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LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread

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y'all are such a mess. obviously everyone can have opinions. there's a clear line between being cynical / overly negative for no reason and actually just giving your opinion of something. the unnecessary drama / b!tching / negativity throughout this forum is exhausting. but yeah, drag me i guess. 


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y'all are such a mess. obviously everyone can have opinions. there's a clear line between being cynical / overly negative for no reason and actually just giving your opinion of something. the unnecessary drama / b!tching / negativity throughout this forum is exhausting. but yeah, drag me i guess. 

just look two post above you and one under you.  or in the post history. is that tolerable? where was there any discussion about the artist lana del rey at any point?

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just look two post above you and one under you.  or in the post history. is that tolerable? where was there any discussion about the artist lana del rey at any point?

its funny since youve done the stuff ive done but with wrong intentions yet your pointing fingers. hahahah. pot caller shot caller 

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just look two post above you and one under you.  or in the post history. is that tolerable? where was there any discussion about the artist lana del rey at any point?


you can't zoom in & make all of the forum's issues about one person.

a lot of forum rules aren't really acknowledged anymore.. i haven't been back as a mod until recently. 


it's just ridiculous when we can't even get some minor details about LDR5 without it becoming a sh!tshow & locking threads. 


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you can't zoom in & make all of the forum's issues about one person.

a lot of forum rules aren't really acknowledged anymore.. i haven't been back as a mod until recently. 


it's just ridiculous when we can't even get some minor details about LDR5 without it becoming a sh!tshow & locking threads. 

this is actually true. I mean, I was there and I also asked for the thread being closed since it got way overhand. However, I find it interesting that we have ppl in here who complain about information given out but then say stuff like "I made screenshots y'all, PM me" and where everything is based on attacking members rather than just actually discussing the artist Lana Del Rey or the new album.


That's all I have to say about it.

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Aren't you tired of dramas? My god, when do you stop guys? 
Can't we just write here without an unnecessary :)alk and just appreciate that we got to be in one place to talk about our idol? 
I was so many time warned about this forum, but I always said that fans of Lana are always decent and calm, but dear lord. if someone says something wrong or one camp says something mean to the other... damn endless drama. Can't moderators or whoever who is in charge sets rules for once?
People, just appreciate Lana's work, stop drama. 
Do you know that you can express your opinion without insulting and starting nonsense?

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Well anyway. Lana's new album is gonna save 2017 and bring world peace xxxx


she won't bring peace to this website tho


imagine the meltdowns if lanaboards wasn't down during and after the hbtb premiere.


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Honestly, there's no point of posting what you know about the single / album other than having a massive superiority complex or wanting attention. There's no point in contacting Lana about having unleaked / non-yet-released songs other than to cause her anger or fear or to guilt her into talking to you. It's pathetic what some fans have turned into and the level of disrespect towards and artist you supposedly love is disgusting. I get the whole finding new songs thing. I get wanting to trade them. I get certain levels of secrecy.  But when we've heard that songs "can't leak" and "can't be traded" while other people have traded and leaked them proves it's nothing more than an attention grab. It's funny how songs can leak because of a bad trade but they can't leak unedited. It's annoying, childish and only adds to your desire for attention.


If you can't release info then don't release any info. If Lana isn't upset about multiple people having her next video and single nor y'all trading a it then she's not going to be upset about posting the title, release date or anything else. If she's never really been upset about songs leaking in the past then she's not going to care about anything not meant for ldr5 leaking. If she really is upset about it then don't talk about it. Don't leak snippets. Don't do anything you know Lana wouldn't want. Don't pretend like it'd upset her if full songs leak if you're okay bragging about having them, trading them and posting snippets. None of that mess adds up anyway. She's either okay with things leaking and you just don't want to so you can get more money, diick pics or attention or she's not okay with them leaking and you've leaked things anyway without her permission. There's no middle ground there and you're wrong for doing it whatever the real reason is. People aren't even upset at this thing over jealously, it's being told things can't happen when they do happen. It's being told that Lana is okay with this and that but somehow only when it's convenient for traders. Like I said, none of it adds up and it's all for attention. It'd be a blessing if we just banned that kind of behavior from the forum. 


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Idk ya'll, I just want new info, can someone PM me the screenshots or the info please! I think im gonna die If I dont get new info :(

I don't know how much truth there was to the information that leaked after what eclipse told us about the music video and lead single

I hope the MV drops before I go back to school so I can watch it in peace

Ikr omg but I only have a week left until I go back and suffer through grad school. I'm gonna miss a lot </3

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