the afterlife and then the water scenes are their 'heaven' maybe


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right now, she's nothing but a complacent little ho that feels as if she's already made her mark on the industry and thus isn't striving to push herself any further. she's better than the rest and she knows it, but now that everyone else is starting to recognize it too, she doesn't have any of that fire from before; nothing to prove and nothing new to currently say (and it shows, visually, in particular) 


she went from piecing mood boards together in order to properly manifest her own self-realizations -- from constructing gorgeously unified visuals to ... this? using fucking scraps from a previous era just because she can? twice! its one thing to set forth with an idea and stick to it mentally or emotionally, but entirely another to just splice random shit together and publish it just because it ~ 'sort of works' ~ ... she's way better than this and so its painfully ironic that the critics no longer have anything negative to say, when the video is honestly trash and deserving of the hate that she would've typically received during the higher points in her career. no intelligence or insight or nuance, just vapid images and a hope for some far-reached analysis of an idea that was clearly never even there to begin with 


you say that she doesn't want to be 'pop' but this is the most 'pop' mentality she's had so far in her career; literally cut and rehashed and devoid of feeling. but she knows that as long as its slow and pretty, and set to something * classical *, no one will be able to say anything negative out of fear of seeming ~uncultured~ ; i'm sure her motivations for this were calculated to ensure plausible deniability rather than any artistic growth 


i see u bitch! hope this message (or something similar) gets to her ~ cuz she need to step it the fuck uP (or start to outsource) 


like honestly, even when she was singing honeymoon last night, she sounded like she was half dead and basically let the crowd sing like 40% of the song. that's pretty much an equivalent metaphor for her visual efforts 

When Lana is becoming like so many other Youtube stars - great content in the beginning but a little shitty with fame. :lel:


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Finally, I dislike the heaven interpretation for the "floating girls" segment, because people like Mark Dice have already condemned the Freak video on youtube, saying in effect it promotes satanism (aka suicide) and cultism as false paths to heaven. I do think people are "garden pathed" into thinking about Jonestown and Manson, but I don't see any strong suggestion on the part of either FJM or LDR about suicide, satanism, or cults being desireable. I haven't taken (or recommend) drugs, but I'm knowledgeable enough to understand people don't take drugs to go to heaven but to attempt heaven-like experiences on earth. So maybe the POV of the video is that, in this particular case, Father John Misty got lucky with respect to his trip and had a nice time, which is the most straightforward interpretation of the floating girls I can think of (and if you watch till the end, you see FJM get inserted into their slo-mo frolics).



The floating girls are the "sirens" from Ultraviolence

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I don't mind the fact that the material in this video was originally meant for UV. Obviously I would've preferred to see Lana's original vision, but I think she did a good job reworking it for this song. 


I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she's reusing old footage because she didn't get funding from the label rather than because she's just too lazy to film anything new. In this case, I appreciate the fact that she's still trying to give us new stuff to see. It might be "old" footage but since we hadn't seen it, it's still new in that regard.


Also I think the plot of the video works fine. Just from the way they're dressed and how they look when they're not high (especially Lana when she's alone in the house) you can tell these are two hippies who are probably depressed and lost. Lana's character likes the way things are when the two of them are high (especially obvious and literal in the part where the lyric "you're cold as ice but when you're nice baby it's so amazing" plays and she puts acid on his tongue just as "when you're nice" comes up) so she gives him drugs. 


I like that you can get multiple interpretations of the video as well.

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right now, she's nothing but a complacent little ho that feels as if she's already made her mark on the industry and thus isn't striving to push herself any further. she's better than the rest and she knows it, but now that everyone else is starting to recognize it too, she doesn't have any of that fire from before; nothing to prove and nothing new to currently say (and it shows, visually, in particular) 


she went from piecing mood boards together in order to properly manifest her own self-realizations -- from constructing gorgeously unified visuals to ... this? using fucking scraps from a previous era just because she can? twice! its one thing to set forth with an idea and stick to it mentally or emotionally, but entirely another to just splice random shit together and publish it just because it ~ 'sort of works' ~ ... she's way better than this and so its painfully ironic that the critics no longer have anything negative to say, when the video is honestly trash and deserving of the hate that she would've typically received during the higher points in her career. no intelligence or insight or nuance, just vapid images and a hope for some far-reached analysis of an idea that was clearly never even there to begin with 


you say that she doesn't want to be 'pop' but this is the most 'pop' mentality she's had so far in her career; literally cut and rehashed and devoid of feeling. but she knows that as long as its slow and pretty, and set to something * classical *, no one will be able to say anything negative out of fear of seeming ~uncultured~ ; i'm sure her motivations for this were calculated to ensure plausible deniability rather than any artistic growth 


i see u bitch! hope this message (or something similar) gets to her ~ cuz she need to step it the fuck uP (or start to outsource) 


like honestly, even when she was singing honeymoon last night, she sounded like she was half dead and basically let the crowd sing like 40% of the song. that's pretty much an equivalent metaphor for her visual efforts 

The undeserved lashings lmao 

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I really liked the video. It's the best thing she's done all era, even though it's literally old UV era footage and doesn't fit the vibe of Freak or Honeymoon as a whole album. So technically the Honeymoon era is legit half dead


I love how the Ultraviolence era is still alive and breathing!

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