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Dude this has got nothing to do with blindly following. This is about Lana getting trashed with ridiculous racial allegations last week and now getting trashed because she’s not speaking up. And someone’s going to trash her should she speak. This is about some of you guys not realising she doesn’t owe you ANYTHING. She’s her own person. She’s not a projection of your expectations. She has her own life outside Twitter and Instagram. People be like ‘I’m unstanning’ and shit well then fcking unstan and free us all of y’alls toxicity because clearly these people think they are owed something. I’m fuming ugh

like i said if she wants to utilize her white privilege in that way she's free to do that but its wrong and im not going to give her a pass because im a fan of hers and she put her own foot in her mouth last week.


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Her silence gives power to the oppressors and that's her privilege at work.


Well thats all that I think... there's no point to keep thinking about how she feels, seems like she only care about her work, and that's the SAD point


Lana is WHITE AND RICH, I can't ignore this

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Dude this has got nothing to do with blindly following. This is about Lana getting trashed with ridiculous racial allegations last week and now getting trashed because she’s not speaking up. And someone’s going to trash her should she speak. This is about some of you guys not realising she doesn’t owe you ANYTHING. She’s her own person. She’s not a projection of your expectations. She has her own life outside Twitter and Instagram. People be like ‘I’m unstanning’ and shit well then fcking unstan and free us all of y’alls toxicity because clearly these people think they are owed something. I’m fuming ugh

Rn i want to kiss ya, a hundred times thanks for being so wise and sharing the same pov I have :)


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on the other hand, TS who comes from a very wealthy white family, i have been a fan of her for so long, and i can't remember her making any statement that support black/ LGBT community when she was peaking, recently when she started to fade away, she started to talk about politics, making a song about LGBT..etc, she even said in her documantry, that she didn't talk about such things/ and politics genrally, because she was afraid it would hurt her image. even the tweet she made regarding the george floyd matter. she seems just angry with trump because as far as i remember he outvoted someone she was supporting in some selection! yet i'm not disappointed or anything, i just found out that i like her art and it's okay, celebrties as people don't interest me anymore, and i feel good, because yes i can have a different opinion/ principles with other people and still enjoy them


and i know this doesn't have anything to do with the subject here. but i just want u to know that most of celebrties are fake, the things they do, are not what they always believe in, sometimes it is just to please the public, or not to lose fans. that's why talking about this subject it's like pouring water on sand, doesn't lead anywhere..

i don't understand what you really mean by this. i'm not a fan of taylor but that very wealthy white family girl posted a big petition for lgbt equality act and made thousands of people sign it. also in recent years, she became vocal about her political view. although she was hesitant, because supporting what she wants would damage her image, at least she changed and started doing this which can be seen by the public and media. 
at this point, i really don't care if lana posts anything about Black Lives Matter out of not to be seen as fake. she just needs to post it because her post will make people aware of this situation. yeah i know thousands of people already know about it but as we can see from THIS THREAD some people are SUPPORTIVE no matter what she does, so lana sharing a petition will make more people sign the petitions / aware of it / call the authorities.
it is much more about her brand/ her image/ her career.

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Start fuming bc Lana's mentally stable to come on social media to invalidate black womens struggles but too fragile to speak up when black people are literally dying instead

Are u a fan or a hater? SHE DIDN'T DO THIS! She just said that other can sing about sex, betray, prostitution etc and be praised by this but when she does those things people call her a whore. She just said it to the face of the hypocrates everything they didn't want to hear.


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ALSO yes, SHE DOES NOT owe us anything AT ALL. HOWEVER, as a PRIVILEGED + RICH + WHITE person she HAS to ACKNOWLEDGE Black Lives Matter. she does not owe us anything, she owes it to the oppressed black community.

this is the simplest way to put it out, and if you still do not get it... well. fuck off.

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she lives in a bubble. its something very ''normal'' thing for white, privileged people. She just advocade for something that is behind her noise (thats why her feminism is so problematic). I really REALLY worried why u guys think that she will say something that will make difference in all this situation. I doubt that she even kno what is happening in USA our understand everything. Lana seems not care. And if u are not here for it, unstan or u gonna face alot of disappointments

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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she lives in a bubble. its something very ''normal'' thing for white ou privileged people. She just advocade for something that is behind her noise (thats why her feminism is so problematic). I really REALLY worried why u guys think that she will say something that will make difference in all this situation. I doubt with she even kno what is happening in USA our understand everything. Lana seems not care. And if u are not here for it, unstan or u gonna face alot of disappointments

you really will not get it why a priviliged white person speaking up will make a difference.

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I will say that again.


Years before, I got mad for Lana being rich, those kind of people are on top and when they choose the silence is a very bad sign.


If you can't see that point, you are probably rich and white too.

I can't argue.

It is lack of empathy and self-awareness of what your figure represents

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no one is saying that if Lana Del Rey speaks on this everyone will go home and peace will be restored


It’s about the fact that she has a platform and her not using it to advocate for the rights of others shows that maybe it’s not that important to her, which is extremely disappointing.

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you really will not get it why a priviliged white person speaking up will make a difference.

she dont have any study about this movement. She would probally speak some neutral poem. For God, do u guys think she cant star a revolution with a post?

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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Are u a fan or a hater? SHE DIDN'T DO THIS! She just said that other can sing about sex, betray, prostitution etc and be praised by this but when she does those things people call her a whore. She just said it to the face of the hypocrates everything they didn't want to hear.

chile what is ur obsession with this fan/hater? grow up. many people in the black community were fans of hers and gave genuine criticism about how what she said was tone-deaf.


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It feels like the last few pages have been the same comments going ‘round and ‘round in circles, I think we know pretty well what everyone’s opinions are on this matter by now. Maybe it would do us some good to take a break and come back later before things escalate.

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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She just said that other can sing about sex, betray, prostitution etc and be praised by this but when she does those things people call her a whore


Again, that is invalidating these women's struggles. It's really dumb and an ignorant comment for Lana to make claiming that she's the only one who got backlash for singing about ''sex, betray, prostitution etc''. 

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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.



Racist post.

Edited by PARADIXO


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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


What in the fuck



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