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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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ive been listening to lfl in this order and i actually enjoy it more


1. 13 beaches

2. lust for life

3. cherry

4. summer bummer

5. when the world was at war

6. groupie love

7. god bless america

8. beautiful people beautiful problems

9. change

10. in my feelings

11. coachella

12. heroin

13. white mustang (this track is forgettable sometimes i skip it)

14. tomorrow never came

15. get free

16. love


with or without architecture as a bonus track


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this is my commitmeeeennnnttt,


my modern maniiiffeeessstoooOOoOOO



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Guys, off topic and I don't know if it's allowed here but where in this site can I ask for an iTunes-quality version of Flipside? I really love that song but I have it in LQ, I hope the next album has a song with that kind of guitar.


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ive been listening to lfl in this order and i actually enjoy it more


1. 13 beaches

2. lust for life

3. cherry

4. summer bummer

5. when the world was at war

6. groupie love

7. god bless america

8. beautiful people beautiful problems

9. change

10. in my feelings

11. coachella

12. heroin

13. white mustang (this track is forgettable sometimes i skip it)

14. tomorrow never came

15. get free

16. love


with or without architecture as a bonus track



???, ?????????

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Finally wrapped up my first listen of the album. There's no better day than one when I am listening to 13 Lana Del Rey songs for the first time! Refusing to listen to anything else after Coachella came out certainly pays off today.


Overall an excellent album, very pleased. There's something good, if not great about every song. That said, the album has one major flaw to me, the collaborations. I don't buy a Lana Del Rey album to hear other people sing. While its offset by the album having so many songs on it, and frankly, they're not all that bad (Lust for Life and Beautiful People Beautiful Problems in particular), said songs could have been just so much better to me if she did all the singing herself. Summer Bummer and Tomorrow Never Came in particular are quite disappointing with just how much her collaborator sings on them. Very large portions of the song.

Anyway, I won't let that ruin things for me, because at least the parts of those songs where she's singing is fine, and this might be the first album since Born to Die where there is no total dud. But it will certainly take more listens to fully get into things and determine how I'd rank the songs and the album as a whole against her other work.

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k but fr who has that tumblr song rank generator link on hand i cant find it

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This album really is on par with Ultraviolence and Lana Del Ray. You know how I know?

Neither of those three albums has one bad song.


After 1 listen, I'd generally agree, just replace "Ultraviolence and Lana Del Ray" with "Born to Die". 

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this is my commitmeeeennnnttt,


my modern maniiiffeeessstoooOOoOOO



I'm going to write a thesis on how Lana's entire album details the lead up to the Bolshevik Revolution


Because I'm kind of a Russian history nerd and I can do this in sickening detail

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Can someone please make an edit of Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems without Stevie Nicks goat vocals!


Stevie Nicks is a fucking legend. You should be happy you even like Lana cause clearly you have shit taste. 

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k but fr who has that tumblr song rank generator link on hand i cant find it


If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Can someone please make an edit of Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems without Stevie Nicks goat vocals!


better question: can someone edit out the children in Heroin :slayty:


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The first (of many, probably) Lust For Life track rankings:



Tomorrow Never Came

In My Feelings

Get Free

Groupie Love

Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

Summer Bummer

13 Beaches

White Mustang



When The World Was At War

God Bless America


Lust For Life



Here's some random sidenotes since I haven't posted much about the album, just been taking time to soak it in:



-Cherry is fucking amazing. It's such a good mix of BTD and UV for me, I love the dark beats and the shouts in the background. It's everything I've ever wanted from Lana. I need #LDR6 to be full of dark beats.

-Tomorrow Never Came is soooooooo beautiful, it makes me want to cry. The way she sings "cause I adored you" hits me in ways I don't even know it hits me. Sean also sounds pretty good on it. 

-Everyone has already said it but Get Free is the return of Lizzy Grant and you can't help but put it so high up on a ranking because it makes you so nostalgic. Everytime I put it on I'm just waiting for "OUT OF THE BLAaaACK, INTO THE BLUuuEEEE."

-Beautiful People Beautiful Problems houses one of my favorite set of lines from Lana 

"Blue is the color of the planet from the view above,

Long live our reign, long live our love.

Green is the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove,

'Til it runs red, runs red with blood."

I love the way Lana sings it, I love the message. I wasn't familiar with Stevie's voice (or Sean Lennon's voice in regards to the previous song) so this was a pleasant surprise. I love when the songs I weren't looking forward to end up being my favorites. 

-Groupie Love is so good. Return of the loon :creep: A true bop. A$AP compliments her extremely well. Same goes with Summer Bummer, a BOPPPPP.

-I'm sad Love is lower on the list but I love it as the album opener and I made the mistake of overplaying it :facepalm: but that's no shocker with me

-Change was also a nice surprise. I wasn't too fond of the snippets (but I didn't even listen to them in full because I was just craving bops atm) but the chorus is so good. I like this one a lot.

-Heroin is legendary until the "IT'S FUCKING HOT" part. The song would have been so much higher if it didn't include that. If y'all are still reading this, send me an edit if anyone made one. Thanks, love you, in advance.

-Lust For Life is the biggest disappointment of this album. I don't know if I wanted this song to be the worst one between Coachella. But I listen to Lust For Life more than I would ever listen to Croakella. It's the biggest disappointment because I had really high expectations for it. I love The Weeknd and the songs he had out with Lana previous to this one (Stargirl, Prisoner) were amazing. I think he let her take more creative control than she should have. But I don't even know if he had any say in the creative control. Anyways, it was a big summer BUMMER and the line "take off all your clothes" has nothing to do with anything. Super sad about that one :(




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