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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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If ur gonna listen to lana, listen to her bc u like her fucking music. Just bc ur trying to get her video views up doesn't mean she owes you anything, some of ya'll so extra 

somehow the topic of this thread always gets turned around into sales, who cares????OMG its not that serious lmao

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if lana makes good music then she makes good music, how popular she is and how many views on youtube she gets shouldnt be the sole reason for being a fan of hers


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There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting Lana to be more active in terms of providing more than just bare minimal effort for her fans, and it certainly doesn't mean she has to "sell out." No one is saying she owes us anything. It is, however, disappointing to be fans of someone who literally does almost nothing beyond just dropping the album and releasing a few subpar music videos. Yes, the music is great and lovely and at the end of the day we will all listen to it, but it quickly runs dry.


Lana doesn't care for being mainstream, and I don't blame her after what she went to, nor would it suit her either. However!! Not being mainstream doesn't mean she should literally just scrape by with doing almost nothing. Lana should take advantage of being on such a large label and use their resources to craft eras that she feels comfortable with.


For example, she hates singing live television -- why not record a few intimate performances of your favourite songs off the album and post them on Youtube periodically throughout the year? Just her and the band.


She doesn't like extensive & exhausting promotion -- you don't want to appear on TV mopping the floor with Jimmy Fallon, fine, we get it. Why not just host a few livestreams that last more than 30 seconds so your fans can see/interact with you??


Interviews depress you & make you want to kill yourself because the questions are always dumb and passive aggressive -- why not do a Q/A with your fans where you get to pick the exact questions you want to answer?


Lana seems to really like the process of actually making the album and then quickly loses interest in it almost immediately to move on to the next one. Why not document the entire album recording process, showing us how she crafts each song, talking about the history/meaning behind each one...


Idk. There's lots of things she can do to make the fan experience a whole lot better + remain completely comfortable in LA going to work or the coffee shops. The fact also remains that she won't maintain her popularity/sales at this level of effort and will quickly lose the ability to even make the kind of music she really wants to.


wow this ended up so long this is what happens when u go on lanaboards to distract u from midterms  :toofunny:

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I wish Lana would set a date in which she would tell us this exciting news, it'll give us something to discuss about...

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I wish Lana would set a date in which she would tell us this exciting news, it'll give us something to discuss about...


that's another thing!!! would it literally kill her to give a fucking date for ANYTHING just so we can start getting excited like :rip: :rip: i just don't get her sometimes

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I love Love. When I listen to it, I feel connected to something bigger than myself. Lana is giving people a chance to look beyond the surface, and I am so happy for the love I feel because of her :xcry:


She is so different, and I am thrilled to see what's to come. One of the few big artists of today that has depth :crying4:


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