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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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yeah! i take xanax for my panic attacks. that whole class of benzos is generally used to treat anxiety/seizures. they're the modern day barbiturates, which is what marilyn monroe overdosed on. i like the husband lyric too though.

Fun fact: I had a doctor prescribe me a barbiturate while I was already on Ativan once and I almost died  :derpna:  


Xanax works great for panic, but it's best when used sparingly and only when they spring up. My doc tried to give it to me to take daily and I was like bitch no. I'm thinking about trying Klonopin, though, because it's a slower release, less addictive benzo, but I've tried the other main ones (xanniez, ativan). They make me very sleepy, and I seriously blackout, so unless I'm desperate (in which case I always have a small bottle prescribed for me just in case), I don't use them. 


But I don't use SSRIs anymore either because they made me fat gain 5 lbs and made me more depressed. Now I'm off of everything and I'm feeling okay happiness wise but damn my anxiety is no fucking joke. 


Benzos definitely have a darkside, though. It'd be an interesting topic for Lana to explore if she has any experience with them. You can literally die from withdrawal. Which is scary af.

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I'm on my 4th glass of wine and getting ready to listen to the album in full for the first time!! I'm so happy rn


i downed like 5 mimosas and listened to the album from start to finish and honestly gurl you're in for an experience

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To discuss the No Vanacy show that's currently being streamed -  http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9207-lana-del-rey-to-perform-at-no-vacancy-club-july-20th-2017/


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OMFG HER INSTAGRAM LIVE! She sounds phenomenal. These new songs suit her voice live than anything she's ever done. I had to close it when she started playing IMF because I haven't heard the album yet and can't spoil it

Get Free. It describes how my journey feels right now. I'm beginning to decide things for myself and "get free", but there's still a lot of confusion because I've felt so held back by my need for control before (which I can now channel through my work :party:). It sort of reminds me of when I first started the process of recovery for my eating disorder, but there are so many areas of my life where my need for control has controlled me. But I'm learning to live. I'm moving out of the black and into the blue.


That's beautiful bb. I wish you luck as you continue in your journey, your beautiful! :kiss:

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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Fun fact: I had a doctor prescribe me a barbiturate while I was already on Ativan once and I almost died  :derpna:  


Xanax works great for panic, but it's best when used sparingly and only when they spring up. My doc tried to give it to me to take daily and I was like bitch no. I'm thinking about trying Klonopin, though, because it's a slower release, less addictive benzo, but I've tried the other main ones (xanniez, ativan). They make me very sleepy, and I seriously blackout, so unless I'm desperate (in which case I always have a small bottle prescribed for me just in case), I don't use them. 


But I don't use SSRIs anymore either because they made me fat gain 5 lbs and made me more depressed. Now I'm off of everything and I'm feeling okay happiness wise but damn my anxiety is no fucking joke. 


Benzos definitely have a darkside, though. It'd be an interesting topic for Lana to explore if she has any experience with them. You can literally die from withdrawal. Which is scary af.



yeahhhh, klonopin is definitely the best way to go. i used to take that before the xanax, but i have really bad dissociation when i have an attack, so i need the fast-acting xanax. and yeah, they are super addictive to your body and the withdrawals can be hell. i don't ever really take them unless i'm severely hungover and my anxiety is through the roof, but a quarter of a bar generally does my anxiety good for a few days instead of the half bar they want me to take daily. i wonder if she actually has tried heroin and what all she has done though. 

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#2 on US iTunes!

Meek Mill is #6, Tyler #7 :creep:

Who told ya'll? I told ya'll. They have nothing on Lana. I have Rocky for promoting Tyler's album and not Lana's where he is featured twice. That cunt.

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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The single version of Love was 4:40 and when I downloaded the album the other was 4:33 but I dont see anything different


I think it's just like 7 seconds of silence they cut off so it flows better into the next track

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Ugh Lincoln's Park is blocking Lana from #1 I'm sorry but this isn't okay with me but :rip:

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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GET LFL BACK TO #1 on US iTUNES. I want justice! Linkin Park is great and I feel so bad for the man who lost his life today but that album is truly horrific and it flopped for a reason. Simply buying it because he passed away seems very ignorant and disrespectful. #BuyLustForLifeOniTunes why aren't we trending this?

She's #1 right now.

not according to my phone

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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Wow, Didn't know Serial Killer was on Lust for Life! That secret deluxe edition track.. 2015 gays are quaking


my ex and i used to slow dance to serial killer and velvet crowbar

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