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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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Phew, I quit. See y'all gehs on Thursday.


NZ time or you'll miss the drama  :creep:


i'm so happy that we'll get another 16 tracks from this new era. i'm so proud of my productive fave and her superior taste in music.


can't wait for lolla too. (do really wish she could do a world tour so i can attend her show  :poordat: )




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High key gonna miss all of y'all fats when the album drops . We won't have anything else to anticipate besides LDR6 but even then we will be drained and want to enjoy this album for a bit . I have a voice for all of y'all on here , whenever I read a post of yours I imagine a voice . It's weird but who cares I love y'all


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dude, where are the receipts? why do you think it'll leak. don't be annoying

everyone on  my twitter is saying that , and look at the  palace video 


"don't be annoying " lol 87.gif


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its not realistic, i mean he's from mexico. he has to wait at least 4/3 weeks to get the cd..

excuse me that is not true, idk where you got this from but we get big releases at the same time as the US does, actually, albums have leaked due to our stores selling it early like Glory or also Cannibal by Kesha, I'm pretty sure Lust For Life will probably be on their shelves by the 19th




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High key gonna miss all of y'all fats when the album drops . We won't have anything else to anticipate besides LDR6 but even then we will be drained and want to enjoy this album for a bit . I have a voice for all of y'all on here , whenever I read a post of yours I imagine a voice . It's weird but who cares I love y'all

Much love xo

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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excuse me that is not true, idk where you got this from but we get big releases at the same time as the US does, actually, albums have leaked due to our stores selling it early like Glory or also Cannibal by Kesha, I'm pretty sure Lust For Life will probably be on their shelves by the 19th

MixUp will have it on the 20th


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anyways, that CD looks mostly legit, the only thing that looks really fake is the bar code, but it even has the right anti-piracy and "made for distribution in mexico" tags, i messaged him asking which store especifically did he get it from, he did not reply but replied to a friend, something tells me he's just an attention whore, either way i'll be going to my nearest store to check tomorrow and on the 19th




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5 days till the album so its almost impossible to keep it secret cause the stores already have it 


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everyone on  my twitter is saying that , and look at the  palace video 


"don't be annoying " lol 87.gif

a) everyone on twitter is lying

and b)palacesong is faker than Kim K's ass... that video of the CD isn't his/hers, smh


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