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LDR doesn't seem to understand that a lot of her critics, and critics, period, today don't necessarily want to see 'female empowerment,' but their specific version and vision of what 'female empowerment' is, and while NFR moved closer to their version of it, they still see her as not embodying their feminist ideology completely enough.  And they do see her as easily goaded and weak, and so attack, because they're bullies. 


Personally, the 'fuck off' at the end made her look immature and weak, in my opinion, all over again, and practically canceled out the entire point. 


Also, people who claim to be feminists, especially female feminists, should support all women, including female non-feminists and even women who are anti-feminist, at least as fellow women if not ideologically. 

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Of the 8 years I’ve been stanning her, that video is without a doubt the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen her. No persona, no styling, no makeup, just 6 minutes of straight up realness. I hate the circumstances that led to it, but I’m so grateful for that post and I hope she gives us more of that in the future.



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So does a persons technical ability determine whether they should be slut shamed for pole dancing? The hypocrisy is real. You’re now trying to say Lana’s comments about Twigs weren’t justified because Twigs is a trained dancer - thus implying that the fact Lana was deemed a whore for doing it is somewhat justifiable? These are the same people that will say sex work and pole dancing shouldn’t be slut shamed and it should be seen as an empowering thing - but obviously only when the person that does it is someone you support right? The point Lana has been making is extremely clear and it’s about the way people perceive her music/art compared to how her contemporaries art is viewed by FEMINIST WRITERS/FEMALE ALT SINGERS. Obviously each of these artists face their own criticisms but what Lana is talking about is how their songs about feeling sexually empowered are received differently to how Lana’s are by female writers. It’s really not that hard to understand. I really don’t understand how you can make this about race when Lana has not criticised any of the music of the artists she mentioned and rather how it is perceived by the media. Lana has been making songs about the same topics (sex, taking off clothes and cheating) for longer than most of the artists she mentioned in that list. The only issue I can understand people taking issue with is the fact Lana seemed to not have an appreciation for the plight they go through as WOC, and maybe that is a sidenote she should have mentioned, but she was talking about one specific aspect of how their music is perceived compared to hers, not about the criticism they face as a whole.

I seriously can’t recall Lana being slut-shamed for her performance in Tropico. Only the cultural appropriation accusations come to mind.

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Of the 8 years I’ve been stanning her, that video is without a doubt the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen her. No persona, no styling, no makeup, just 6 minutes of straight up realness. I hate the circumstances that led to it, but I’m so grateful for that post and I hope she gives us more of that in the future.


This. I'm extremely proud of her and this only proves why I'm still here for her.


I'm so sad, though, that Ariana got it the wrong way. Ariana is another vulnerable and very emotional artist, I legit thought she would relate to her post.


Twigs is another "fragile" woman, emotionally speaking. I hope she takes this the right way.

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did anyone catch Megan Fox's apparent diss...? 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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To me, her point is pretty clear: when female artists sing about their sexuality in a way that's deemed positive or empowering, critics love it. But the moment Lana tries to weave a narrative where she makes mistakes sexually/romantically, and surrenders power to a man (who perhaps doesn't treat her well), she's crucified for it.


She wants everyone to be able to sing about their experiences without being told they're "glamorizing abuse." That's all she's saying. It's not an artist's job to be an example.



she needs you on her team lmao this is so much more to-the-point than this 3-day mess she's created!

did anyone catch Megan Fox's apparent diss...? 

it was hardly a diss, she said something to the effect of "i understand where you are coming from, i've been there, but i would never put down other women like that, we're all in this together" etc. etc. etc.

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I can see where the anger is coming from. The hate she received in the beginning was truly bizarre. People investigating her past, hating her for her appearance, calling her stupid, fake blablabla. And writing thinkpieces about how morally superior they are to this weird bimbo. And this didn’t come from conservative middle age folk but from

cool indie kids. They really hated her and wanted her destroyed before she even got started


Maybe this is common with new artists and I don’t notice because I only stan Lana, but i can’t think of a similar case


The comparison to the other women made little sense, but her not being able to take “constructive criticism” (dislike that phrase, she is not our naughty student) might be because she gets frustrated when people think she’s had it easy

:illumilana2:  :pray2:  :lanahottie:  :suicide:  :lanahairflip4:

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it was hardly a diss, she said something to the effect of "i understand where you are coming from, i've been there, but i would never put down other women like that, we're all in this together" etc. etc. etc.


i found it kinda ironic tbh...if she truly believes "we're all in this together" she shouldn't have said anything. Also I think she missed Lana's point entirely...

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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i found it kinda ironic tbh...if she truly believes "we're all in this together" she shouldn't have said anything. Also I think she missed Lana's point entirely...

yeah she clearly misunderstood what lana was trying to say. megan's been vilified in the media and i think she identified with that aspect of her statement. but obviously didn't read it closely or critically. i doubt she's too familiar with lana's art and career anyways.

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there is still no indication Lana and Ari had any sort of fallout


or otherwise someone please let me know as i've said here before


I say this because Lana said (something along the lines of...) she lost her relationship with a few of the women she mentioned because of her post. My first and only thought was Ariana.

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there is still no indication Lana and Ari had any sort of fallout


or otherwise someone please let me know as i've said here before

In her post a couple of days ago she mentioned that Doja & Ariana gave her “feedback” and in today’s video she said something about how they disagreed with her point? Wait i can’t really remember but it was something along those lines

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idc if lana never thinks about ar*ana again. they come from different universes. 


her whole career and aesthetic is founded upon looking and acting like a little girl. she's a recording artist - her abilities begin and end there. with the help of heavy vocal editing :)

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