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any recommendation for TV series?

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starting in 2017 is the continuation of David Lynch's Twin Peaks

everyone should watch the entire original mini-series, then the first 2 seasons, then the prequel (Fire walk with me) prior to the continuation Showtime is going to run (in the US)


other shows I would recommend- Drama, current-

Designated Survivor

House of Cards (US version)

Ray Donovan


Madame Secretary


American Horror

American Crime story (think season 3 will be Katrina)


and for comedy-current shows-


Life in pieces


older shows-

Breaking Bad

Dallas- all 17 seasons

That 70s show

every single Alfred Hitchcock movie, especially Strangers on a Train (the UK alternate version has four scenes different than the US version)


and the show that got the US through W Bush's terms- West Wing (Aaron Sorkin should have Bartlett's wife or daughter become President in a reboot for the next 4 years) for an alternate universe


and the legendary German "Berlin Alexanderplatz"

also The Winds of War and the follow-up long mini-series (two of them)


and the movie that created 100s of parody videos Bruno Ganz in Downfall, one of the greatest acting jobs ever (though too controversial for the Oscars to be nominated for best actor)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I was going to recommend Mr Robot, Fargo, American Horror Story, and the original Bridge, but either you've seen it or someone else recommended it to you. Gonna be basic and say Stranger Things then (it's great!). 

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My favs are forever Orphan Black and Steven Universe, but I also love Twin Peaks, X Files, OITNB, a french hilarious series called Kaamelott and Sense8, but seriously if there was to be only one series in the world I'd want it to be Orphan Black, especially since the last season was the best one, it changed my life, literally going to rewatch the season 1 rn tbh


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The only one I completely watched is Skins (UK version. I tried to watch the US, but I forgot to watch the rest), but I would recommend Misfits, Chuck, Bates Motel, Teen Wolf and I saw some people saying that Skam is really good too! I really want to finish Bates Motel, Misfits and Teen Wolf and I've been interested in Skam, Westworld, Mr. Robot, Mad Men, My Mad Fat Diary, a little of Gotham and Girls and Shameless (I don't know what version tho. Appreciate if someone help me with this haha). Oh! And I just have to finish AHS and Orphan Black, since they are the only ones I'm currently following.  :D


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Decades TV ( a retro station in US) is running the full hour Rowan and Martin Laugh-In from the 60's*& 70s.

While not everything works 50 years later, this is a show that shows the biting humor/satire in those days with 100s of great cameos by superstars and

even Richard Nixon shows he had a great sense of humor. Plus they had a band or act every week.

They are running it at 6pm eastern time every week day.

As so much of Lana is grounded in that psychedelic time period, one can imagine her in the show if she was actually alive then.


(but one needs to watch it, just watching once, one doesn't get the flow of the show.)


and it was the show that made Goldie Hawn a superstar (she is the mom of Kate Hudson LOL).

they haven't run the full hour shows in who knows how long (for a while they had cut 1/2 hour versions). And the full shows are not available on dvd.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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True Detective S1 (Avoid S2)



Rick & Morty

All The Marvel Netflix series especially Jessica Jones and Daredevil 

Sherlock (BBC Series)



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black mirror

breaking bad


downton abbey



happy valley

hemlock grove

how to get away with murder

jack taylor

life on mars (uk)


marcella (netflix)

miss fisher's murder mysteries


mr robot


penny dreadful

river (netflix)

scream queens


sons of anarchy

south park

the fall

the killling (netflix)



i won a underrated member lipster award im dog im nice don't come for me or i will eat u

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