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Official Giveaway - Win a Lust for Life era poster!

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Lana Del Rey's official French website has begun an official giveaway of 5 posters in the coming weeks! It is unknown why no one has mentioned it, though.


Giveaway dates and images:

Lust for Life (Single Cover) + Les inRocks (Cover Poster) - July 3rd - July 9th

Lust for Life (Music Video BTS) - July 10th - July 16th

Lust for Life (Music Video BTS 2) - July 17th - July 23rd

Lust for Life (Album Cover) - July 24th - July 30th

Neil Krug Promotional Photo - July 31st - August 6th



Visit here to learn more information and participate! http://www.lanadelrey.fr/

or alternatively go here to immediately participate in the drawing for the Lust for Life (Single Cover) poster! http://www.u-follow.fr/lustforlife/


EDIT: According to various sources and the co-founder of the giveaway, this contest is only applicable to Metropolitan French residents.  :noparty:  Sorry!


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It's only for residents in France though 

Rip I just figured out what to do with my best French  :deadbanana: . It did say I'm participating though. Guess that could be a trip to France.

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Hey. My Twitter account (@LDReyFR) is in partnership with Polydor and we help them to run the giveaway. I can confirm it's only for Metropolitan French residents. So don't waste your time and don't be excited about it if you're not in France.


Sorry. :crossed:




There's no LFL single poster to win this week. There's only a few Love and inRocks posters.


. we get crazy every friday night .

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I want to win those polaroids so bad, is someone here participating on the current one? I'm trying to participate and send it to my cousin's home in france but idk if it will work  :toofunny:


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