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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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So do we think that we'll get anything substantial from the party tomorrow? Like will we get ANY kind of news?

The only news we'll probably get tomorrow is news we all already know: "Album's coming out July 21st and I hope you all will like it. Love you!"

Just a confirmation for the semi confirmation we have.  :teehee:


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its at a club..... do you really think people will be clubbing to fuckin Yosemite?

i defo would :creepna:



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I made this smh.. Y'all stay sleeping on my edits .. LOL Everyone be reposting but no one cares to fuckin credit ya boiii  :crossed:

Oh.. Can u tell me what is edit and what is real on this image? This is a nice work btw  :flutter:  :flutter:

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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a little sneak peak of what i'm actually doing for Lana's birthday:




that's so cute!!!!!! x




i ate a big mac today for her bday!!!! Lol

also i ate an apple and a lollipop


and then a 'bife a parmegiana' for lunch (it's a meat beef stuffed with ham and cheese + tomato sauce + the meat beef is breaded)




anyway, i hope we get something new this week (MAYBE) since the album is coming in 1 month lolol

i won a underrated member lipster award im dog im nice don't come for me or i will eat u

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