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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:

unpopular opinion?: x is the only good loud-soft song, literally all of the other songs are bad (scary mask, concrete, i disagree)


i actually made an alternate tracklisting of i disagree that removes concrete and the title track and substitutes them with some of the deluxe tracks and songs from choke and i think it's really good


also i put bleach blonde baby on my bubblebath tracklisting cause it's the one really really good song on poppy.computer :bebe:

(i like interweb and software upgrade but bbb actually sounds like bubblebath while the other 2 fit more with am i a girl)


you deserve to go to jail for not liking concrete and i disagree :willcut: you’re 100% right about bleach blonde baby though. i don’t know what it is about that song but it’s so adorable and i’ll never get sick of it


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4 minutes ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

A tragic take, Concrete is a classic and Scary Mask is a hit (mentally)....now for the title track...eh. Also Meat is underrated (Choke EP). 


i like the choke ep... except scary mask :bebe:

the title track, voicemail and holy mountain are CLASSICS :true:


edit: also i love the i disagree album - anything like me, sit/stay and sick of the sun you'll ALWAYS be famous

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13 minutes ago, the ocean said:

unpopular opinion?: x is the only good loud-soft song, literally all of the other songs are bad (scary mask, concrete, i disagree)

AGREED except I like Concrete and I Disagree (title track). I wasn't a fan of the ID album apart from a few songs.... I feel like the edgy metal/hard rock(?) sound doesn't suit her :facepalm:  

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i can’t stand scary mask. it’s such a mess and i wish she scrapped it but the rest of the choke ep is fantastic. also i don’t know if it’s just me but there’s something i hate about am i a girl :xgiggle: almost every song falls flat and i never go back to it. x is pretty good but not as good as half of the songs on i disagree. the only other decent songs are chic chick and hard feelings


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Just now, sack said:

i can’t stand scary mask. it’s such a mess and i wish she scrapped it but the rest of the choke ep is fantastic. also i don’t know if it’s just me but there’s something i hate about am i a girl :xgiggle: almost every song falls flat and i never go back to it. x is pretty good but not as good half of the songs on i disagree. the only other decent songs are chic chick and hard feelings


i think am i a girl is fine - like just fine not good or bad it's just fine - a 5 or a 6

there's no song i really hate or anything it just kinda exists and i tend to forget about it - literally the only songs i listen to off of it are x and the rapture ball once in a blue moon


i like the direction flux is going in - if she introduces a little more sonic variety and refines the sound a bit (instead of the very raw sound of flux) i think she's on the way to making some really good stuff

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9 minutes ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

I like Aristocrat :makeup:....and In a Minute:smokes:....and the title track....OK I just really love that album

In a Minute is good but we need the Bubblebath final. I just know it washes the AIAG version  

I guess I enjoy all the songs on AIAG except Girls in Bikinis (filler), The Rapture Ball (demo is better), and Hard Feelings/Play Destroy 

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I think people like Bubblebath (even though it's a short EP), is due to the outtakes from it. Wasted potential from Island

1 minute ago, COLORINGBOOKS said:


In a Minute is good but we need the Bubblebath final. I just know it washes the AIAG version  

I guess I enjoy all the songs on AIAG except Girls in Bikinis (filler), The Rapture Ball (demo is better), and Hard Feelings/Play Destroy 

IAM has a Bubblebath demo? HUH

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Just now, COLORINGBOOKS said:

I guess I like all the songs on AIAG except Girls in Bikinis (filler), The Rapture Ball (demo is better), and Hard Feelings/Play Destroy 


the problem with aiag is that any quirky pop girl could do it better - besides x which is quintessential poppy and why it’s the best song on that album - but otherwise they’re completely faceless and yeah i just understand that’s kind of the point but that doesn’t mean it’s good or anything

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4 minutes ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

IAM has a Bubblebath demo? HUH

Yep! I was pretty shocked when I found out but it was written in 2014, during her sessions with Sir Nolan and Simon Wilcox (I guess around the same time as Lowlife/Altar). The released version is produced by Ryosuke Sakai

I do it just to amuse me 

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4 minutes ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

I think people like Bubblebath (even though it's a short EP), is due to the outtakes from it. Wasted potential from Island


i will NEVER forgive island records for scrapping the full album. they really threw away what could’ve been my favorite album to this day :crying2: cheerleader, golden gate, jealous, little psycho, etc. all BOPS


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To think, Island hated Titanic and wanted her to not make weird videos. If everything went with how Island wanted and etc. I feel like she would've been a lot more famous and successful and not someone seen as a joke :( she really had potential and they got her into sessions with so many accomplished good writers/producers etc. I could rant about this for so long lmao

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6 minutes ago, sack said:


i will NEVER forgive island records for scrapping the full album. they really threw away what could’ve been my favorite album to this day :crying2: cheerleader, golden gate, jealous, little psycho, etc. all BOPS

I feel like she regards that era as dirt, lmao and would never do a Side B repress (even if it was fan-funded or something of the sort) :[

edit: and didn't she say Lowlife (or was it the MV) was "traumatic" 🥴 I find that a bit fucking dramatic since during the BTS photos of the MV she looks to be having fun, maybe it was her already regretting the island contract and having to record the BB sessions in the first place 🧐....still confused

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2 minutes ago, Desert lamp said:

To think, Island hated Titanic and wanted her to not make weird videos. If everything went with how Island wanted and etc. I feel like she would've been a lot more famous and successful and not someone seen as a joke :( she really had potential and they got her into sessions with so many accomplished good writers/producers etc. I could rant about this for so long lmao


i do agree with this - but then we wouldn’t have gotten anything like me and sick of the sun so i’m not necessarily complaining 

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Just now, Desert lamp said:

To think, Island hated Titanic and wanted her to not make weird videos. If everything went with how Island wanted and etc. I feel like she would've been a lot more famous and successful and not someone seen as a joke :( she really had potential and they got her into sessions with so many accomplished good writers/producers etc. I could rant about this for so long lmao


this. if titanic and poppy had just dropped the robot act or at least compromised to focus on the music we would’ve got an absolutely amazing album, maybe even multiple albums and more music videos under island. she did say she hated the control she was under but the bubblebath era is still everything 


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