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Warsaw, PL @ Orange Warsaw Festival - June 3rd, 2016

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Have you guys never attended to a festival? Artists do not play just "their greatest hits" or "crowd favs", they promote their new album with the most popular songs at the end/somewhere near the end of the show. This is just lazy and unprofessional.



But... The album has been released a long time ago ?

And she DID perform Honeymoon, Freak and HBTB so I fail to see your point ?


Edit: She should consider making medleys, though. I think this would be a good solution to perform more songs, have more variety... But of course, it takes a little bit of work and preparation :creep: 


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I know this guy :deadbanana: he's a french average twink, lmao the dedication, going to Poland to take pictures with mama.


That was meh, where's the band, what's that setlist ?? Ah least she's serving looks and vocals. But she looks so over it.



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This was Freaks very first performance I thought


she has only done freak 1 time?


It's true. I got confused with the Freak premiere.

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She looked and sounded amazing, but what a disappointing setlist :( why does she sing the same songs over and over and over again.... This is literally like a Paradise tour because half the songs are from albums released 4 years ago..... move on to your new shit 


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no  HELL NO, she should not do medleys. It ruins the song to cut them into a medley


Concerts are greatest hits events.


What part of each song should she leave out? (Specific, if she did a medley of Terence?)

What part of Burnt Norton?

Should she leave the bridges out, or just do the bridges?

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Is she flying back to the states now? She has a month before the next show, good time to get that NY sound down for her NY album, by spending the month in NYC

Should we expect to see airport photos in the morning?

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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for those of you who want links...


small clips from some songs (mostly all th clips from twitter)  check 1:10 to hear THE Amazing Note she hit on Video Game today, wow, she outdid herself here


more small clips 


High By The Beach + Freak (both on full)  (the bridge from Freak was the best + I agree with the other member, it sounded like witchcraft stuff was happening at the end of Freak, I loved ittt)


Freak live on full  (cutted from the HBTB + Freak video, lower audio quality


Excerpt from Born To Die ("you know this one, don't you?" this is the answer to everyone complaining about she doing too many songs from BTD, she's doing them because those are the ones the gp knows) Check this video of Die Antwoord playing after Lana, everyone's in to their show, even Lana fans! the thing is, Lana's music it's not the most hyped thing ever and they're not bops, she needs to entertain the crowd and you can't spect that the people that attend festivals are die hard lana stans, they don't listen to her new stuff, Lana's known for BTD so it's obvious she has to play the songs the crowd, if this was a propert tour with proper shows things would be at least a little more different...


The amazing performance of Blue Jeans just hear the whole thing, every long note she needed to do live, she did, it's perfect.

Other video for Blue Jeans (better quality cutted before the end of the bridge)


more small clips from some songs  (ten seconds of Lolita at the end) (mostly twitter videos)


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She should do this instead:


Cruel World 

Cola The Blackest Day

Blue Jeans

West Coast


Born to Die


(+Terrence Loves You)

High By the Beach


(+Art Deco)


Carmen F*cked My Way Up To The Top

Serial Killer (or Roses  :creep: )



Ultraviolence Old Money


Summertime Sadness


Video Games 

Off to the Races


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She should do this instead:


Cruel World 

Cola The Blackest Day

Blue Jeans

West Coast


Born to Die


(+Terrence Loves You)

High By the Beach


(+Art Deco)


Carmen F*cked My Way Up To The Top

Serial Killer (or Roses  :creep: )



Ultraviolence Old Money


Summertime Sadness


Video Games 

Off to the Races

sorry but lana removing cola from the setlist would be like some1 pissing on the bible in front of a priest

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