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I wonder if there will be any more snippets this week. Didn’t one of those Twitter stans say two were sent out/received? Clearly there is no schedule to these things, and they’re shipping them as far as the UK:toofloppy:


Kind of weird promo in a week leading up the first and probably only single, people are talking about all these other songs instead. I don’t think Death is going to be more than just ok, but knowing Melanie I’m not surprised she’s releasing track 1 as the single. 



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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Will DEATH be released depending on the timezone or at Friday 12am est everywhere?  we'd already have it by tomorrow 8am est if so,... Is there a way to check on this in iTunes metadata or the equivalent 

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3 minutes ago, misslonaxo said:

Will DEATH be released depending on the timezone or at Friday 12pm est everywhere?  we'd already have it by tomorrow 8am est if so,... Is there a way to check on this in iTunes metadata or the equivalent 

I hope so tbh I wanna wake up and the song be online 🙈

Jealousy's a disease bitch get well soon

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9 minutes ago, misslonaxo said:

Will DEATH be released depending on the timezone or at Friday 12pm est everywhere?  we'd already have it by tomorrow 8am est if so,... Is there a way to check on this in iTunes metadata or the equivalent 

I saw someone say 12am eastern time for everyone but I’m not sure they had a legit source. 



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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5 minutes ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

I saw someone say 12am eastern time for everyone but I’m not sure they had a legit source. 

where? cos the only time i saw 12pm EST mentioned here in LBs was a question of if it was being released 12pm local times or EST for everyone

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1 minute ago, The Siren said:

where? cos the only time i saw 12pm EST mentioned here in LBs was a question of if it was being released 12pm local times or EST for everyone


I just read their comments though and they said “because that’s when new music typically drops”:air: carry on, nothing to see here



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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When this album comes out I am hate listening it at this point. Pin me or something for follow up because I am primed and ready to write a detailed and highly objective 110% in-arguable "Haters Guide to Every Track on Portals by Maladaptive Barftinez."

That screenshot about being disconnected from the energy of transformation or whatever - I am embodying that disconnect mind body and SOUL.

....I am never having standards or expectations for artists ever again.

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3 minutes ago, missanthrophocene said:

don’t think the cover art for the single is part of the MV, unless its CGI

its not AI. an AI generated piece wouldnt look that smooth OR clean unless it was looked over and edited by an actual artist to make it look clean and professional - but then it'd look like a painting, not CGI graphics.

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56 minutes ago, sadness is a butterfly said:


I just read their comments though and they said “because that’s when new music typically drops”:air: carry on, nothing to see here

ooooh is this the first full song she's releasing from Portals?! I can't tell cuz she's doin too much, posting so many snippets I can't tell which song is which lmao

 Lana Del Rey, Maggie Lindemann, Banks, Melanie Martinez, & Taylor Momsen are my guardian angels 

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