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Mexico City, MX @ Corona Capital Festival - November 20th, 2016

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I wonder what would happen if she no longer performs songs from BTD/Paradise. Do you guys think she'll lose fans at concerts?

I have thought about that for a long time.

I think she wouldn't lose, you know. Unfortunately, I really think that a gig is made of songs that are capable of cheering the audience up, making them jump and scream. Even before her appearance everybody is so ansious, with a built-up energy... Slower and sad songs one after another would turn the show completely, without the energy it needs to go on. I believe that, if she changed her setlist and started to base it on mostly Ultraviolence and Honeymoon songs, the show would get a lot slower and maybe she just would lose the pace of it, 'cause the audience would not build up so much energy as when she plays upbeat songs, and she needs that to keep her up. 

I believe that's why she has kept this setlist for this long time. It's not because Born to Die is the album she prefers or is the most popular one (after all, people who buy tickets to her shows in late 2016 are already past that), but because it's the most upbeat one, making up the pace for a great gig.

Maybe, if she changed it, including more Ultraviolence/Honeymoon pieces, it would get slower and, at a long time, people just wouldn't want to go there just to watch her sing like in a classical music concert, where you have a seat and just shut up to listen to the music. Maybe then her shows would start to get less crowdy, but, like I said, only after a long time she changed her setlist.


P.S.: We always have to remember that keeping a gig up is a hard thing, especially for someone who is often uncomfortable with crowds like Lana is.

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She doesn't have to perform UV and HM just like they are on the album. She either keeps performing only BTD songs because she's lazy or because the label tells her to. I don't think people actually care about carmen, TIWMUG, and all of these other BTD songs. They want BTD, BJ, VG and then she can sing whatever the hell she wants.

I personally won't go see ha perform again if she doesn't change the setlist


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Concert goers want to hear greatest hits


Had Elton not sang Your song or Rocket Man people get angry.

Had Leonard Cohen not sang Hallelujah, people would have left unhappy, some demanding their money back

Had Paul McCartney not done Beatle songs the last 10 years, nobody would go

Had Bruce not sung Born to run, people would be unhappy

Had Johnny Cash not sung I walk the line, people would be unhappy

Had Queen not done Bohemian Rhapsody, there would be a riot


Willie Nelson has sung the same set list but 3 songs for 30 years now.


I would be disappointed in not hearing Born to die and Video Games. Of course, I never heard American live as she don't sing it in America.


It is a known fact- if one goes to a concert with too many new songs, people go to the refreshment stand or start talking and no one listens. People tune it out.


btw, if she only sang the new or next album, then no one would have heard Serial Killer last year.


Of course, most of the whiners don't go to shows, don't pay their money anyhow, and just want freebees on youtube to download.



Imagine if Woody Guthrie didn't sing This land is your land.


Guess John Lennon is lucky. People don't whine about him not singing Imagine on his next concert. (bitter sarcasm there).


Besides- why would Honeymoon haters want to hear Honeymoon live, as they hate the album???

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Concert goers want to hear greatest hits


Had Elton not sang Your song or Rocket Man people get angry.

Had Leonard Cohen not sang Hallelujah, people would have left unhappy, some demanding their money back

Had Paul McCartney not done Beatle songs the last 10 years, nobody would go

Had Bruce not sung Born to run, people would be unhappy

Had Johnny Cash not sung I walk the line, people would be unhappy

Had Queen not done Bohemian Rhapsody, there would be a riot


Willie Nelson has sung the same set list but 3 songs for 30 years now.


I would be disappointed in not hearing Born to die and Video Games. Of course, I never heard American live as she don't sing it in America.


It is a known fact- if one goes to a concert with too many new songs, people go to the refreshment stand or start talking and no one listens. People tune it out.


btw, if she only sang the new or next album, then no one would have heard Serial Killer last year.


Of course, most of the whiners don't go to shows, don't pay their money anyhow, and just want freebees on youtube to download.



Imagine if Woody Guthrie didn't sing This land is your land.


Guess John Lennon is lucky. People don't whine about him not singing Imagine on his next concert. (bitter sarcasm there).


Besides- why would Honeymoon haters want to hear Honeymoon live, as they hate the album???

There's a difference between singing the greatest "hits" from each album and singing basically only songs from BTD/Paradise. She could easily add WC, Brooklyn Girl (people apparently love it), Sad Girl (because I say so haha), and one or two songs from HM. 


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according to set list she sang Old Money



I would love if she did all of Paradise (which is a stand-alone album), but c'est la view, there is only so much time in the performance and she can't sing all night as she is only paid to sing a certain length.

(which is why she only sang less in other festivals. (however, only as long as I was at the show, and yes, I spend my money to see shows far away.


but I for one refused, even though I easily had a ticket, to see the Kate Bush UK show last year, because her set list stunk. She ignored all her history.

I will keep my memories of seeing Kate Bush live on SNL as she never did even one concert in the US.


concerts are greatest hits. Plus some extra

she sang


she sang Serial Killer

she sang High by the beach and Honeymoon


she sang Yayo and Ride and Old Money


me, I would be thrilled.


edit to add- I saw her sing West Coast and Brooklyn Baby and Shades of Cool live about 12-15 times, would love to hear them again but that is why everyone should go

to see every single concert they can get to. Eventually one sees every song.

As Lana has like 380 songs, one would take who knows how many days to sing all of them live in a row

(Would anyone be left standing on the 379th song?)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Thanks everyone for all the clips. So many comments people setting themselves up to fail. All this stuff about a new album and announcement. This info seems to be generated by those who want to hear it. I would love to be surprised and wake up one morning and BAM new Lana album. Patience. As far as BTD of course she will do those songs. It has been on the Billboard 200 for almost 5 years, quite an accomplishment. That album will be the most known at any Lana concert so she won't just dismiss it. Glad things went smoothly Lana!!!!! See you soon. (I hope)

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she looked fantastic and her voice was very pretty but her live show is just dull. It's ludicrous her set still largely consists of material nearly 5 years old. I can't think of 1 big artist who doesn't actually look FORWARD to playing new stuff live, especially since everything post-paradise is actually very "live" sounding with live band recordings etc. And I don't particularly hate the backing dancers, I think they're very bizarre and fitting for lana lol, but who on earth's idea was it to have them dance in front of Lana? so foolish. Blake is so amazing and I'd love if she insists on doing a low-production set, if it was actually pretty much stripped with a more intimate performance with blake etc and if the setlist consisted mainly of songs from Ultraviolence, those live wah-wah guitars are so amazing

LEGS btw

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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