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FLA to the Moon

Lust For Life Album Trailer!

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"You know, in this town, an artist really needs a lot of space when they’re trying to create something special. A place to cultivate a world of their own, far away from the real world that’s around them. Luckily for me, I live right inside the middle of the “H” of the Hollywood sign. And this is how I spend most of my nights: perched high above the chaos that swirls within the city of angels below. Now don’t get me wrong, I love to dip my toe into the muck and the mires of the city every now and then. Especially on Tuesdays. But truthfully, when I’m in the middle of making a record, especially now when the world is in the middle of such a tumultuous period, I find I really need to take the space for myself far away from real life, to consider what my contribution to the world should be in these dark times.


So each morning, I have the luxury of asking myself, “What shall I cook up for the kids today? Something with a little spice? Something with a little bitterness but is ultimately sweet? Or shall I take the day off and turn down the fire, and just take a moment to send my love to them over the ether?” Because sometimes, just being pure of heart and having good intentions and letting them be known is the most worthy contribution an artist can make. So, even though these times can feel a little bit crazy, they’re not so very different from what other generations have experienced at one time or another before. Amidst all the uncertainty, and as we transition out of one era into another one, there’s no place I’d rather be than smack-dab in the middle of “Holly-weird” making this record for you. Because you, and the music, and this place, are my love, my life, my lust for life."


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I swear the idea of someone living inside the Hollywood sign is lifted from somewhere, but I can't place it.  :ohno:

Well I can tell you where the album title is lifted from...Iggy Pop. Weird?

It could be a subtle David Bowie tribute, as he co-wrote the song and produced the album ...Strange

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I swear the idea of someone living inside the Hollywood sign is lifted from somewhere, but I can't place it.  :ohno:

Wasn't that in Austin Powers or smth? The one with Beyonce


Ahaha... yes! Dr. Evil's Hollywood Lair. I of all people should have remembered.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I love it when she shows some humor! I know there will be some tumblr gays who will put it on a melodramatic faux-deep level, just like they did with Tropico and High By The Beach but whatever ... It's a fun concept, I love how it has this Addams Family/ The Munsters vibe! I hope she keeps that visual style for the album cover!

I also wonder why noone has actually brought up that she's transparent, so she's more like a ghost-witch.


I just hope BAR/Architecture/whatever it's called is on the album AND I PRAY TO JOHN THAT THE WEEKND IS JUST A COWRITER ON THE TITLE TRACK!

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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This is amazing! Something totally different for her but she's such a cute little narrator and the whole thing looks Love-levels of amazing. Visual queen is back! I'll miss BAR as a title but it woulda been her weakest title track so looking for to LFL :slayty:

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