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genuine question


I first got into Poppy in 2015, and stuck around long enough for the Poppy.Computer album release a couple years later, but I thought her whole act was getting tired and milked and I lost interest pretty quickly after that. I know she parted ways with Titanic a while ago, and visually it looks like she dropped the whole Poppy character, so I assumed she did. But seeing this thread on the index made me pull up a recent interview of hers just to see how she actually is, since I was under the impression that this satirical character is dead and… is she still going with this whole robot thing? or is she really just that awkward? i’m not trying to be mean i just literally can’t tell 😭 

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i’m haunted by the fact that so many bubblebath songs are unreleased, it keeps me up at night :crying3: the way she perfectly combined every element from pop music that i adore without sounding too generic, the way she belted and actually projected her real voice, the way the lyrics are honest as hell and barely influenced by the robot act, the way the production blows all of her other eras out of the water :oprah: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU ISLAND RECORDS/TITANIC SINCLAIR


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6 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

genuine question


I first got into Poppy in 2015, and stuck around long enough for the Poppy.Computer album release a couple years later, but I thought her whole act was getting tired and milked and I lost interest pretty quickly after that. I know she parted ways with Titanic a while ago, and visually it looks like she dropped the whole Poppy character, so I assumed she did. But seeing this thread on the index made me pull up a recent interview of hers just to see how she actually is, since I was under the impression that this satirical character is dead and… is she still going with this whole robot thing? or is she really just that awkward? i’m not trying to be mean i just literally can’t tell 😭 

that's just her tbh and i think thats really why she was able to keep it up for so long + its kinda apart of her nature now






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11 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

is she still going with this whole robot thing? or is she really just that awkward? i’m not trying to be mean i just literally can’t tell 😭 


After the initial Titanic split, she was acting more open in the Beats 1 ?Zane Lowe? Apple interview, but cut to her Amoeba store picks for ?Flux? Or was that the EAT era? She was speaking in that robo-asmr tone. There was another Flux interview with a woman and she pulled the same tone and quick answers. Somebody in the comments speculated if she was on the spectrum, but I don't think it's that lmao. I think she's just a weirdo and maybe clings to teetering with that character. As for her print interviews, expect the usual journo buttkissing of "sHes cAlm, CompOseD, and menTiOns bEinG pReSent". 


Here is a PRE Robot Poppy project interview:

Note the slight accent, she is still soft-spoken but it reads as less of a troll-y thing.


There's also this, pre Island days, Youtube covers era:




Edit: Here is another brunette era one from the same event, above. It was reacted to, Poppy or her team saw it, then took it down. But you can still see the interview in pieces/in between the reaction here:




Edited by SoftwareUpgrade

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have you guys seen this channel that does poppy AI generated songs


Edited by heavensentslut
added links






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8 minutes ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:


After the initial Titanic split, she was acting more open in the Beats 1 ?Zane Lowe? Apple interview, but cut to her Amoeba store picks for ?Flux? Or was that the EAT era? She was speaking in that robo-asmr tone. There was another Flux interview with a woman and she pulled the same tone and quick answers. Somebody in the comments speculated if she was on the spectrum, but I don't think it's that lmao. I think she's just a weirdo and maybe clings to teetering with that character. As for her print interviews, expect the usual journo buttkissing of "sHes cAlm, CompOseD, and menTiOns bEinG pReSent". 


Here is a PRE Robot Poppy project interview:

Note the slight accent, she is still soft-spoken but it reads as less of a troll-y thing.


There's also this, pre Island days, Youtube covers era:

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ah i never saw these! the only old video i remember people being able to find back then was that youtube video of her with brown hair in like a bathtub or something? iirc

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1 minute ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

Lol, just listened to "Exhale" that was pretty cool. Although reminiscent to Simlish, it is fun to explore the sounds via AI.


Speaking of....








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4 hours ago, lilac heaven said:

ah i never saw these! the only old video i remember people being able to find back then was that youtube video of her with brown hair in like a bathtub or something? iirc


Ohhh, Poppy had 2? (Clothed) quirky bathtub vlogs, in one of em she makes a weird joke about bullying but it sounds like it hit a lil too close to home so it's awkward, lmao


Bathtub Vlogs w ye accent:


& a snippet of the other one, can't easily find it on YouTube right now, she was doing a Q&A I think 




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Just now, dollanganger said:

where is our poppy stuff pack à la Katy Perry's Sweet Treats for The Sims 3 D4296-E01-D936-4993-A921-C586456-B0733.j

oh my god this stuff pack made me want to jump out of every window i could find when it came out 

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23 hours ago, dollanganger said:

where is our poppy stuff pack à la Katy Perry's Sweet Treats for The Sims 3 D4296-E01-D936-4993-A921-C586456-B0733.j

I didn't remember how bad the wigs from Teenage Dream era looked :toofloppy: This whole look makes her look like a parody of a generic popstar (I mean fitting but still)

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When tf did I miss this snippet?! Another ad for that discord, I think. Also, note the tags in the description "THM" I think they leaked Dragonslayer, or was it a different Christmastime Lana leak. Also "Bree", they've been uploading snippet comps on soundcloud. Either it's the same few people running these or it's troll tags





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