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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Mamadas is mexican slang for "bullshit" 




Um, what? j7J6qW1.gif

they are all incredible songs that i love so dearly but that's why they're all stars, i knew brooklyn baby was gonna be called out but these are right at the cusp, we have to keep that hall of fame special and valuable and lbr Brooklyn Baby vs. Shades of God, Old Money, and West Coast? it doesn't stack all the way up but it's still one of her best and thats an undeniable fact


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magnum opus' discussion: i think her best songs don't fully line up with my favorites, i love TNC but it's really far from her best- however the potential for a more acoustic southwesterny retro sound is t h e r e. here's my opinion on her BEST OF THE BEST aka some of her most iconic and beloved songs, with great writing, emotion, vocals, melodies, and acclaim from fans n critics alike. Like i said my personal opinions compared to the songs listed are very different, but i recognize a good song when i see one, i see taste and i hear it- and i hope you all can too.




without further ado, HA MAGNUM OPUS'



-Old Money

-Shades Of Cool

-West Coast

-Video Games

-Off To The Races

-Cruel World

-Born To Die

-The Blackest Day




-Get Free

-Yosemite (let's be real with how much she loved this track and obviously spent time and warmth on it, putting my annoyance aside everybody knows it has a huge chance of being with some of her best songs)


for me this shows that while LfL may not be my favorite album as a whole, it has incredible diamonds in a usual rough.


songs that are mentionable, but not fully there- they're the all stars cast, every one of them loved for good reason but not good enough to be considered her greatest all around


-Bel Air

-Brooklyn Baby


-Terrence Loves Me

-Blue Jeans

-Body Electric


-13 Beaches

-Best American Record (if it got what it deserved :crossed: )


Not Cherry and Heroin being considered magnum opuses while a song like Black Beauty is paid dust despite having some of Lana's most poetically brilliant lyrics :um:

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Not Cherry and Heroin being considered magnum opuses while a song like Black Beauty is paid dust despite having some of Lana's most poetically brilliant lyrics :um:

im sorry but heroin and cherry deserves a spot on lana's magnum opuses just as Black Beauty



I just made a huge post explaining why there's no way Get Free could be considered her magnum opus but I know you gays will tear into me if I post it tumblr_o4i2haSZ201ql5yr7o1_500.gif

post it and drag that auto tune trash song j7J6qW1.gif



im kidding gays i luv get free


???, ?????????

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they are all incredible songs that i love so dearly but that's why they're all stars, i knew brooklyn baby was gonna be called out but these are right at the cusp, we have to keep that hall of fame special and valuable and lbr Brooklyn Baby vs. Shades of God, Old Money, and West Coast? it doesn't stack all the way up but it's still one of her best and thats an undeniable fact


Brooklyn Bible deserves to be up there. The lyrics (specially the second verse), the drums and the soft-happy guitar make it one of the best songs she has ever included on a record. Also the damn bridge. Now some of you may see some lines as "cringey" but they're very Lana, very representative of what she does. 



Not Cherry and Heroin being considered magnum opuses while a song like Black Beauty is paid dust despite having some of Lana's most poetically brilliant lyrics :um:

Black Beauty is another masterpiece :oprah: But dragging Heroin is unnecessary especially when it's better than Black Beauty :slayty: Also I think the demo is better


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im sorry but heroin and cherry deserves a spot on lana's magnum opuses just as Black Beauty



post it and drag that auto tune trash song j7J6qW1.gif



im kidding gays i luv get free


I love Get Free but I think it's overrated! The chorus is terrible, it relies too heavily on Radiohead's Creep and more than a fifth of the song is a lame attempt at beach/ocean noises


Edit: plus her vocals are terrible in the chorus (besides the out of the black into the blue part)


  :oprah: But dragging Heroin is unnecessary especially when it's better than Black Beauty :slayty: Also I think the demo is better

King of taste

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Brooklyn Bible deserves to be up there. The lyrics (specially the second verse), the drums and the soft-happy guitar make it one of the best songs she has ever included on a record. Also the damn bridge. Now some of you may see some lines as "cringey" but they're very Lana, very representative of what she does. 



Black Beauty is another masterpiece :oprah: But dragging Heroin is unnecessary especially when it's better than Black Beauty :slayty: Also I think the demo is better


how when it's just some strings and random moans more



Look all, Lana's musical magnum opus is all over the place, there's like 2 or 3 on EACH ALBUM, but her style magnum opus was the Born To Die Paradise era.

Everybody knows it, it's a fact, kiss kiss


tea was spilled


???, ?????????

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Look all, Lana's musical magnum opus is all over the place, there's like 2 or 3 on EACH ALBUM, but her style magnum opus was the Born To Die Paradise era.

Everybody knows it, it's a fact, kiss kiss


No way. Maybe in aesthetic but when it comes to music and atmosphere the Honeymoon era gets the spot and becomes the best thing that Lana has written during all her music career a.k.a. her MAGNUS OPUS.

                         shake it up, throw your hands up and get L O O S E 

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Not Cherry and Heroin being considered magnum opuses while a song like Black Beauty is paid dust despite having some of Lana's most poetically brilliant lyrics :um:

im not even gonna lie i forgot black beauty was on UV because i really only ever pay love to the demo... :air2: but you're 200% right it is on that list

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I love Get Free but I think it's overrated! The chorus is terrible, it relies too heavily on Radiohead's Creep and more than a fifth of the song is a lame attempt at beach/ocean noises


Edit: plus her vocals are terrible in the chorus (besides the out of the black into the blue part)


but the chorus melody is like the best thing I've ever heard! And her voice sounds so amazing throughout the song especially all those backing vocals and she sounds so amazing on the chorus too with heavy reverb backed with a lush instrumental. The beach sounds at the end are so fitting with her wanting to go out of the black into the blue.


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Meanwhile, I'm waiting for LDR 6 and hoping for a rock-grunge album with a Courtney Love duet & a studio-recorded cover of 'Heart Shaped Box'...

I'm kinda tired of the folk-ish-demo-ish sound she's making since HM (no shade toward LFL it's a cute album with some of her best songs)


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Look all, Lana's musical magnum opus is all over the place, there's like 2 or 3 on EACH ALBUM, but her style magnum opus was the Born To Die Paradise era.

Everybody knows it, it's a fact, kiss kiss


This is one of the reasons why I love you.

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Meanwhile, I'm waiting for LDR 6 and hoping for a rock-grunge album with a Courtney Love duet & a studio-recorded cover of 'Heart Shaped Box'...

I'm kinda tired of the folk-ish-demo-ish sound she's making since HM (no shade toward LFL it's a cute album with some of her best songs)

Prayer for Velvet Crowbar no.2 tbh

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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