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hey lol I've been lurking on here for a while and I'm not sure if anyone said this, but Love entered the Spotify Global Top 50 last night and it's currently at 50

Yea the reason they're upset is that in the US it is falling.

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Yea the reason they're upset is that in the US it is falling.


yeah I know, I just wanted to point out that it entered the global chart

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Y'all are crazy. Beyonce is continually the queen of the charts and views despite her very political music, and Ariana still dominates the charts after her "I hate america" donut thing. Seriously I promise you Trump supporters aren't Lana's base lmao 4 real

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Y'all are crazy. Beyonce is continually the queen of the charts and views despite her very political music, and Ariana still dominates the charts after her "I hate america" donut thing. Seriously I promise you Trump supporters aren't Lana's base lmao 4 real


you kidding right?

beyonce songs flopped hard lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooo

rihanna is the queen of charts, Sex With Me is going better than all lady gaga singles nowadays

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Y'all are crazy. Beyonce is continually the queen of the charts and views despite her very political music, and Ariana still dominates the charts after her "I hate america" donut thing. Seriously I promise you Trump supporters aren't Lana's base lmao 4 real

Beyoncé didn't have a hit since IASF


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LMAO strangely enough every time there's a new "mysteryous" account on instagram, someone's always on here asking who they are before they have even posted anything and are still on private.

You're all so damn thirsty :lmao:


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Well maybe America is simply not interested. Hardly anybody noticed the witch thing. Her fanbase is not packed with Republicans. Most singers are against Trump. There ain't no conspiracy either.

All of lanas fans are not hipster teenagers contrary to what you guys think. I know PLENTY of older people who stream her songs all the time. She most likely offended a lot of casual listeners who refuse to stream her now. That explains why it's doing well on iTunes, because her fan base is still buying the song. But casual listeners aren't streaming her on Spotify suddenly after the witch news came out.


Maybe I'm wrong but I don't understand why you guys think the only people that listen to Lana are teenagers. Hell, even my grandmother listens to Lana

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All of lanas fans are not hipster teenagers contrary to what you guys think. I know PLENTY of older people who stream her songs all the time. She most likely offended a lot of casual listeners who refuse to stream her now. That explains why it's doing well on iTunes, because her fan base is still buying the song. But casual listeners aren't streaming her on Spotify suddenly after the witch news came out.


Maybe I'm wrong but I don't understand why you guys think the only people that listen to Lana are teenagers. Hell, even my grandmother listens to Lana

I am not a teenager myself anymore.


Good, if she offended racists and xenophobes

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